back to article June 30, 2016: The day the US will hand over control of the internet

It is going to take until the end of June next year for the US government to formally hand over control of the top level of the internet. That’s according to the CEO of the organization that runs the IANA functions that keep the 'net glued together, and which is expected to take over the job on a more permanent basis. …

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    1. Mark 85

      It's an acronym that someone buried deep in the bowels of Congress got to think up... “Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters Act of 2015”

      There's a link to this article: which has a link to the Act itself.

      1. Lee D Silver badge

        Yeah, cos that's not a forced backronym.

  2. Tom from the States

    Care to project how soon the United Nations (or similar shadow NGO) is controlling the Internet? Years, decades, perhaps, but it will happen and when it does, watch the censors slowly take over.

    1. Mark 85

      Censors? I'm thinking petty dictators ... oh wait.. you said UN.. same thing.

    2. Gordon 10

      I'm interested to know

      If there is a particular subspecies of Yank who thinks the UN is a force for Evil or if it's all of them.

      Talk about one of the greatest lies ever sold, whilst it's light years beyond perfect I would trust the UN far above the U.S. gotv, the UK Govt, and the EU. Compared to the long since stopped being funny show that is Congress it's a model of enlightened decision making.

      What's the motive for the FUD? Who gains? Look very close to home Mr Yank.

      Ps do you have a large gun collection and a compound cabin in the hills?

      1. Mark 85

        Re: I'm interested to know

        How about this... I, for one, don't trust any individual government at this point in time. Since the UN is a multi-country thing, I trust them even less as they are more secretive and old-boy-club type of thing.

        Who really gains from the UN and who supports it monetarily and with whatever they ask for....? Maybe that's the question that should be looked at?

        And no.. no gun collection or cabin here. Occasional tinfoil though... <jk>

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: I'm interested to know

          I dunno. At least the UN are kept busy arguing with other which gives them less time to fuck up the rest of us.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      That is why we need to re-invent the Internet into a MESH network, and completely eliminate DNS.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dear Reg,

    June 30, 2016: The day the US will hand over control of the internet to itself.

    I've fixed your title for you.

    You're welcome.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    And here's what they're handing over:

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



    As soon as the traitors hand over the keys to the Internet (Created by the U.S. government), of which we already see vast amounts of censorship, we will see other countries and the international community applying THEIR own censorship on our free speech.

    They will be shutting down web sites at will, because they don't agree with the same politics, or intrepretation of "laws".

    This will mean war! A real military conflict directed at those decision makers for their actions, including those that made the decisions to hand over the keys in the first place, and the facilities that house those controls, and I would very much like to avoid all that, because I believe there are non-violent solutions.

    So we all need to be working very very hard to take back our control away from all governments, and away from all corporations.


    Internet 2 already exist and is limited to Universities, Government and a few other organizations. However internet 3 will be a complete replacement. A re-invention of the Internet.

    The Internet 3 needs to be a MESH network, so it has no dependencies on government or corporations. If your not happy with your ISP or government, you can connect to the next mesh node and use theirs, or even just hop from local to local to local.

    The Internet 3 also needs to be free of ICANN, or any other organization handing out IP addresses, or assigning them to a DNS service. We need a way of establishing names that has no "registration" process with anybody. So no control over addresses, or domain names or even DHCP services.

    Finally, Internet 3 needs to have it's own currency, that is not under the control of any corporation or government. and all transactions t0 be heavily encrypted automatically.

    Once this is in place, we will truely have a very limited one world government, one world currency system, and it will be under the contr0l 0f nobody. So you will have your freedom, no censorship.

    Some people are already working on this, but we need everybody to be doing so independently, before it's t00 late.

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