back to article Want disruption? We got disruption: Race protest halts VC Thiel's Q&A

Billionaire VC Peter Thiel loves disruption: bankrolling startups that shake up markets is what he does. But on Thursday night, he got a little more disruption that he bargained for – when protesters rushed the stage and ended his Q&A session with students. The PayPal founder and early Facebook investor was ironically about …

  1. Mark 85

    In Typical Berkeley Syle

    While we respect and sympathize with the protestor’s right to demonstrate, the right of free speech and discussion is a two-way street.

    Seems the idiots, as usual, ignored the second part of that. But they got heard and rational discussion as always from there, went out the window. After the crap that's come out of Berkeley over the last 50 years, I'm all for nuking the place from space.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Tinfoil hatters lol

    My opinion of Thiel just went up a notch, tentatively, if it's true that he's actually working against state surveillance through his involvement Palantir and the various spooks.

  3. Dan Paul

    @Mark85 Typical Berkeley Style

    I'm quite old enough to remember Berkeley in the late '60s and '70s and I agree with you.

    Not much has changed, ill informed irrational people who won't try to understand anything but are willing to "protest" at the drop of a hat. Oh, and vandalize the businesses of dozens of local people if not deliberately burn them out to "vent their frustrations". Not to mention roll Police cars and throw Molotov Cocktails into buildings.

    We call that arson, looting, rioting & attempted murder where I come from. Shooting is too good for them. Their "frustrations" are simply inexcusable criminal activity, much of it caught on video.

    They are protesting something that never happened (regardless of the lies Obama, Holder and Sharpton told and if Garner and Brown had not been commiting a crime and did not resist arrest, they'd still be alive today.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Context please?

    The matter the demonstrators were protesting about seems, to my very limited, cross-Atlantic understanding of the situation, a bit removed from venture capitalism.

    I would have appreciated a paragraph or two explaining why this particular talk has been targeted or, if there is no known or obvious connection, to state that.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Context please?

      White cops shot a couple of black kids and in one case used a choke hold that turned fatal. This has turned into a "racist" protest even though there's black cops shooting white kids and no one protests. The Huffington Post and other news outlets report breathlessly every thing that's going on and are keeping things stirred up. In Ferguson, there have literal riots and then looting. Strange that no one takes offense at the burning of looting of black owned business by black rioters.

      Why they targeted him? I have no idea and story doesn't say. The IT side is Theil. The why is...well.. Berkeley stupidity.

      In the Ferguson case, the cop was acquitted by a grand jury because of the circumstances and forensics but people aren't listening to the evidence.. they're just screaming and protesting.

      Side note: Once upon a time, rioting and protests stopped in the winter time. This time around, they just keep going and the media seems to be egging them on.

      In the 60's, Berkeley was (and still is)a hotbed of liberalism here in the States. They declared themselves a nuclear-free-zone even though there's no military bases or nuke plants nearby. Back in the 60's they were very socialist/communist oriented in their teachings and I guess they still are. They just seem to take every "civil rights" and "anti-war" protest to new heights of stupidity in their perceived effort to change the government and the world.

      Footnote: I'm sure there's a ton of downvotes and some name calling for this but that's my take on what I'm seeing and hearing.

  5. Dr. Ellen


    "We apologize to our audience members for the unprecedented interruption and that the event became an unsafe environment."

    Unprecedented? In Berkeley? There's more precedent for this kind of hoo-raw in Berkeley than almost anyplace else in the Western World.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's very unfortunate

    It's very unfortunate that there are so many illiterate, uncivil, ignorant and disrespectful people in the world. Many are not concerned with knowledge or education, their goal is to tear down the very society that they live in. We have seen the destruction, looting, personal attacks, fires, etc. all caused by people in denial about the world they live in. How they think destruction will make their world better is unclear. Obviously there are some who benefit from these crimes and civil unrest, particularly those who like to promote racism as being justification for criminal activity. These people are not fooling any one.

    The hate filled people in the U.S. be they the President, Attorney General, Congressional reps, preachers or other misguided racists are not going to tear down America, no matter how hard they try. They can lie to the gullible populace but they cannot destroy the ethical values of the majority of the populace who refuse to be duped into believing that every issue is a race issue when a criminal is convicted for their crimes or dies in a fight with law enforcement. The rare true instances of racism should be dealt with properly and not ignored.

    Perpetuating hate and racism only creates animosity and denial. Those who talk equality and justice but only for black people, are racists. Those who blame other people for the crimes of their own race are ignorant and in serious denial. Until these people stop breading hate, denial, destruction and racism the problems will never end. You can't fix the problem if you continue to foster and deny the real problem and that is what many people in America do, contrary to what they claim they are doing.

    1. DavCrav

      Re: It's very unfortunate

      "It's very unfortunate that there are so many illiterate, uncivil, ignorant and disrespectful people in the world."

      I personally think it's worse that a guy was murdered by authority for selling cigarettes from another state, than a Q&A with a billionaire was interrupted, but maybe my priorities are skewed.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    An interesting turn.

    This woman knows exactly what the score is...

    Admittedly this is in reference to the Ferguson shooting.

    1. BornToWin

      Re: An interesting turn.

      Exactly, those who can handle the truth know that these criminals created their own demise. It's not the system, it's not the cops, it's the criminals who determine their own destiny.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's not about Brown or Garner

    They were just catalysts.

  9. Bill Michaelson

    It's no about Brown or Garner

    They were just catalysts.

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