back to article After Comcast, Netflix inks second net traffic deal with Verizon

Netflix may not like the idea of paying extra to keep its streaming video content running smoothly but seems resigned to it, having now signed its second network peering deal with a major US broadband provider since the beginning of the year. "We have reached an interconnect arrangement with Verizon that we hope will improve …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How much for P2P traffic deal?

    If Netflix can afford high priority bandwidth for bucks a month, then where can I get mine for P2P traffic?

    1. Andrew Orlowski (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: How much for P2P traffic deal?

      When The Pirate Bay stumps up the cash to give you a better service.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: How much for P2P traffic deal?

        What does The Pirate Bay have to do with P2P traffic?

        1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

          Re: How much for P2P traffic deal?

          Isn't it obvious? P2P means you're a dirty pirate and thus you should be drowned in acid while having your eyes consumed by a thousand angry ants. You're a blight upon the earth and your genetic lineage is worthless. Only the unclean of heritage and impure of mental capacity would question the unquestionable and inalienable natural right of corporations to hold copyrights eternally. In the name the actual content creators, of course.

          Sending data from one end user to another would never mean that you were attempting to take advantage of the past 40 years of technological development to launch a new business where everyone involved operates from their home. It would never mean that you might want to run a fish cam to show off your 180 gallon fish tank in real time or enable collaborative distance learning for home-schooled s/children/workers/retraining adults.

          That's nonsense. You are a consumer. Consume! Pay your subscription for internet, for mobile, for cable, for Azure, for e-mail, for web services, for rent and gas and power and everything else. Your paycheque comes in and it goes out to subscribe and to rent. You are not allowed to own a goddamned thing, you poxy whoreson. That is reserved for your betters, prole. You will pay your life subscription and you'll be grateful for the privilege!

          Any attempt to better your social station, to innovate, or to change the power structures that exist in society today makes you not only a bad person, it makes you a criminal. By default. There is no inquisition. There is no trial. You are guilty until proven dead.

          Now, where's my fucking money?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Netflix is paying to kill competition

    What startup will be able to afford to pay off all the big ISPs like they can? Once they've paid them all off they'll have a protected monopoly, and can raise their prices at will.

  3. Lionel Baden

    please for the love of god !!

    KEEP IT IN AMERICA ... Stay away from us with these horrible practices !

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