back to article Boffins: Searching for ALIENS is like looking for PIZZA among students

Boffins have warned that humanity may have missed out on finding aliens because we are looking for the wrong signs. A researcher at the University of St Andrews said we could draw closer to “a profound moment for humanity”, if only we followed his rules on how to find life out in deepest space. He warned that the presence of …

  1. deadlockvictim

    Geological Sources

    Esteemed Author» Therefore, you know the methane is being replenished. The best way to replenish methane in the presence of oxygen is with life.”

    Is a geological source of methane also not likely?

    1. LaeMing

      Re: Geological Sources

      Not a geologist myself, but I am thinking are the geological sources of methane on Earth a result of life getting caught beneath changing geology???

      1. Graham Dawson Silver badge

        Re: Geological Sources

        Geological sources of hydrocarbons are generally thought to be produced that way, but methane is known to be produced without any biological origins in the upper mantle, and likely anywhere else you have carbon and hydrogen in close proximity.

    2. Gray Ham Bronze badge

      Re: Geological Sources

      Also possible that the methane is being replenished by the college students ... but, would we really want to go there?

      1. Allan George Dyer

        Re: Geological Sources

        So, the presence of pizza on a planet will prove there is life.

        Therefore... We should check the delivery schedules of all the pizza restaurants?

        "So, you want one deep-pan Super Hawaiian delivered to Alpha-Centuri, uhh, can you spell that?"

        1. VinceH

          Re: Geological Sources

          "No, Sir, given the distance, I'm afraid on this occasion we won't be able to honour the policy of the pizza being free if not delivered in 30 minutes."

          1. LaeMing

            Delivered in 30 minutes* or its free

            * Relativistic time only.

    3. cray74

      Re: Geological Sources

      "Is a geological source of methane also not likely?"

      Hence the recommendation to search for methane AND oxygen. Like the article said, one of the chemicals by itself is not necessarily a sign of life. As you've noted, you can get methane without life. But having methane and oxygen present means at least one of those chemicals is probably being made by life.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But even his theory...

    Assumes that life can only exist in the way we visionize it.

    Lets start with a life form which doesn't require oxygen for example... then what?

    Well, then you get a goose chase because you'll be looking for too many possible hints for you to handle.

    Its easy to criticise but you gotta start somewhere...

    1. Primus Secundus Tertius

      Re: But even his theory...

      "Lets start with a life form which doesn't require oxygen".

      As on Earth for the first billion years or so. But acetic acid -> methane + carbon dioxode is a useful source of thermodynamic free energy.

    2. Yugguy

      Re: But even his theory...

      Silicon-based lifeforms would breathe out solid rock.

    3. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: But even his theory...

      Let's start with a life form which doesn't require pizza for example... then what?


  3. Vociferous


    What's the presence of ozone got to do with presence of life (as we know it)?

    1. Chris Miller

      Re: Ozone?

      The argument runs that on a planet without an active biosphere, any oxygen in the atmosphere will rapidly* become incorporated into material on the surface in the form of oxides and carbonates etc. This is what we see in the solar system on Mars or Venus. So ozone indicates the presence of O2 being converted by the action of UV photons.

      But this article is saying that O2 could be created by non-biological processes, so a more sophisticated test is required.

      * rapidly in geological terms, i.e. over millions of years.

      1. Vociferous

        Re: Ozone?

        So the ozone is easier to detect than the oxygen gas?

        (also yes, there are non-biological sources of oxygen. The most obvious is UV-light lysis of water vapor)

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Boffins have warned that humanity may have missed out on finding aliens because we are looking for the wrong signs."

    Or because they have seen enough to know to stay the fuck away from us.

    1. Captain DaFt

      Re: Hmmmm.

      "they have seen enough to know to stay the fuck away from us."

      Or they're just following their prime directive:

      "Any species that laughable will left to their own development because we don't want to ruin the joke."

      1. tony2heads

        @Captain DaFt

        Perhaps we are a cosmic version of the Truman Show

        1. DropBear

          Re: @Captain DaFt

          Perhaps we are a cosmic version of the Truman Show

          Worse - we're in a Zoo, the "Carbon-Based Life" pavilion. Have you not noticed all those other species running around the globe...?!?

    2. TheOtherHobbes

      Re: Hmmmm.

      "Any sufficiently advanced alien invasion is indistinguishable from local politics."

    3. Primus Secundus Tertius

      Re: Hmmmm.

      Apart from the intergalactic cock-up when they left a signal running for almost a minute, picked up by one of our ET search projects.

  5. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Has anybody worked out

    the spectral characteristics of superintelligent shades of the colour blue yet?

    I'll get me coat. The one with the HHGTTG radio play casette tapes in the pocket (yes I am that old)

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't like having a pop at boffins (having been one myself) but I can't help feeling what this guy is saying is sort of pointless. I don't think anyone said that finding oxygen or methane or one of a few other chemicals in the atmosphere was proof positive that there was life but finding one of them is certainly a good start.

    It's not like we've found so many planets with oxygen or methane in the atmosphere that we just throw them in a big pile and move on. These planets will be studied and I'd be prepared to bet the next thing they do is try to get a full spectrum of the atmosphere.

    What would be interesting is to know how low a concentration they can get down to with their measurements. Earth seems to sit around 500ppbv for methane which I would imagine is quite hard to detect over interstellar distances.

  7. Mr Miser

    We're still so far off that the difference between the old and the new theorems is entirely academic. It might matter when we start getting good at sending craft to other stars. No matter how sensitive the telescopes are, the only way to check if a star has light is to go there.

  8. JimmyPage Silver badge

    Life ...

    anyone heard the term "ignostic" ? John Lloyd mentioned it on a Richard Herring podcast (slight plug).

    It's a philosophy which requires terms to be defined, before an answer is given. So in the case of "Do you believe in God ?" terms need to be decided. Beard ? Sandals ? Tall ? Fat ?

    Only when terms are defined, can an answer be given. As he put it "you tell me what I don't believe in."

    Same with "life". Define terms.

    1. phil dude

      Re: Life ...

      Life is the absence of equilibrium....

      Or as one of my tutors put it, "Equilibrium is death" (referring to cellular metabolism).


      1. Primus Secundus Tertius

        Re: Life ...

        My physics lecturers spoke of "dissipative systems", that relied on a flow of energy.

  9. Tom 7

    Proof of life seems not to be a pizza establishment

    but an Irish theme pub.

    Where theres Guinness there's life.

  10. Gazareth

    "It's like college students and pizza. If you see pizza in a room, and there's also college students in the room, chances are the pizza was freshly delivered, because students will eat the pizza quickly."

    Well, apart from the half they keep for breakfast.

    1. Primus Secundus Tertius

      I heard stories of students' cats that grew very large on a diet of curry and chips. Saw some of them, too.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Millions of years looking...

    And I bet alien life won't play by the rules.

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