back to article Who wants a ROBO-BUTLER? Google and pals do – and they've just put $2m towards it

Google has placed a bet on a robotics company that is working to create "services" robots for use in hospitals, care homes or hotels. Mountain View's investment arm, Google Ventures, handed over an undisclosed sum of money to startup Savioke, which is headed up by Steve Cousins, former CEO of PR2-maker and robotics pioneer …


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  1. Caaaptaaaain kick arse

    Tom Jones song?

    Sexbot, Sexbot......

  2. Steven Raith


    Robot butlers down, now where is my bloody flying car, dammit?

  3. All names Taken
    Paris Hilton

    China has a whole city sector somewhere dedicated to care of the infirm and/or elderly and that it is expensive and underpopulated.

    Maybe in city trials completed in China under partnership might be a 21st century way to do things?

  4. btrower

    Bots ahoy!

    Boy, if you thought that denial of service attack bots on the Internet were a problem, you ain't seen nothing yet.

    The recent security breach of ... um ... the whole world should make you a bit worried. Will they allocate budget to put in some sort of working hack-proof safety mechanisms? You bet! It will be too small and they will be giving it to 'CrossYerFingersCo' security systems (division of Diebold).

    The current melt-down of the Internet's SSL infrastructure happened on our 'state of the art' systems. Clearly the state of the art is not what it should be.

    I have no idea what may or may not be under non-disclosure, but let me just say that IBM, for instance, has had much more solid security stuff since at least the 1980s. It is not that ways to secure things are unknown.

    In fairness, until fairly recent times our systems had such limited capabilities that getting them working at all was something of a trick. Most of our current infrastructure was never designed to be secure. It was designed to be 'open' and easy to use. Clearly, in the 21st Century when we are about to send semi-autonomous network attached robots out into the physical world we need to be a bit more fastidious about securing our systems.

    Murder or innocent software bug? No way to tell. The robot claims it's innocent and the other robots circling menacingly about suggest we take that as our final answer...

    1. Simon Harris

      Re: Bots ahoy!

      If they look anything like this...

      be very afraid!

  5. NoneSuch Silver badge

    Makes sense.

    We already have phones to think for us, so now we need robots to do things for us. Right, lets get ahead of the curve and order those new trousers with the 44 inch waist.

  6. mark 63 Silver badge

    I already have a services robot - it vacuums my floor.

    Its pretty shit at it, although maybe if I paint a face on it it'll make it more tolerable

  7. Cubical Drone

    I welcome our mechanical subservient overlords.

    It should be interesting to see what happens as more and more jobs that have usually thought to be safe from mechanical automation are lost (this, self driving vehicles, etc). I think sooner or later, there will need to be some serious rethink on the common economic models that are currently worshiped.

    I am reminded of the old joke of a car factory manager and union rep walking through the car plant. The factory manager is proudly showing union rep all the robotics being used to build cars and says to him, "I bet you are wondering how you are going to get them to join the union" to which the union rep replies, "actually, I was wondering how you are going to get them to buy cars."

    1. NotWorkAdmin

      Re: I welcome our mechanical subservient overlords.

      I've got 3 offspring who'll be exiting the education system over the next 3-5 years. I'm warning them not to plan careers around any kind of mechanical work because I doubt there is going to be any of it. I don't think whether we like it has much to do with it - I'm more interested in what kind of jobs my children are likely to be doing in the future.

      If there's a debate to be had, for me it's income inequality.

  8. Graham Marsden

    I hope they come with programable voices...

    Just think what fun you could have...

    "OK, Robot, get me a cup of coffee"

    "By your command."


    "Share and enjoy!"


    "I'll be back..."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I hope they come with programable voices...

      As long as they have customizable names.

      "Bitch, bring me a beer!"

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I hope they come with programable voices...

        > "Bitch, bring me a beer!"

        Cf. "I'll be back" comment above. :-(

      2. Rick Giles

        Re: I hope they come with programable voices...

        "As long as they have customizable names.

        "Bitch, bring me a beer!""

        How very chauvinistic of you.

  9. Chris G

    Hospital services

    Getting the UI right will be useful.

    "Nurse bedpan! Nurse bedpan!"

    "Sir, I am patient service attendant Dee Seven Zero, my name/designation is not bedpan. How can I help you sir?"

    " Naah! forget it! It's too late!"

  10. WraithCadmus

    May I be the first to say...

    I for one welcome the return of the RoTM tag.

  11. tomban

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

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