Like this: a new topic.

This topic was created by jake .


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  1. jake Silver badge

    Like this: a new topic.

    User interfaces are gadgets.

    Imagine that.

  2. NickJohnson

    Can you please elaborate your thought?????

    Its nice but need more explaination.....

  3. Irene


    Elaborate further so we can also participate pal.

    1. jake Silver badge

      @Irene (was: Re: What?)

      You are very late in entering the conversation, and with no context. So I'll be nice.

      I posted this: soon after us commentards were allowed to create topics and test the new forums.

      It was in response to this "topic" that I created:

      I then posted the new "topic"

      Which in turn brought about the (nearly) final post in the series that you commentarded on nearly a year later. I chose not to reply to NickJohnson, not because his question wasn't valid, but rather because nobody else seemed to give a shit about my basic point, that being "If you actually have something to talk about, to get off your chest, whatever ... open a new fscking topic in the proper forum! That's what it's there for!"

      As for "user interfaces being gadgets" ... if you really have to ask, this is probably not a forum that you will be comfortable with, until you read & watch for a couple months, and come to an understanding what this place is all about.

      Clear as mud? Relax, put your feet up, have a homebrew, it's just nerds & geeks having a natter. Read, learn, enjoy, participate when you have a clue as to where the discussion is going :-)

      n.b. I'm just a user. I don't work for, speak for, write for, set policy for, or do anything else that relates to the running of ElReg, other than occasionally offer user input when asked, when I can be arsed. I am just a commentard, here because I like the combination of tech news & humor (in that order).

  4. LondonOOS

    There was nothing mentioned in the confirmation email or sign up process that I noticed to indicate that new users couldn't start new topics, I hate that. I tried a Google search and found myself here, where exactly does it state that a new user has to comment on topics before starting their own and how many time do I have to do it thanks.

    1. jake Silver badge

      @ LondonOOS

      Here ya' go:

      n.b. I'm just a user. I don't work for, speak for, write for, set policy for, or do anything else that relates to the running of ElReg, other than occasionally offer user input when asked, when I can be arsed. I am just a commentard, here because I like the combination of tech news & humor (in that order).

      As with any online community, hang out for a bit, read, learn the local culture, and then contribute when you feel comfy. Until then, relax & have a homebrew :-)

  5. martinblenner

    Want to Create Own Topic

    How can I create my on thread or topic here??

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Want to Create Own Topic

      You need to have five comments accepted - to date this has been an effective spam trap for us. House rules for you.

      1. Overflowing Stack

        Re: Want to Create Own Topic

        That explains why I can't post a new topic

  6. DennisMalone

    You need to post relevant thoughts as well so that people in the community will be able to get ideas.

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