Which side of the road to drive?

This topic was created by LeeE .

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Which side of the road to drive?

    First of all, it makes sense for the driver of a car to be located on the off-side of the vehicle because they can see further around obscured near-side curves in the road.

    This being so, then with the majority of people being right-handed, it makes more sense to me to drive on the left-hand side of the road, and thus be positioned on the right-hand side of the vehicle, because you then use your left hand to change gear and operate other ancillaries whilst leaving your more competant right hand to steer the vehicle.

    So what was the reasoning for driving on the right-hand side of the road?

    1. Bleu

      Re: Which side of the road to drive?

      On which side.

      The right-side custom seems to be just contrary,French 'revolution',

      North American colonies outside Canada 'war of independence'.

      It is truly worth a dispassionate thesis, seriously, sincere and honest research on the history would be worth a master's degree that would have a real meaning. We have left-side, but it seems to have been left-side in pre-modern times, too.

      That is the way people walk by nature.

      I agree, I have never been in many right-side driving places except Korea, it is a little scarey. If I ever want to take a driving holiday in the USA (a serious dream), I want to practise driving on the wrong side of the road in Sth. Korea. I want to see the real USA, not Noo Yawk, not LA, not SF, but the real what do the rich say? Fly-over places. I want to visit those places.

      Even in video games, it is sometimes hard to become used to driving on the wrong side.

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        1. Bleu

          Re: Which side of the road to drive?

          I, as said, had the same experience in Korea. I was terrified by the roads at first, but in the cities, there are always underground tunnels (clearly built to allow tank travel above ground and as bomb-shelters under it, including much of the subways) to avoid the cars.

          I think driving on the left is more natural for most.

      2. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: Which side of the road to drive?

        Don't worry, you get used to it really quickly. Many people worry about changing gear with the other hand, I've never even noticed this.

        Secret is to concentrate when approaching roundabouts and right turns, especially first thing in the morning or just after leaving a motorway. This is where the "wrong way" fuckup will occur if it's going to.

    2. James Anderson

      Re: Which side of the road to drive?

      There are exceptions for instance Switzerland is a left side of the road country but Post Buses in mountain areas have Left Hand drive. The reasoning being that its more important for the driver to see the edge of the road (which is probably a precipitous drop) than the middle of the road.

      I think Right hand drive correlates with cultural superiority. Thailand, Japan, Malaysia (Austrailai being the exception that proves the rule.). Sweden used to but they got fed up bashing into oncoming Norwegians who forgot which country they were in.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Don't think it matters which side of the road you drive so long as everyone drives the same way.

    Think places that drive on the left (including the UK) are in the minority and should swap to the right.

    This will have a hefty price tag but it will be a one off cost. A saving in the long run will be seen from cheaper cars.

    Globalised road markings and drivers licenses should also be implemented.

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: Conformity

      and should swap to the right.

      Not even possible these days.

      For around 40 years now, the junctions of major roads have been very carefully designed to encourage acceleration on joining and deceleration on exit. Likewise, newer roundabouts, gyratory systems and one-way systems are carefully designed to provide good flow and sightlines in one, and only one, direction. Just reversing that little lot, for obvious safety reasons, was costed at many hundreds of billions in the 1990's (last time it was looked at).

      That's before you factor in signage and other such changes.

      Elephant in the room is the stonking safety issue of having the majority drive on the right in RHD cars for many years.

      Note that Japanese cars are innately RHD and yet do not seem to be significantly cheaper than converted German, French et. al. cars.

  3. Bleu


    In Japan, Kansai (Osaka and surrounds) has a riding on the right on escalators and so.

    Most other places where it is crowded enough to make a difference, it is left side.

    On Wednesday, there was a rather old couple riding in a Tokyo station, it was the most touching to see her husband advise her of the custom, also curious to me and very charming that she did not know.

    Of course, a couple of polite words in making my way to the commuter express.

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    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      When you're concentrating and aware of the problem, it tends not to happen.

      Particularly in towns and cities, the road layout often makes it difficult to do the wrong thing.

      This biggest danger is when you're out in the country and relaxing. Your mental guard goes down and turning at a T junction, before you know it, you're on the "wrong" side.

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