back to article Wi-Fi WarKitteh and DDoS Dog to stalk Defcon 22

A security boffin has created a 'WarKitteh' capable of sniffing Wi-Fi packets. Tenacity evil genius researcher Gene Bransfield (@gbransfield) combined a series of garden-variety technologies to evolve the humble house cat into a walking, purring WiFi war machine capable of pawing packets while maintaining enough agility to …


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    Relying on cats to do things...

    ... is an exercise in futility.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Relying on cats to do things...

      > Relying on cats to do things is an exercise in futility.

      It only took the CIA $25m to work that one out...

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Relying on cats to do things...

        "the equipment was taken out of the cat; the cat was re-sewn for a second time, and lived a long and happy life afterwards"

        Scratch Monkey levels of Unbelievable reached!

        1. phuzz Silver badge

          Re: Relying on cats to do things...

          Not to be confused with the story Scratch Monkey by Charlie Stross

      2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: Relying on cats to do things...

        "It only took the CIA $25m to work that one out..."

        I saw that movie.

        It's called "The Spy with the Wet Nose" with Lionel Jeffries.

        But while I was watching I though "You gotta be bats**t crazy to think anyone's going to do this IRL"

        How little did I know.

    2. Gordon 10

      Re: ... is an exercise in futility.

      I would have thought the beauty of using cats is that once you reach a critical mass of them - it doesn't matter whether 1 cat or many cats pass by your target - you can be assured that one will at some point.

      Besides the logical next step is equipping them with Google Glasses and guiding them to their target with judicious application of AR fluttering birds and scampering mice.

  2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

    Cats n Dogs...

    Shortyly we will have this kind of kitty...

  3. Elmer Phud


    Does this mean I can now buy a crossbow to protect myself from potential Syrian hackers?

    No, I really have no intentions at stopping the buggers from crapping in my garden, none at all, it is all in the interests of National Security and the protection of my fellow (and fellow-ess) citizens.

    1. David Roberts

      Re: Catspaw

      Just get yourself a very large tomcat to maintain a cat and crap free zone around your property.

      In the interests of communications security, of course.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "15 percent of the world's internet traffic is dedicated to cats"

    [Citation Needed]

  5. Sir Barry

    America's 80 million dogs and 96 million cats into his purr-sonal electronic army

    Introducing these Dogs of War could be a Catastrophe...

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: America's 80 million dogs and 96 million cats into his purr-sonal electronic army

      Yeah, afterwards everyone is like "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT", "IT WASN'T ME" and "SIT, ISIS, SIT!!"

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You'd think they'd have tried to train the cat before operating on it...

    Still with this project, you could probably get people to volunteer their cats as war-kittehs by letting them see the GPS data of where their cat has been.

  7. Alistair

    Cats, Dogs and internet $$geddon

    And it will all come to nought with herd of squirrells to distract 'em all.

    1. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: Cats, Dogs and internet $$geddon

      "Dray" or "scurry", not "herd" (you don't want to know why I know that ...)

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