back to article Dread Pirate Roberts suspect's defence holed below the waterline

The judge presiding over the pretrial of alleged Silk Road kingpin Ross Ulbricht has smacked down the accused's attempts to have some charges dropped ahead of the start of next week's trial. Judge Katherine Forrest's decision was given orally during December with the court stating its reasoning would be published in full, …

  1. Ben Tasker

    The judge has now explained in detail why she comprehensively smacked down the requests, and in doing so has provided a hugely detailed outline of the evidence the Feds hope will put Ulbricht behind bars.

    And yet the article doesn't even drop a hint of what the reasons were............. Given the title is that the title is that his defence is essentially sunk, some additional info might have been nice - sure I can click the link and read the ruling, but I thought the whole point was El Reg wanted to keep our eyes on (and by extension, the ads).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Isn't that what is contained in paragraph 4 onwards?

      1. Ben Tasker

        I promise that wasn't there when I posted earlier - or at least I'm pretty certain it wasn't...........

  2. Trollslayer
  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    « he had successfully arranged the Employee’s capture and execution »

    I've worked for some companies with strict disciplinary measures, but... :-(

    1. Mark 65

      Re: « he had successfully arranged the Employee’s capture and execution »

      It's what happens shortly after mid-year appraisals get brought in.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: « he had successfully arranged the Employee’s capture and execution »

      My login's just stopped working! Does that mean this large plastic bag that's been placed here isn't for me to clear my desk, but for my body? Gulp!

      Help! Please send hel...



  4. Florida1920


    Sounds like the Dread Pirate was sampling the merchandise..

  5. Turtle

    "(recovered from his laptop)"

    "the allegation Ulbricht solicited murders is based not only on extensive records of communications between him and others (recovered from his laptop), but also transaction records between DPR and Silk Road user 'redandwhite'."

    There are many circumstances in which a person would be wise to plea-bargain; but with the charges this guy is facing, even a plea-bargain is likely to get him decades in prison. (Although there have been people who have accepted 25 year, non-parole-eligible sentences for the sake of avoiding even worse outcomes at trial.)

  6. Afernie


    His best chance now is to pin the dirty deeds on Cummerbund, Ryan, or Westley - whichever one of those he isn't. Or have I got the wrong Dread Pirate altogether?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Could be worse!

    They used to hang Pirates.

    1. e^iπ+1=0

      Re: Could be worse!

      I thought that they got to walk the plank, were keel hauled or something like that - i.e. more suited to maritime setting...

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