back to article What balls! India blocks 0.00008 per cent of web in anti-pr0n move

The Indian government has got a grip on the Asian nation's masturbation issues and dished out an order to ISPs to block access to a staggering 857 pornography websites. While the private perusal of pornography is perfectly permissible in India, both its sale and distribution is a criminal offence. The nation, birthplace to …

  1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    Damn, looks like I will have to study that list in case I am missing something. Other than scruples, that is.

    Still, I didn't know there was a web site but I guess having seen it mentioned in India Today I will check it out later, and not at work. Look, its bound to be NSFW...

    1. g00se

      Damn, looks like I will have to study that list in case I am missing something.

      That reminds me of Byron's Don Juan:

      Juan was taught from out the best edition,

      Expurgated by learned men, who place

      Judiciously, from out the schoolboy's vision,

      The grosser parts; but, fearful to deface

      Too much their modest bard by this omission,

      And pitying more his mutilated case,

      They only add them all in an appendix,

      Which saves, in fact, the trouble of an index.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Studying the list

      > According to Internet Live Stats, there are roughly 980,120,000 websites online at the moment.

      And a quick glance at my browser history suggests that at least 980,000,000 of those are pr0n sites.

  2. g e



  3. Dave 15


    The world would be best off without them. They start the wars, they spy on people, they clamp down on rights and freedoms.

    Most of the thickos seem perfectly happy as long as they can watch east enders or other monotonous drivel and get a pint of beer.

    1. g e

      Re: Government

      Problem is, that leaves you with 'Churches'...

      1. DJV Silver badge

        Re: G E

        I have no problem with Chvrches - oh wait, you mean the version with the "u" - yeah, they're definitely a MAJOR problem!

  4. Snivelling Wretch

    Private perusal of pornography is perfectly permissible

    Although "Private perusal of pornography is perfectly permissible" doesn't *quite* fit, I've now got "I am the very model of a modern Major General" going round in my head. I'm sure with a couple of tweaks a workable verse could be got out of it.

  5. codejunky Silver badge

    I wonder

    How long until Cameron decides to go this route? First the puritan filter where only sinners need register their wishes (to be taken off the filter), but that didnt work. Then the age verification decree where non-compliance will result in websites being 'shut down'. And when that fails will he decide it must all be banned?

    We cant mock India, we have a similar problem of backward views being inflicted on this country.

  6. John Savard


    So they're blocking porn sites using the authority given to them to block sites on grounds of national security. This could lead to legal challenges, among other things.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I thought the "censor our permissive religious history" political party in India lost at the last election? Goes to show - whoever you vote for the Government always gets in.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dynamite censorship

    It will be interesting to see them ban pictures of the explicit carvings on their ancient temples. It is to be hoped this isn't going to lead to another case of "dynamite" censorship.

  9. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. NanoMeter

    Handjob revolution NOW!

    The governments will never be able to stop its citizens from performing handjobs on themselves!

  11. Kubla Cant

    The Net Porn interprets censorship as damage and routes squirms around it.

  12. DavidJB

    Well, you can laugh, but a very large proportion of porn on the internet is supplied by a few dozen sites, and a surprisingly large proportion of those are owned by a single company called - and I'm really not making this up - Mindgeek. I just searched The Register for 'Mindgeek' and got not a single result. Since a significant proportion of all internet traffic must be Mindgeek-related, this seems a serious oversight. It is probably bigger (in terms of traffic) than Netflix, which gets over 700 results.

    1. Old Handle

      So this could be great news for the smaller porn sites.

  13. Paul Bartlett
    Thumb Down

    India - the country where 100,000 underage girls are kidnapped each year and forced into the sex "industry" and then often killed or ostracized from their families.

    Who gives a *** about a few porn sites? This is PR and the country has a disgusting problem.


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