back to article Official: Single people need to LOWER their EXPECTATIONS

Listen up, singletons, there’s no point waiting around for Mr Perfect. According to scientific research, having any old schmo right now could give you an evolutionary advantage. New research from Michigan State University researchers found that although an individual could hold out for the perfect mate and run the risk of …

  1. Dr. Mouse

    Why is there an xkcd for everything?

    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Why is there an xkcd for everything?

      There should be an xkcd explaining why there is an xkcd for everything.

    2. Fungus Bob

      Re: Why is there an xkcd for everything?

      Because XKCD is the Instruction Manual

  2. Any mouse Cow turd


    It all adds weight to the G.U.E. principle I learned of at University - Go Ugly Early.

    Mines the one with the condoms in the pocket....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: G.U.E.

      Ah, it was mean of them to tell you that is what they were doing.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: G.U.E.

      "Go Ugly Early."

      The classic ruse to reduce the competition. It's also a favour to the pretty ones as they don't have to waste time with the dorks who fall for it :-)

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Modern humans are still slowly evolving - but our culture is evolving at a much faster rate.

    What is important now to the survival of the human species is the cultural inheritance of good government, education, health services etc. The word "meme" seems to be as good as any to describe cultural inheritances.

    Passing on genes does not guarantee offspring with the same talents as the parents. Exceptional people often spring from no obvious lineage. What matters is the opportunities for them to develop their talents. That means other people, not closely genetically related, having a hand in their development.

    For the greater good - society needs people who have exceptional talents to mentor youngsters outside their family. Those people need to have spare time and resources in order to give that assistance.

    That is how our society evolved culturally. It freed up individuals in a community to be dedicated teachers or specialists. Parents did not have to combine their subsistence existence with educating just their own children. These people were often single all their lives.

    Even sixty years ago - people in England married for economic reasons - and to have access to sex. When divorces became easier many of those marriages were shown to have failed - although it was usually pretty obvious before then. Then there was a period when people married for "love" (and sex) - and found they were incompatible when the hormone rush subsided. Nowadays the youngsters have serial monogamy without marriage - and sex education tends to limit any offspring.

    More people than ever are now choosing to stay single - and their spare resources at work or in the community are essential to raising the next generation.

    1. Eddy Ito


      It isn't only culture that has evolved. Technological advances have driven much of that cultural change. Of course in also comes down to population. More people mean more ideas and better technology which allows us to do more and specialize. That specialization also improves technology and in turn it all frees up individuals to pursue other endeavors such as medicine giving people longer lives and more free time. It all builds upon itself at some point and allows tremendous advancement in a relatively short period of time.

      The smaller the group that the primitive humans lived in, the less likely they were to wait for “The One”.

      Given our present technology allows us to travel half way around the planet in the time it may have taken to walk to the next large population center it pretty much means we all live in a rather large group. It seems like what they are saying is, feel free to wait for "The One".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Technology

        "Technological advances have driven much of that cultural change"

        Technology can only progress if the culture permits it. There have been many examples of societies where science and particular new technologies were regarded as things to be suppressed.

        You still see that today - the Churches' recent opposition to mitochondrial transfers was based on their dogma and not evidence. The Roman Catholic Church still attempts to prevent the use of artificial contraception in wider civil societies. Other religious groups see the hand of their Devil in many technological advances.

        Opposition to GMO crops etc are culturally driven attempts to prevent technological changes.

        The technology needed for mass surveillance is hitting cultural barriers that assume privacy is a right. Change the culture by nudges or FUD - and the technology will expand.

        1. Eddy Ito

          Re: Technology

          "Technology can only progress if the culture permits it."

          The first person to make a spear, arrow, fire, etc. didn't have to worry too much about culture saying no and that's especially true if it meant that person was able to provide more food or food that lasted longer. Any culture that tries to inhibit technology does so because they can wield the current technological weapons whether that is spears, rockets or politicians. Either way the bits of culture that have historically held people back have been the powerful institutions that felt threatened by technology that disagrees with their desires but seldom does that extend to all technological progress.

          Let's be honest, religion is about controlling people. The examples you give are exactly that. Contraception reduces the number of potential inductees and therefore revenue. Scientific advancements are seen as "playing god" and we can't have people knowing how "god works". Some of it stems from tribal knowledge that becomes transmuted into faith in a deity's words. Take the dietary restrictions of many religions: poorly cooked pork often led to trichinosis and it was important to keep the "flock" healthy so pork was banned but now we know to cook it properly and that bacon is delicious.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Technology

          >>The Roman Catholic Church still attempts to prevent the use of artificial

          >>contraception in wider civil societies.

          I would be interested in your account of how contraception accelerates evolution.

          Anonymous because a defense of the Church in the database of everything will get you burned at the stake soon.

        3. bep

          Re: Technology

          You had me right up until:

          "Opposition to GMO crops etc are culturally driven attempts to prevent technological changes."

          Actually, it's driven by the realisation that technological progress has been accompanied by plenty of technological disasters and they are most common when knowledge is recent and scanty. Remember 'junk DNA'? Oh, what's that, it isn't junk after all? Who knew? Nobody knew until very recently. And it gets affected by viruses and bacteria? Wow! So caution is defininitely indicated in this area which is racing ahead so large agricultural conglomerates can contiue to make big money. It would be a pity if the main use of seed banks wasn't to repair the planet after a meteor strike, but to replace crops poisoned by some half-arsed GM catastrophe.

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Technology

          Tech is loved by the young because they are naive. It rarely changes things fundamentally, it merely amplifies what people were trying to do before.

          Some people oppose tech because it hurts them personally (Luddites, Wapping). However, many people often oppose tech because they know people are stupid and greedy. Whenever people (especially profit-motivated people) get involved in something on a large scale, there are foul-ups.

          Opposition to GMO is not usually cultural. GMO is commercial above all else. Companies like Monsanto don't do it to feed the world. We can already feed the world, we just choose not to allocate resources in that manner. GMO is designed to make crops resistant to specific poisons so that poisons can be sprayed all over them. That kills all the insects. Its the poison that the companies want to sell. In the US, they have to bus bees around the country to different crops because they've killed them all, so there's nothing left to do pollination. Think about that implications of that. No pollination for plants. What could possibly go wrong?

          GMO is also seems to be used to make things larger. Fruit sold by the kg/lb is more profitable if you can make it soak up more water and be larger. Non-organic fruit tends to be larger than organic fruit and yes, nutrient content has fallen since the 60's. Intensive farming sucks all the nutrients out of the soil leaving it dead. Have you ever noticed that non-organic tomatoes tend to be redder than organic ones? How convenient if customers can't tell unripe fruit from ripe fruit. Pick them early, you've got longer shelf life, maybe get another crop in. Never mind that they don't taste nice and aren't as good for you. Monsanto was trumpeting the protein-enhanced potato, in India, the land of the lentil. Why?

          Not all of this GMO is about gene-splicing either. Selective breeding has gone on for ages. Now we have wheat with such high gluten content and a surprising number of people can't tolerate it, but it makes bread so much softer and able to hold so much more air, so it looks more substantial than it is. Its great to be able to sell air.

          Cane toads in Australia to control the pests? What could possibly go wrong? Tonsil removals for everyone - pesky evolutionary left over... oh wait, it does have a use in controlling infection? Sorry we didn't know. Bah, you don't need that evolutionary left-over called an appendix, it might burst and hurt you... oh, it might help in rebalancing the gut after you've been ill? Sorry we didn't know. Junk DNA? We can cut all that out.... ooops, actually there isn't any junk after all, we just didn't know what it did so we *assumed* it did nothing.

          It doesn't even have to be commercial. Billions of pigeons in the US wiped out. Millions of bison, not really just for profit either. That violent stupidity which have been so much more limited in effect with bows and arrows than with gun tech.

          When it comes to messing around with genetics, scientists really don't know what they are doing. They've certainly identified some bits which do certain things, but they really don't know the long term effects of what they are doing. They can't know, they haven't been doing it for long enough. The scientists are playing God, but since they don't know how life works, they are just playing, without fully understanding the design.

          So what did those "primitives" of 3000 years ago know from their deity? Don't farm the same piece of land every year - give it a break after six years to allow it to recover. Don't cross-breed your animals of different types. Even something as close as a horse and a donkey gives you a sterile mule. Don't farm right to the edges of your fields (you'll need the wild-life) and be a little inefficient in your reaping (don't go back to get the bits you missed), so that very poor people can come into your fields after you've taken your main crop and there'll still be some left for them. Look at the "clean" and "unclean" animals to eat - the clean ones are basically vegetarian. Bacon maybe tasty, but pigs will eat anything and they are usually fed rubbish. Eating things concentrates the nutrients and the poisons from whatever is eaten. How did we get BSE? Feeding meat to cows. It isn't their natural food, but a product of industrial farming. Large scale farming and industry is enabled by tech. Large scale industry can produce great wealth but it also often provides great incentives for corruption and doing the wrong thing.

          I'm not at all saying we should shun tech, but we do need to recognise that it does not create utopia. In the past, there was a strong belief through society that humans were designed by an intelligence that understood how they work. Having abandoned that world-view, there is a desperation to vindicate its replacement by Science. The problem is that Science gets it wrong, a lot. That wasn't a problem in the past. It was merely a limited man's investigation into what God had made, but now Science has taken the place of God, it has to be right. Despite the Piltdown man, "Lucy", "junk DNA", and (according to the editors) 75% of what is published in "Nature" being wrong, those promoting Science-as-a-God have to give it more credence than it deserves because no-one will stick with a god who's priests "don't know" the answers.

          Three-person fertility treatments are a convenient stick-in-the-eye to God, which makes it culturally popular. It sounds like a threesome which is fun, rather than human genetic engineering which is scary. Interestingly, many of those who promote threesomes say don't do it with friends because it wrecks relationships. Some fun that is.

          But back to the article. What if fails to mention in its evolutionary politics is that things are probably not better than they used to be. Reducing expectations seems a little sad. We've become consumers of relationships. The concept of "love" has been reduced to sentimentalism and sex. Neither is going to keep a couple together when the going gets tough and other options are available. It never did and it doesn't now. You need principled devotion to stay together. Hormones and emotions can help, but they can't be relied on.

          In the past, those vows, "for better, for worse" meant something, or at least society pretended they did and punished those who skipped out, if somewhat unequally. There was at least a pledge of going all-in, 100% of me and mine is granted to you, and vice-versa. Now its 50-50 and if I don't like how things are going, I'll walk away. Now we have "reduced expectations." People don't even bother making the promises any more, but they are still hurt when the one who never promised to "forsake all others" goes away. Hurt, financially disadvantaged and left with children who do worse in an unstable environment.

          Relationships fail because those in them think more of themselves than they do of their partner. Its almost a commercial deal and if I'm not getting value-for-money all the time, I'm terminating the contract. That's greed. That's lack of respect for your partner - putting them on the same footing as a cable-tv contract. In the Christian model, yes, one side is supposed to take leadership responsibilities but at the same time, he's supposed to be willing to die for the good of his wife. That seems like a good balance to me - better than straight patriarchy or matriarchy and better than the evolutionary-consumer model of relationships. I'm not saying this attitude is the exclusive preserve of Christians, merely that evolution doesn't have a philosophical-requirement under-pinning it. To behave like that would be nice, but irrational.

          1. Adam Inistrator

            Re: Technology

            can we have the tl;dr version pls?

        5. tony2heads

          Re: Technology

          Opposition to GMO crops is about trying to stop mega-corporations having the right to tell us 'pay royalties or starve'

    2. Warm Braw

      Re: Culture

      >their spare resources at work or in the community are essential to raising the next generation

      Personally, I find my resources, "spare" or otherwise, are almost entirely devoted to the care of the previous generation. And it's not something I'd wish to create a next generation to experience.

      And that's a fundamental limitation on the development of any species. Evolution pretty much depends on pointless competition for stuff that doesn't really matter and as soon as it comes up with a brain capable of realising that then it's back to the cockroaches. Or ISIS.

      There is an upper limit to expectations that's more fundamental than partner selection strategies.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Culture

        "Evolution pretty much depends on pointless competition for stuff that doesn't really matter [...]"

        Even if the universe was only inanimate matter - there would still be an ongoing competition for resources. There is a constant churn of destruction, death, and re-birth of galaxies, stars, and planets on a cosmic scale.

        Human society has gradually increased its ability to colonise all habitats and to be organised to exploit many natural resources. That gradually led to increased populations in larger congregations than could be self-sufficient. Over the last century the developed nations have started to learn to control their population explosion - and are now starting to think about the way they misuse natural resources.

        One projection of the future is a stable world-wide population - all with similar sustainable consumption. Obviously that is not guaranteed to happen. If it all crashes then that will probably merely reset populations to an earlier point - and then a similar non-learning curve could repeat the cycle. That is what happens in wild-life populations. Only humans have the intelligence to modify that cycle intentionally.

        ISIS may enshrine technology limiting doctrines - but they will find themselves unable to maintain a cultural lockdown forever. That only works with small population centres. Popes, caliphs, and rulers, divine or not, have tried that in the past - and they failed to stop changes in their culture gradually moving towards enlightenment. Even the possession, and use, of nuclear weapons is useless for controlling local populations - except as a suicidal immolation. Probably the cockroaches will win in the end.

    3. Wommit

      Re: Culture

      "and sex education tends to limit any offspring."

      You don't live round here do you?

      1. wayne 8

        Re: Culture

        Sex education means the educated don't have as many progeny as the uneducated.

        Devolution is the norm past a point of peak evolution.

        "Idiocracy" is a documentary film.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Married people need to lower their expectations too

    Just because he/she was up for it every night on the honeymoon doesn't mean they'll be up for every night when the little one arrives.

    If he/she doesn't do their fair share of the ironing/taking out the garbage/cleaning before the wedding day, they ain't likely to start afterwards.

    Very few people are perfect to start with, even fewer are perfect when you get to know them.

    Learn to love the good bits and tolerate the bits you're not so keen on.

    If nothing else works just think of how many lawyers would be out of work if you could cut the divorce rate. Surely it hasn't to be worth some effort.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Married people need to lower their expectations too

      Yeah, but I'll never forget the day my ex-wife said "I'm leaving you!" and I replied "There's the door". The look on her face was priceless, I don't think she was expecting that one :-)

      1. Anonymous IV

        Re: Married people need to lower their expectations too

        She probably wasn't expecting that, if she was your ex-wife!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Married people need to lower their expectations too

      If the exchange is not everything for everything forever then it isn't worth doing.

      Maybe it is different for women but there is probably about 5% of marriages that are the real deal (That I want) the rest are much worse than being alone.

      (Sample size of people who I know).

      Don't see what is difficult about the concept of whatever I can do to make your life better I will do always (And vice versa).

  5. JeffyPoooh

    Sqrt (Nmax)

    If you can imagine possibly dating 100 candidates, then Sqrt(100) is 10. So the first ten must be used as samples to set a maximum; reject them all outright. Then continue dating the next 90 until you exceed the high water mark set during the sampling period. Grab that one.

    Ref. 'More or Less' on BBC

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Re: Sqrt (Nmax)

      My understanding is that N/e is the optimal partition for Dynkin's algorithm, not sqrt(N).

  6. Camilla Smythe

    Hi Jennifer.

    Should you have given up on the search for 'Mr Perfect' and assuming you have not found a less perfect one with generally acceptable 'warts and all' may I offer myself?

    I come with extra warts.

    Not sure about the New El Reg Dating Service.

  7. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Not necking celery

    What about those of us with no 'expectations' cos we're quite happy as we are?

  8. J.G.Harston Silver badge

    I've already lowered my expectations to "breathing", but with no success :(

    1. Steven Raith

      To be fair, if you get to the stage where 'still warm' is acceptable, I think you've found a good justification for utilising ladies of the night.

      No, not vampires - they're cold, and thus don't meet the 'still warm' criteria.

      Steven "had a couple of dates recently that went not distastrously, to his eternal surprise and fear for the forthcoming apocalypse" R

    2. MrDamage Silver badge

      Higher standards than me.

      Female, 2 legs, pulse optional.

      1. Steven Raith

        Re: Higher standards than me.

        Dead geese?

  9. heyrick Silver badge


    World. Population 7.125 beellion (estimated).

    Here's the person I think is perfect:

    The other 3,562,499,999 (divided by two to omit males) - sorry.

    Of course, she's probably already taken which means my life will forever be that of a singelton; so I'll just get my coat and slink out the door while nobody is looking...

    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Meh.

      That's not a person. That's a JPEG. The person it shows very likely no longer exists, if she ever did. At the very least she's probably had a haircut since that picture was taken. You know absolutely nothing about her, assuming it is even a 'her'.

      Look, I'm not going to pretend that looks don't matter. But they are not the most important single thing to look for in a potential partner. They're probably not even in the top five.

      I suggest you find a medium where you can get to know people without knowing anything about them personally, a medium where information such as "real name", "age", "nationality", "gender" is revealed only sporadically and very unreliably, and most people aren't particularly interested. (A non-binaries Usenet group is ideal.) Get to know people there. When you start to feel attracted to some of them, you'll have at least a whiff of a chance of forming a relationship based on something that has a decent likelihood of lasting more than a few years.

      Good luck.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Unrealistic expectations

    I believe that some studies have shown that when choosing partners a lot of people are very shallow - perhaps unsurprising because in evolutionary terms we've only gone from grunting to Bach or Feynman in the blink of an eye, and our biological programming is still at the "defeat cave bears/big titties" level. Which is fine when the life expectancy is around 45 if you make it through childhood and you are too busy looking for food and fending off the competition to think about whether your significant other has annoying habits, and whether these outweigh the pension fund.

    The trouble is that being a good provider with no bad habits just isn't sexy. I believe that other research has suggested that (a) the higher the educational attainment the later, on average, the age of first marriage and (b) in very rough terms, the higher the educational attainment of both partners, the lower the divorce rate. Perhaps we need to dole out compulsory contraception till people reach about the age of 25, and also make that the lowest age for marriage. No kids for you till you've had a bit of life experience.

    (I'm not seriously proposing this.)

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: in evolutionary terms we've only gone from grunting to Bach or Feynman in the blink of an eye

      From what I witness around me in my daily life, I'm more and more convinced that we're still very much grunting.

  11. Truth4u

    all people are scum!

    it is better to have a life of solitude and quiet self pity followed by a quick execution in your local branch of NHS

  12. LaeMing

    I tried lowering the bar...

    ...but the magma kept flooding the hole.

  13. skeptical i

    Well, yeah, if the group is small enough that I know everyone in it

    (or know of most everyone in it) then I know what my options are and what is realistic to expect (or not). "I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies" -- Ash, _Alien_

  14. Zog The Undeniable

    No, absolutely not

    Speaking from personal experience, if you "settle for" someone, it won't last and you won't enjoy it. You'll both always be looking around and wondering what might have been, and after 10 years it will eat away at your soul. Luckily my ex and me both agreed on this, it was amicable (even if it meant I needed to get a mortgage again after paying off the first one, the financial split could have been a whole lot worse) and everyone is much happier. Better to stick to people seemingly out of your league (in looks, educational attainment, general social capital, whatever)'ll get knocked back almost all the time but it's awesome if it works. And I still don't know what she sees in me.

    1. Pat Att

      Re: No, absolutely not

      I hate to say it, but maybe she's "settled" for you, in which case have a re-read of what you've written. Let's hope I'm wrong.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What are the chances?

    I once calculated the number of people in my local area (relatively remote with fairly static population), filtered it down to the number of females, those in my age range, the proportion still single, and factored in an estimate of how likely it would be for them to fancy me, multiplied by a factor of how often I fancy a lady*, and the conclusion? Allowing for uncertainties, the number of potential mates was in the region of 0 to about 2!

    That was some time ago. Now I'm older, balder and more weighty, I've given up worrying about it. Freedom to do what you want when you want is a good consolation prize.

    * there may have been a flaw in my logic though - I may have combined the probabilities in the most pessimistic way instead of allowing overlap

  16. A Ghost
    Thumb Up

    Look, we all know what women want

    They want a man with nice looks. Well groomed. Interesting. Funny. Charming.

    They aren't interested in money. Power. Salary. Alpha male status (ability to not just punch out the guy that pinches her bum in front of you in an effort to humiliate you both, but the ability for the other guy not to even think about trying it in the first place). What car you drive. Whether you own your own home.

    Nope, women want a nice warm hearted guy, even if he isn't that good looking, his warm personality can make up for this, even if he is as poor as a church mouse.

    At this point, if your ironic sarcastometer is not flying off the scale, then you probably don't have one.

    It's very hard to know what women want. They are individuals and like most humans, I'm sure more than a few of them would surprise you. It's silly to generalise, but we do it sometimes. For fun, for sake of argument.

    I absolutely adore women. I love the way they look, the way they smell, the way they move. I love their soft nurturing side and I love their hard nosed just crack on with it attitude when times get tough. This is the best of what women have to offer, and when it's good, it's the best.

    I refuse to lower my expectations. I understand that women don't find me in the least bit attractive. I'm fairly tall, dark and handsome with a rapier wit sense of humour that is more wit than ha ha. I have varied interests and am a very interesting person. I am also modest with a kind heart. I can even be a little wicked sometimes in the naughty but nice vein. Why the hell would any woman be interested in THAT?

    It's not for me to judge. And it's not for me to be bitter. Perhaps I am all those things above, but just smell bad. That's possible I suppose. I get on well with the opposite sex and enjoy their company, often preferring it to that of men (depends on the man).

    I understand the gender war taking place. I understand the bitterness of beta males who have been lied to their whole lives only to have a rude awakening. I also understand why many women find men loathsome when they are treated so badly by many of us. That black pot didn't need stirring by the black spoon, so to speak. Er, that didn't sound right. Scrub that.

    I just say, let's all treat each other a bit nicer shall we, both men and women. Physical attraction is a fickle beast, and you may indeed be the funniest wittiest alpha in the room - doesn't make you her god given choice.

    A lot of men behave badly, as do a lot of women. The gender wars that are being stirred up at the moment really aren't helping. Just like the way they are breeding race hatred. You might have heard of a term called 'divide and conquer'. What could be more divisive and hit as hard as the deepest biological imperative to be held and feel warmth and be loved. No wonder some people go loopy.

    All I ask is, men and women, please take a step back and see what the greater agenda is here.

    I recently had a comment deleted in the radical feminist Guardian, for making a comment that the author was being disengenous and provoking gender hatred. I was not abusive, in fact I gave a very long and heartfelt argument how I had worked with many many women in the creative field, and I found each of them fairly unique with many different qualities unlike the said author who claimed some bs. I have talked in deep conversations with women who have had invasive surgery and suffered terribly, giving them support and reaching out to them as a human to another human. This was reciprocated and the warmth was felt by both of us.

    But that last comment being deleted was the last straw for me. Why should I post at length about architecture, computer security, audio engineering, cancer operations, political issues of the day? I don't get paid for it, and the thanks I get is some radical feminist moderator, deleting my comment because I politey disagreed with her. Fuck her, and fuck them.

    Articles like this can be seen as Gender War Clickbait. They don't really seem to be offering anything new on what is really happening with the hot news of the day, that is this Gender War raging in the press. But I will give El Reg the benefit of the doubt. Please downvote, call me an arsehole, whatever, but please do not delete me for politely giving an opinion. Especially when all I say is: "Let's all treat each other a little nicer eh?". I've had comments saying that and just that deleted there as well. They love to wind people up and the bitter vitriol coming from the extreme misandrists is like bile being puked at every sentence. The men, on the back foot, constantly having any reference to misandry deleted. I have never seen a man make a bad comment against women there.

    One 'bloke' who I suspect was possibly a radical feminist, goaded me on to insult women in a very clever trolling manner. Troll on. Troll on. I gave them short shrift. I said what wonderful creatures women were and how many men need to behave better. And I meant it.

    So, please by all means tell me the reason I can't get a women is because I am a boring bastard that just drones on and on. I do go on a bit I know. You don't have to read it. And I promise you every word I type (nearly said 'tripe' there for some reason), is from the heart, except for when I am being absurd and I expect you to know the difference.

    I'm all for more gender war clickbait. As long as both sides can keep it civilised and there is no extreme one sided agenda being pushed. It was with a heavy heart that I stopped reading the Guardian. By far the best comments on the net, with the best discussion and whatnot. I do miss it. But enough is enough.

    I credit El Reg with more intelligence and fairness. We shall see. I doubt many come here for this, but you know. I think I've made my point. And I will make it a point that this does not become a personal hobby horse of mine that I flog at every opportunity. That would be boring.

    The reason I don't expect to have a g/f ever again? Well, I hardly ever go out of the house and when I do I never meet any. So, that might explain my lack of bitterness to the fairer sex. Only a madman would hold resentment in a situation like mine.

    Women are beautiful creatures. And Men can be too. There's more good ones than bad ones, on both sides. And even though I've dated 'super-models', I would be more than happy with some intelligent, genuine, interesting woman, even if she was totally lacking in the looks department. I've reached an age where I've learned to value what really matters. And nothing beats a warm heart. There'll be big cuddles and lots of fun for my next g/f, and if things work out for me and this job I've just started doing in Europe comes to fruition, who knows, maybe I will get to love again.

    I might even have a wash!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Look, we all know what women want

      +1 just for writing so much and giving us something to read :)

      1. A Ghost
        Paris Hilton

        Re: Look, we all know what women want

        Thanks for the thumbs up.

        And thanks for the thumbs down.

        At least I got to say my piece, without being moderated into oblivion.

        Sexual politics is RED HOT at the moment. I find it a fascinating subject.

        I actually spent a bit of time on the MANOSPHERE. Not the PUA shit, but the places where men tried to improve themselves. Load of shit too.. Got banned after a month for having a different viewpoint. The MEN in the Manosphere, even hate MGTOW (Men going their own way). They see them as weak cop outs when they should be assaulting the radical feminists full on.

        I guess I'm a Man going his own way. I don't feel any need to go to war with radical feminists as long as they leave me alone. I fought hard and long in Feminism's corner and I'm not going to throw that away now, because of a relatively few bitter journalists that don't like the truth.

        Ah, I miss, Ms.B the dear Moderatrix of old. I wager she would have had something to say on the matter. Even if it was just 'Arseholes'. I'd like to think she would not have deleted any unintentionally provocative debate though. Bless her little pink cottons socks..

  17. A Ghost

    As for the thumbs ups and thumbs downs

    I couldn't care less. I find it weak when people moan about this. Who gives a FF?

    But still, it would be interesting to know if it was a radical feminist that didn't get past my sarcasm, or a male warrior for the manosphere that thought I was being too reasonable on the obviously deranged opposite sex.

    Life is full of little questions like this, and while I note them, I don't let them keep me awake at night.

    I am boring. I'm in the middle ground. I have no agenda and don't want to fight. It will all work itself out. But that is not good enough for some people. Oh no. One can only ever have a vocal opinion when one is crusading and fighting for some cause. I just want an easy life. But extremists on both sides are making that very difficult of late.

    I'm sure my objections are duly noted.

    Do you think it's all got a bit out of hand?

    Do you think it's all got a bit silly?

    Sign below where it says: No more of this sort of stuff!

    Yet, still they will foam at the mouth, generating clicks for once great broadsheets. You will be allowed to foam at the mouth. You will be allowed to take your argument as close to 'cutting' and 'abusive' as possible. But YOU WILL NOT be allowed to have rational debate.

    Ah, bless El Reg, providing platforms where others fear to tread. It's a start I suppose.

  18. Truth4u

    I'm going to eat Cheetos until I turn orange. Woman love a man with dedication, and a nice healthy skin tone.

    1. A Ghost
      IT Angle

      I'm going to smoke grass until I turn Green!

      Woman and Man love de 'erb!

      But yes, Lionel, 'Woman love a man with dedication'. It arl you need!

      Yes I.

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