back to article Albanians swipe Bush's wristwatch

The White House has denied reports that enthusiastic Albanians greeted President Bush to their sun-kissed land by swiping his wristwatch. The alleged incident, captured by Albanian TV on Sunday and now featuring on YouTube, appears to show thieving former godless Commies relieving El Prez of his timepiece: President Bush …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    W is a Magician

    Obviously watching before the tree you see a nice watch... turning, he puts his arm by his side and up it comes again - there is a watch... then lots of hands... and blimey its gone. How'd he do that?

    Either he is a magician or someone at the White house is telling a White Lie... He simply took it off for someone to store on his behalf.

  2. Mike Moyle

    They may have W's watch, but t's useless to them...

    ...One of Mickey's hands got broken off in the scuffle.

  3. Alexander Hanff

    Feed the World

    Given the chance that government officials will be sporting expensive brand watches (like Rolex) this could become a new method for helping to deal with world poverty.

    I expect the lucky family who acquired Mr Bush's watch will be able to sell it for enough money to feed their entire extended family for what? about 5 years?

  4. Paul

    Time to recycle the old Romanian joke

    George Bush is visiting Albania, in talks with the Albanian Foreign Minister. Leaving, he notices his watch is missing. Bush doesn't want to spoil his only friendly trip on the tour by accusing the minister of stealing, so he mentions it quietly to the Albanian President.

    The Albanian President leaves the room and, two minutes later, appears with Bush's watch.

    "I hope there wasn't an international incident", Bush says.

    "Don't worry, my friend", says his host, "He doesn't know it's gone. I picked his pocket!"

  5. xjy

    World Champs?

    A new competitive sport! The pickpockets of Tirana, St Pete and Barcelona see who can divest the biggest fish of the flashest bling in public on live TV. Double points for stripping Putin or any S American prez.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    If the Whitehouse is telling the truth, the video footage must be lying.

    Pause it near the start and you can see a wristwatch. He enters the scrum and voila! It's gone.

    If the video is lying, what's the Whitehouse doing. Telling the truth?

    And... who the hell doesn't realise his watch has been stolen? George Walker Bush, that's who.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Is there an Albanian eBay? Look there.

  8. Dale Morgan

    do they think we're stupid?

    You can clearly see how his watch got nicked, theres no way he managed to take his watch off while he left arm is being tugged by the crowd.

    If the white house can lie about this, what else had they lied about?

  9. Ralph B

    Found it!

  10. b shubin

    Theft, lies and videotape

    look, it's really easy to tell when this Administration lies.

    their lips move (check out any recent footage of the Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales).

    seriously, the minority that still thinks this bunch of neocons is telling the truth is the same 30% of the US population who believe that God talks to George. it is unlikely that any amount of evidence will convince them to rethink their unquestioning support for this guy.

    as for George, he still says Alberto is the best AG this country has ever had (this is known as faith-based employment practices, and worked really well for the Katrina recovery, the reconstruction of Iraq, the Justice Department, the FDA, the EPA, the CIA...).

    save your indignation for something worthwhile, this is not it.

    good for a chuckle, though.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Funny... from the opposite angle, yes there is tape from that side, you can clearly see W put the watch in his pocket.

    Some people will believe anything, "what, it was on YouTube... it must be true because that is like Wikipedia but on video!"

  12. Graham Lockley

    What the Hell !!

    What were his minders doing allowing him to wear a watch in the first place !

    Its a bit like me wandering round with a book on subatomic physics under my arm, looks good but I dont understand it !

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Timex Indiglo

    It's unlikely the lucky gypsy that snagged W's watch will be seeing a big windfall. GW wears a personalized Timex Indiglo watch. The watch retails new for ~$100 and with his name on it the timepiece is worth about $7.24 USD.

    Worth much more on eBay than the pawn shop...

  14. Andy

    Another name for...

    The US security watch-list?

  15. Gavin

    Not stolen?

    Bah, it looked like it was stolen to me too, but here's the other angle.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What gets me...

    ... is how did a crowd get that close to Bush? When he visited our city in Australia, the entire city centre was locked down, with road closures, barricades, special forces, and every cop in the city forming human cordons to keep people away.

    Obviously Bush's security crowd don't delude themselves about his popularity in Western countries, but they can safely let him run loose in Balkan states since the citizens there probably don't know or care about his policies - they have enough problems of their own to worry about.

    Would-be Bush assassins, take note...

  17. Andrew


    Monika Stafa is hot ....

  18. Robert A. Rosenberg

    No proof on YouTube

    That supposed "Flip Side" view of the watch being pocketed that was listed as being at <> has been yanked as being a copyright violation. Thus not only is there any proof, there is no proof that the URL originally pointed at such an alternate view (as opposed to something totally different with a yanked URL being posted as an unverifiable link to a supposed alternate viewpoint). NOTE: I am not claiming that there wasn't a clip there showing the match being pocketed but only stating that using the supplied URL will not NOW show such a video (and thus the claim that is does/did can not be verified),

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