back to article Wow, gamers on YouTube really love the Xbox One. It's like they were paid to say that (Hint: they are)

Microsoft has admitted it promised to slip hard coin to gamers who upload favorable reviews of its Xbox One console to YouTube. So-called "influencers" who talk up the new gear via the Machinima channel are promised $3 per 1,000 views of their footage, up to a maximum of 1,250,000 global views or $3,750. The offer was …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lowering Character Level.

    Gamers, and not just hookers and politicians, have been looking for years to lower their character level. Apparently, the missing touch is lies.

    DEX: 88/88

    STR: 240/240

    INT: 600/600

    LIE: 4,294,967,295/4,294,967,295

    It's all about your stats.

  2. Anonymous Coward


    This is one of the ways gamers and YouTube uploaders really ought to get paid. Why should famous actors be the only ones who can make some money through commercials and advertising? If someone uploads a video that's complimentary of your product, and they can generate a million hits because they are that popular, why shouldn't they get to cash a $3K Microsoft check?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Honestly...

      Because actors are paid up front, per commercial, all at once. What Microsoft is doing is creating a device that pollutes search engines with every hopeful that can be, but probably won't. If ever person would only reach 999 hits, then every person would loose, yet Microsoft would still win. And do we really need more advertising based upon lies? I know it's been a big hit so far, but it's a bore.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Honestly...

        It's advertising, surely you don't believe everything you see?

        Do you?

    2. MrDamage Silver badge

      Re: Honestly...

      Sure, they have every right to draw money from their hard work, as long as they inform the viewer that what they are watching is a paid endorsement.

      Failure to do so is misleading at best, outright dishonest at worst.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Honestly...

        All those stupid video gamer magazines and websites and their "reviews" are just a bunch of paid advertising with shiny pictures and in-your-face videos. If the publishers and websites are going to get paid for their "reviews", why shouldn't the gamers get a little cash for putting up a popular YouTube video?

        I mean - if you are going to have a totally dishonest system in the first place (and all the consumers already know how dishonest it is), I'd rather see the "little guy" get paid.

    3. Captain Scarlet

      Re: Honestly...

      If they are being paid to say nice things they should call it an ADVERT, certainly not a REVIEW.

      1. Perspyro

        Re: Honestly...

        I would prefer if it was "Sponsored Article". It's not an advert as such. Definitely not a review.

    4. Bill the Sys Admin

      Re: Honestly...

      They don’t get the cash if they say anything negative about it either. Neutral or Good please, nothing else.

      Always rely on MS to lower the tone.

    5. Lars Silver badge

      Re: Honestly...

      And why should politicians not pay you if you vote for them.

  3. Combat Wombat

    Hail mary pass by MS

    No one likes the Xbone, and it's being out sold by the WII U.

    The Wii U is being seen as a failure by Nintendo, so it tells you how bad the XBone is.

    It'll just be one more stinking mess of failure that the new CEO of MS will have to clean up.

    If I were the new CEO, I would have StevieB flogged in the MS town square for what he has done to the company

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hail mary pass by MS

      @Combat - "No one likes the Xbone"

      I don't game, but my teenage son does, and all his friends want the "Xbone", as you call it. Or they already have it.

      I think it's plenty "likeable" for the target audience. What I hear is that it's very expensive, and a lot of guys are sticking with their PS3's and waiting for the price wars to bring the prices down for Xbox One and for PS4.

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: Combat Wombat

      "No one likes the Xbone, and it's being out sold by the WII U."

      At no point in their concurrent sales history has the WiiU exceeded the sales of the XBOne, and now that sales have dropped off from their christmas peak, XBOne sales currently exceed the WiiU's by a factor of two.

      Here's a reference (shock!) for those statements:

    3. zemerick

      Re: Hail mary pass by MS

      I don't know where you went wrong Combat Wombat, but you are way off. Xbox One is more than doubling the Wii U. The Wii U has been out for over a year, and the XB1 is almost caught up to it in total sales.

      The PS4 is fairly thrashing the XB1 though, at nearly double its sales. Though the XB1 is ever so slightly ahead in the US.

      The sales actually go PS4 > XB1 > PS3 > X360 > Wii U > Wii. ( Ignoring portables. ) Descending order obviously.

    4. Greg J Preece

      Re: Hail mary pass by MS

      No one likes the Xbone, and it's being out sold by the WII U.

      What? No it isn't. The Xbox One did 3m units before 2013 was out, the Wii U's done 4.3m in its lifetime and just had all its sales figures slashed. Don't talk such utter rubbish.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Honesty (no 'l)

    Microsoft pay a lot of people to say things that, ...perhaps Microsoft wouldn't get away with saying! They pay or paid other bloggers more directly too, like Florian Mueller of FOSSpatents, most of what he said/say and predicts with regards to patents turns out to be crap, but the FUD he spews out serves Microsoft well. Microsoft are convicted felons, if you feel this is dishonest behaviour, well it probably is, isn't it?

  5. M Gale

    Yep, this is shitty.

    However, it's likely to get a lot more favourable footage up on Youtube than Nintendo's approach of demanding all advertising revenue from videos that feature Nintendo game footage.

    Which doesn't stop it from being shitty, and perhaps more than a little bit desperate.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Advertising on Youtube is the job of Google. I wonder if they won't start removing videos that has the required link. Microsoft can still use the Bing video site; but the up-loaders will never see a dime from Microsoft as no one actually uses it.

  7. raving angry loony

    What a surprise...

    Microsoft Is Unethical! In other news, water is wet, and some English pubs put too much head on their pints.

    Microsoft has been the unethical, backstabbing, slimy, creepy uncle of software since they started. This is hardly news. They've been found guilty of such behaviour in court, and it never even slowed them down. What would be news is if Microsoft actually acted honourably, or ethically. The likelihood of that happening is the same as me being declared head of the Orthodox Church.

  8. Miek

    xboxsignout, hours of fun.

  9. Mikel


    Blog hits and comment counts are down across the interwebs as various reputation management programs undergo thorough review.

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