back to article Call girl injected Google exec with heroin, drank wine, left him to die – cops claim

A woman described as a high-priced escort by cops has been charged with the manslaughter of a Google executive found dead in his yacht after a heroin overdose. Alix Catherine Tichelman Mug shot ... Alix Catherine Tichelman Alix Catherine Tichelman, 26, was arrested in a sting operation on July 4 in connection with the …

  1. phil dude

    sad but true.....

    why anyone would inject or allow the injection, of something with unknown composition or origin is beyond my understanding.

    A sting for sure, but a travesty as well...


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      He was going through a midlife crisis, most people buy a fast car or motorbike, he probably had those....

    2. keithpeter Silver badge

      Re: sad but true.....

      Goethe wrote about this as did Marlowe (himself a spy assassinated in a 'house of recreation' in Deptford) and Ben Jonson.

      Where is the modern Wedekind/Berg to write the opera as a cautionary tale?

      The tramp: no temptations when you are poor

      PS: Can we be careful with the word travesty please?

      1. phil dude

        Re: sad but true.....

        I stand by my choice of phrase.

        Perhaps "sad" covered this specific instance. I somehow think this is only being reported because one of the persons was socially prominent/rich.

        The travesty is that unintended drug poisoning/overdose is probably a good deal more common than is generally reported. That is, until the media/govts and big corps want to fund themselves another "war on drugs", rather than treating what is a disturbing medical issue.


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I was under the impression that usually the John penetrates the hooker?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    inflation sucks

    Her prices weren't that high when she worked in Atlanta, and she was a lot cuter, too.

    1. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      Re: inflation sucks

      C'mon, your mug shots the other day didn't look much better either.

    2. DocJames

      Re: inflation sucks

      That's what a heroin habit does (along with criminalisation, loss of social circle and sliding down a socioeconomic gradient).

      Note: I am assuming that she had a habit as she apparently was carrying drugs. This may or may not be a warranted assumption.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Death by a search engine and ads...

    ... that's the Google style...

  5. bill 36

    Willie Dixon said it

    It could be a spoonful of coffee, it could be a spoonful of tea

    But one little spoon of your precious love, is good enough for me

    Men lies about that spoonful, some of them dies about that spoonful

    made famous by Jack,Eric and Ginger of course

  6. codejunky Silver badge

    A shame

    Unfortunately she would likely have a hard time in court if she had stayed with the body and fessed up to the activities. Assuming this was just a working accident I do feel sorry for her.

    1. LucreLout

      Re: A shame

      "Assuming this was just a working accident I do feel sorry for her."

      I don't. In her profession she'll be familiar with burner phones or pay phones. She could still have left and called an ambulance to the boat, where they might have been able to revive him.

      Accidents happen. It's how we behave afterwards that define our character.

      1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

        Re: A shame

        "He was a philanderer, and she is a whore."

        And you are a saint, I presume. But only by the press of the circumstances, no doubt.

        Give you a yacht and some spare cash and it will be interesting just how long your impeccable morality will endure...

        If your slate is clean, and all that, you know....

      2. John Sturdy

        Re: A shame

        If she'd called an ambulance and they'd been able to revive him, he could have identified her, although as a drug supplier and cause of injury, rather than a killer; still enough to scare her off calling.

        1. LucreLout

          Re: A shame

          "If she'd called an ambulance and they'd been able to revive him, he could have identified her, although as a drug supplier and cause of injury, rather than a killer; still enough to scare her off calling."

          As she'd have saved his life, I doubt very much that he'd have been willing to tell the police that he OD'd in the company of a working girl half his wifes age. Much more likely is that he'd keep schtum and say nothing, that way all he has to do is seek rehab for drugs (to which he was likely never addicted), and his career and marriage would have been safe.

          Or he could have made a fuss and had her nicked, which would likely have ended his career as well as his marriage.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: A shame

            Police and wives are not so stupid... unless the latter is more interested in his money than anything else....

            Emergency calls are recorded, and of course if she had called it would have been quite clear there was a woman with him.

            Nor expect a whore cares much about her "customers" especially if she has a long list to choose from. If she also drank the wine it's pretty clear she didn't care at all but to disappear. And if she was actually paid to kill him, maybe by his wife tired of being married to such kind of man?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: A shame

              > Nor expect a whore cares much about her "customers"

              A "whore" cares about her customers (and please see that you place those quotes correctly next time) the same as any other person having to deal intimately with people (health practitioners, bespoke tailors, etc.) Some may be pretty shit at it, others will go the extra mile. Of course, a great deal also depends on the customer's own demeanour.

              By way of anecdote, a former colleague of mine (an airline pilot) was at one time posted to Madrid, and living in a neighbourhood of questionable repute. A group of prostitutes used to do business on the street outside his flat. He was always courteous to them, greeted them on the way in and out, and on cold winter nights would give them spare change for a coffee. Arriving late one night, he had a dispute with the cabbie as he tried to rip him off on the fare (what a surprise) and who then attempted to mug my foreign colleague. Upon seeing this, the pimp approached the taxi and had a quick word of advice with the driver to the effect that his health might suffer were he to be seen again in the area.

              This, my fellow poster, is just one reason why you should never look down on anyone, no matter their station in life.

        2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: A shame

          If she had called an ambulance the SWAT team would have arrived before the ambulance.

          In fact in america they would probably have just heard the word "drugs" and called in an airstrike - the war on drugs remember.

          1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

            Re: A shame

            "the war on drugs remember."

            Yes, we know - but do we need to drone about it?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: A shame

              > Yes, we know - but do we need to drone about it?

              Mr. Plouzhnikov, thank you for your visit. Here is your coat.

              1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

                Re: A shame

                "Here is your coat."

                Oh, thank you, you're very kind. And I was just leaving - what a nice coincidence!

      3. Steve the Cynic

        Re: A shame

        "It's how we behave afterwards that define our character."

        I believe the line you're looking for is this:

        Lou Mannheim: Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

        1. LucreLout

          Re: A shame

          Full marks for the Wallstreet quote. Love that movie!

      4. jon battle

        Re: A shame

        He was a guy dishing out $$ to an Independent Contractor in the Service-Oriented area. Probably half of El Reg's readership are in such a situation..

        We're all hos, and if you think you're not, there's a psychological problem.

    2. Goldmember

      Re: A shame

      I can understand her not staying with the dying guy, but she could have at the very least made an anonymous phone call from the docks or the town. He may still have died, but there's the chance he might not have. This, coupled with the fact that she's possibly been involved in another "john" heroin death in the past makes it a bit difficult for me to feel sympathetic towards her.

      There's no information as to whether he asked her for the heroin or whether she provided and convinced the guy to take it, or even whether or not it was his first time. But involving dangerous hard drugs in your work, call girl or not, is asking for trouble.

  7. Tony Paulazzo

    Just think...

    If prostitution were legal and there were no drugs prohibition this story would probably never have ended in tragedy, so chalk another one up to 'The Justice System'.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Just think...

      FIrearms are legal and they still kill. If drugs were legal maybe the news would have been he had killed someone under their influence - you get drugs because they alter your perception of the world, not because they have a good taste.

      Divorce and having sex outside marriage *is* legal and still someone needs to hide from the wife he chosed while paying prostitutes and getting drugs.

      If he wasn't an hypocrite maybe he would be still alive.

      1. The First Dave

        Re: Just think...

        "FIrearms are legal"

        Not in civilised countries, except for the armed services of course.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: Just think...

          @ The First Dave

          Thats a very dangerous stone to throw. There are varying degrees of legal and that is across many states and countries. The black and white view may make some happier but as the saying goes ignorance is bliss

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Just think...

          > Not in civilised countries, except for the armed services of course.

          I think you are misinformed. If you look at firearms regulations in Europe, you will find that some countries have extremely liberal (which does not equal to irresponsible) gun laws--more so than in some places in the US.

          It all depends on whether you consider Europe civilised, mind. Nowadays, the opinion can be quite divided on that point.

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Just think...

        "FIrearms are legal"

        So imagine that they aren't, somebody injures themselves while cleaning a gun and you leave them to die because you would be facing 20years if you called 911 ?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Just think...

        > FIrearms are legal and they still kill.

        Maybe in your country, but not where I write this from. Here they're perfectly legal and popular, but crime is low and armed crime extremely rare.

    2. Psyx

      Re: Just think...

      "If prostitution were legal and there were no drugs prohibition this story would probably never have ended in tragedy, so chalk another one up to 'The Justice System'."

      I'm all for sex and drugs, but if prostitution and drugs were legal, then more people would die like this. It's the price of those freedoms.

      And even the most pro-drug liberal tends to baulk at legalising skank: It's a highly addictive killer which is supplied by a long chain of international criminal gangs, terminating with the Taliban.

      1. rizb

        Re: Just think...

        > And even the most pro-drug liberal tends to baulk at legalising skank: It's a highly addictive killer which is supplied by a long chain of international criminal gangs, terminating with the Taliban.

        I advocate legalizing it because a) this would utterly gut the organized crime aspect, b) people like Syngenta and Phillip Morris have probably already supercrops ready roll the day it happens and that means c) oh look, no more money for the Afghan warlords, what a bugger.

        (Note - a large part of what makes the Taliban exactly what they are is that local peasants hate them. Why? Not just the religious totalitarianism but also the rampant and wholesale burning of poppy crops, thus robbing those peasants of their only viable income. Me, I say when the armed forces were out there we should have done a deal and bought the whole damn lot at a pittance, but a considerably larger pittance than the one they currently get. Boom! Instant adoration of 90% of Afghans and a stable Afghan economy, meaning end to religious whackjobs and happy people don't start wars. Of course, the yanks would have shat themselves but fuck 'em).

  8. Evil Auditor Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Re professional clients

    Professional client as opposed to consumer or end user? I'm not much into that kind of trade, so can please someone explain.

  9. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. Dick Pountain

    Sex 'n Drugs 'n

    It's official folks, search is the new rock 'n roll

  11. Ross K Silver badge

    Today's Pro Tip

    If you must fraternise with hookers, don't let them inject you with heroin - it won't end well.

    Pretty fucking cold to sit there and let the guy die. Who knows what kind of daddy issues she had...

    1. Nuno trancoso

      Re: Today's Pro Tip

      Not cold, just a sad side effect of keeping the activities she engaged in a criminal act. In (more civilized) countries that decriminalized both, she might have called for help and the poor sod might be alive.

      As is, she just had to weight potential manslaughter + more vs certain conviction on prostitution and drug charges. Loss-loss anyway you look at it so taking uncertain vs certain becomes the rational choice when this version of fight-flight takes place.

      Pretty much illustrates that, once more, the "war on x" only hurts people and helps no one. Well, might help the guys making billions out of dealing drugs, and maybe that's why it keeps being illegal...

      One would think we'd remember how Prohibition only helped THE MOB and how the end of the world didn't come to pass when it was repealed...

  12. johnnymotel

    just coincidence...

    doesn't she look very similar to Alex Vause from the TV series "orange is the new black"?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, won't someone think of the monkeys?

    "Life is great. I am seriously blessed as a motherf****r. A great boyfriend, nice house, monkeys, loving family ... doesn't get any better than this I don't think."

    Seriously - there really hasn't been enough discussion in this comments section about the monkeys.

    I am trying to get my head round this new version of the American Dream. One day, boys and girls, if you work hard, you can grow up to have a great house, a loving partner, cute kids ... and some monkeys.

    It's what we're all working for isn't it?

  14. Bloakey1

    You Are Missing The Point!

    Excuse me but in what world is this old slapper a high priced escort?

    The Google exec has obviously put his todger where I would not put the point of my baionnette <sic>. I should think that his search engine is sub optimised if this is what he gets when he looks for "uma Puta".

    1. h4rm0ny

      Re: You Are Missing The Point!

      >>"Excuse me but in what world is this old slapper a high priced escort?"

      Come on - let's have a photograph of you. Ideally one taken shortly after arrest by a police photographer. We'll see how you compare.

      Seriously? "Old slapper?" What is it compels some guys to tell everyone how some woman is below their lofty standards the moment they're granted online anonymity?

      1. Bloakey1

        Re: You Are Missing The Point!


        Piocture irrelevant to description.

        "Seriously? "Old slapper?" What is it compels some guys to tell everyone how some woman is below their lofty standards the moment they're granted online anonymity"

        Not anonymous at all my name is as is and it is a name I have used for years and was known as it on Usenet back in the late 80's

        My lofty standards?


        Drug Addict

        Watched a man die and did not offer help.

        Stood over his dying body and drank wine.

        Cheated on her partner.

        The list goes on.

        Ok, I am sorry my description was not correct, I should have said dirty slapper.

        I am entitled to my opinions and will not kow tow to politically correct rubbish from an 'anon' such as yourself. My comments stand and were not made lightly, its is not a female thing and any bloke doing the same thing would have the same treatment from me.

        Opinions are like arseholes, we all have them and very few bear close inspection.

  15. comet

    What a way to go

    We all die sooner or later.

    You can die in daily agony from cancer or have a painful heart attack or waste away in some nursing home.

    Wouldn't you rather die having sex with a beautiful woman in a blissful state of mind?

  16. Rick Brasche

    Another lesson learned from Tyrion Lannister

    best to ask "where do the whores go?" BEFORE getting into a relationship where they try to kill you.

  17. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    "According to the cops, Hayes, who was seemingly happily married for 17 years and had five children, had a "prostitution relationship" with Tichelman – whom he met via the website, which matches up "Sugar Daddies" with "Sugar Babies.""

    Seemingly being the significant word there. And if he was out there actively looking for and paying for whores who's to say he wasn't also into recreational drug use?

    If one thing (his marriage) isn't what it seems then it's not too much of a stretch to wonder whether other things weren't as they seem.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Happily Married

      > Seemingly being the significant word there.

      Well, for all we know his wife was OK with the whoring and horsing. Unlikely though.

  18. Roy Nottroy

    Holy crap. She really, actually has real, actual monkeys. Unbefrickinglievable.

  19. veti Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    "After poring over Hayes' phone calls and emails, the cops identified Tichelman as a prime suspect"

    What, a security camera recording wasn't enough for them?

    I guess it's good that they actually had to "pore over" something, they didn't just call up the NSA and ask...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > What, a security camera recording wasn't enough for them?

      Enough for what? The police's job is to apprehend suspects, which are then put on trial where a judge and/or a jury will establish guilt based on lawfully obtained evidence.

      In terms of "lawfully obtained", a security camera recording has much less weight as evidence than the general public tend to think, due to the technical and procedural aspects of collecting, assessing, and maintaining continuity of said evidence.

      For example, if you as a forensic technician are given a disc with let's say 24 hours of CCTV video, and your court warrant says to look for evidence of murder at between X and Y hours, you jump to that part of the video--you are not allowed to watch the rest of it and you must not report on it unless given a new warrant, and then you look for evidence of murder (and not anything else) between X and Y hours.

      The details vary quite a bit from one jurisdiction to another, but the above is an actual example from a continental European case. I trained on computer forensics, but I have no practical experience, btw.

    2. Stuart Van Onselen

      Security camera not enough?

      Let's say you have the perfect mug-shot of the suspect (which you're not likely to gain from a typical relatively-low-res security camera). Now what?

      You have tens of thousands of people in the vicinity that might match the general description, so now you have to find pictures of all of them to compare your grainy pic to. Or you have to walk the streets asking people "Have you seen this woman?".

      Much easier to go through the phone records, find the likely suspect, and then compare her face to the one in the photograph.

  20. Jake Maverick

    so anybody know what happened with this case?

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