1: Like Totally The Wrong Moment To Snapchat With God!!!! Eve in the Garden of Eden talking to a rather angry God on Snapchat #dontlistentothesnake 2: Note To Rihanna - This Girl Has Class!! Cleopatra's Flickr photostream #bathfullofdonkeycheese 3: So That's The Secret Of Her Smile! LOL!!! Mona Lisa and Leonrado da …


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  1. stu 4


    WTF have I just watched…

    get this low brow shite to fuck.

  2. LarsG

    Contrived rubbish...

  3. Oli 1

    Needs more Pliers!

    1. Euripides Pants

      Well, of course. Pliers are Sociable...

  4. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    What just happened?

    As the title says

  5. Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik

    Think I blinked...

    Because - blank -.

  6. RobHib


    Ticket to Mars please.

  7. David Bird

    Some sort of server mixup...

    ...between theregister and ? Another downside to the cloud.

    1. Francis Boyle Silver badge


      Cracked is actually funny.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I know its friday but what was that shit ?

  9. WraithCadmus
    IT Angle

    I can see what you're trying to do with Buzzgasm, but it feels a bit out of place. Rather than feeling like a mockery of stupid lists it just comes across as a stupid list. Maybe have it be part of ¡Bong! ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > Rather than feeling like a mockery of stupid lists it just comes across as a stupid list.

      Seconded, this Poe's law in action. There are lists out there on the net that are both serious and far more stupid than this.

      Also it's a bit out of date; the stupid list thing has been somewhat superseded by the even more worthless "what x are you?" quizzes.

  10. Semtex451

    I liked the Rihanna one

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Who's Rihanna?

      1. Euripides Pants

        RTFA - she's Queen of the Nile

  11. Buzzword

    Not up to scratch

    Come on Reg, you can do better than this! The pliers and the cat 5 cables were brilliant. This is just some kid's first lame attempt at a listicle.

    Also, on the mobile site the pictures come out squashed (at least on iPhone).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not up to scratch

      Also, on the mobile site the pictures come out squashed (at least on iPhone).

      I onder if there's a patent for that?

  12. Blank-Reg
    IT Angle

    Surreal moment where I thought it was a different site for a moment

    Slow news day? Impatient for ITLAP?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward ?

    <see title>

  14. Gav


    Err... what?

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I liked the part...

    ...where they took a selfie

  16. Sir Runcible Spoon

    Godwin alert



  17. Jim 59

    Best Ever Register Selfie Article ?

    Why You Should Be Shocked At the 10 Best Behind-the-Scenes Stories About Why I No Longer Trust Our Beloved So-2013-It's-Practically...

  18. ItsNotMe

    The dumbing down of society continues.

    What a complete bunch of narcissistic crap.

  19. Tiny Iota

    There's a heck of a lot of WHOOOSH in here

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      WHOOOSH is simply Not A Big Enough Word To Describe It! LOL!!!!!!!!!

      1. Fibbles

        No, we got it. It was just crap.

    2. Moosh

      So much of it that several birds and goats have just died.

  20. Johan Bastiaansen

    How are you feeling?

    Not your usual chipper self eh?

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: How are you feeling?

      Never felt chipperer.

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