back to article Bletchley Park vows to upload secret World War II code-cracking archives

Bletchley Park, the British wartime code-breaking center that housed computing legends such as Alan Turing and Tommy Flowers, will put its paper archives online after HP provided the scanning hardware to get the job done. "We've been wanting to do this for a while. It was first discussed five years ago, but we have just never …


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  1. ChrisM

    Well Done HP

    No sarcasm, no irony... Just well done to them for providing practical support to a plave and time of international significance.

    Google it appears repaired the roof and HP are showing us what went on Inside so well done to Google too.

    1. Cliff

      Re: Well Done HP

      Indeed, hugs and thanks all round.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well Done HP

      I suspect this is down to HP's security research group at Bristol. One of the last bits of real Labs outside the US

  2. Lusty

    In the grand scheme of things 10k is very little, surely the government could find this somewhere and buy them a new roof?!

    Good to see HP stepping up for the scanning. Obviously not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts but kudos nonetheless.

  3. wolfetone Silver badge

    With all the computer equipment GCHQ have spying on the great unwashed, I'm surprised they haven't donated anything to this project.. But they'll happily have their little concession at Bletchley banging the drum of all the good work they're doing.

  4. Ian 55

    No reassessment needed

    "reassess the role of countries that remained ostensibly neutral in the conflict, such as Spain and Sweden, since it appears governments in both those countries were in regular contact with the Axis powers."

    Duh, of course they were. If you were in charge of a neutral country in WWII, especially one bordering Axis occupied territory, wouldn't you talk to them?

    Have they forgotten Raoul Wallenberg, who was able to save thousands of Hungarian Jews because he was in Axis Hungary as a *diplomat*? See also Folke Bernadotte - grandson of a Swedish king - and his role as Vice Chair of the Swedish Red Cross in diplomatic efforts on behalf of POWs and people in camps.

    Sweden sold Germany iron ore: no iron ore, no need for the Germans to invade Norway to ensure continuity of supply via Narvik, no fall of Chamberlain because of the mess up of Britain's reaction caused in part by Churchill's plan to invade first, possibly no Churchill as PM.

    Spain had Franco in charge. Germany wanted access through Spain to attack Gibraltar. The British bribed Franco and various other people to say no, despite the fact that Franco owed the Axis big time for the help they'd given in the Spanish Civil War.

    Both countries were used extensively by both sides for government to government contacts, both openly and in attempts to plant false information. When various Nazis realised the war was lost, they talked to a representative of Roosevelt... in Stockholm. Does anyone think the Swedish government didn't know?

    See also Switzerland, Turkey, etc etc etc.

  5. Richard 20


    "Bletchley Park, the British wartime code-breaking center". Perhaps the author is American, but my understanding is that 'The Register' is still a British organ. TIA.

    1. codeusirae

      Re: Ahem…

      @Richard 20: #"Bletchley Park, the British wartime code-breaking center". Perhaps the author is American, but my understanding is that 'The Register' is still a British organ. TIA.`

      Well, it was Harvey Keitel who boarded U-571 and captured that Enigma Machine that saved the war. Even though the British really boarded U-110 and really captured the Enigma Machine. Besides which it was the Poles who provided an earlier Enigma model ..

  6. All names Taken
    Paris Hilton


    I have an awful feeling that a suitable epithet for the UK in all of this in centuries past, present and yet to come will always be:

    Lions led by donkeys

    (I don't mean diodes that emit light but retaining that thought may yield profound insight no?)

  7. codeusirae

    The secrets of Bletchley Park

    Why the haste to shut-down Bletchley Park and dismantle the equipment so soon after the second world war?

    1. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

      Re: The secrets of Bletchley Park

      Because Winston Churchill was stupid.

      Seeing what a shit he was to anyone that stood up to him in order to prevent his idiocy as far as possible, I have to wonder how much of it was stupidity though.

      I wouldn't put it past him ordering it to hide it from his enemy, His Majesty's Opposition.

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