back to article Feline OVERLORDS ditch camera-toting human servants, film selfie vids

Not content with taking over the internet, your mind, science, and potentially, your wallet, cats will soon no longer require the aid of their human chattel to film them. It's perhaps more accurate to say Felis catus has found a human amanuensis to facilitate its entry into the world of film-making in the form of Sydney artist …


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  1. jake Silver badge

    Cat-cams have been around for almost a decade.

    And bloody useless the entire time.


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What, you mean pretty much like this...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Been there , Done that

    Oh sorry, I forgot this was going to be "Art"...

    But hey if these idiots can actually get funded to do high tech kitty cat u tube videos, guess who the real idiots are !

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Been there , Done that

      Interesting? Maybe. Useful for the scientists? Probably. Art? My arse.

  4. heyrick Silver badge

    Bird massacres

    Our cats have given up on the birds, the cats didn't appreciate the whole 3D aspect.

    So by day the local wildlife is hunted by hawk-like birds, or taken down in a territorial fight with rowdy crows, and at night the land is the domain of an owl family. In my experience, the biggest killer of birds are.....other birds.

    The cat? Small lizards, field mice, voles, moles (which are not eaten) and from time to time a small wabbit.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Bird massacres

      My Whippets & Greyhounds feed the local red-tail hawk population ... the dawgs kill off the fscking ground squirrels, and the birds recycle the results.

      The cats keep the rodents out of the critter-chow.

    2. Primus Secundus Tertius

      Re: Bird massacres

      My niece has a smart cat. One day its hunting produced a £20 note.

      1. VinceH

        Re: Bird massacres

        "My niece has a smart cat."

        Does it run Windows or Android? (I'm assuming not iOS because Apple won't let anyone else put their OS in another device.)

        1. DaiKiwi

          Re: Bird massacres

          "Does it run Windows or Android? (I'm assuming not iOS because Apple won't let anyone else put their OS in another device.)"

          A beta version of Android 4.4 - Kit-Kat. What else could it be?

    3. Graham Dawson Silver badge

      Re: Bird massacres

      in most of the country the single biggest killer of songbirds - allegedly the favourite prey of cats - are not cats, but magpies. A cat might be able to get one songbird but given their lack of flight, cats are generally not capable of catching that many birds. In contrast, magpies do something that no cat would even think of attempting: they destroy nests. They take songbird chicks to feed to their own young. The growth in magpie numbers in recent years has had a devastating effect on all sorts of small birds - and not-so-small birds as well. They aren't particularly picky about where they get their food, you see.

  5. tony2heads

    Urban dictionary has it about right

    Felis domesticus

    Felis domesticus aka the House Cat. The highest form of life on Earth. Has used hypnotic powers of cuteness to enslave Homo sapiens to provide it with food and shelter, and, most importantly, a life of total freedom and leisure.

    Canis familiaris saw what great success Felis domesticus had with enslaving the Homo sapiens primates, and almost accomplished the same feat with their similar powers of hypnotic cuteness, however, for some reason, the canines, for the most part, did not end up with the same levels of freedom as their feline counterparts, making them, in our opinion, the second smartest species on planet Earth, followed by Homo sapiens in a distant third place.

    1. Ted Treen

      Re: Urban dictionary has it about right

      Dogs have owners: cats have staff...

    2. Ben Rosenthal

      Re: Urban dictionary has it about right

      Distant fourth place you mean? You forgot about the Dolphins.

      1. plrndl

        Re: Urban dictionary has it about right @ Ben Rosenthal

        ...and the mice.

        "Dolphins are the second most intelligent creatures on Earth, above humans and below mice" (

        1. Graham Marsden

          Re: Urban dictionary has it about right @ Ben Rosenthal

          Dogs come when called.

          Cats have answerphones.

  6. Len Goddard

    Been done

    BBC did this a year or more ago:

    Little Cat Diaries

    The Secret Life of the Cat

    They tracked all the movements of a group of cats in a village via collar locators and had catcams mounted on a number of them. Made an interesting documentary. Not sure where the art comes in.

    1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      Re: Been done

      Discovery Kids channel did this over a decade ago, in the great CatCam short films. I haven't been able to locate them on- or off-line since, unfortunately. Race Rabbit was another classic in a similar vein, and equally (it seems) unobtainable.

  7. Fihart

    barking mad

    as above

  8. poopypants

    Where does one find these energetic, adventurous cats?

    My cat's usual routine is to drape herself lazily across an outdoor setting.

    From there she casually ignores the local bird life eating out of her food bowl. Two feet away from her.

    1. Triggerfish

      Re: Where does one find these energetic, adventurous cats?

      Our cat used to do something similar each summer with Magpies, except it would let them taunt it.

      The birds would get close each day, and then near the end of the summer there'd be a smug cat and a lot of magpie feathers everywhere.

  9. Jagged

    Keep your cats indoors

    I don't care about the birds, but at least it would stop them using my garden for a territorial war where the ever changing boundary is marked out in cat shit

    1. Vociferous

      Re: Keep your cats indoors


      War never changes.

    2. jake Silver badge

      @ Jagged (was:Re: Keep your cats indoors)

      Cats won't soil their own nest. Our acreage belongs to the cats. They share with the folks east, west, and south of us (all of whom understand cats). The cats pee and poop at the outer corners of the ranch, where it won't get in anybody's way ... and in the fancy rose garden/pool area of the asshole who lives just north of us. He hates cats, and they carefully return the favo(u)r ...

      The idiot to the north is clueless. And has a serious rodent problem ...

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I have an exceptional pussy

    "Scientists are also said to be interested in the results, as cats often kill native birds in Australian cities. Many vets therefore advise that cats should be kept inside at night..."

    Funny, my cats must be the exception because they have never been to an Australian city but they do kill native birds. What's more, the birds my cats kill have been dispatched exclusively in daylight hours only. But I suppose daytime in the UK is night-time in Australia.

  11. Maty


    I've always loved that simple cartoon that shows just a few feathers lying on the grass. The caption is 'The Early Cat'.

    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Catsnbirds.

      The early cat gets the bird, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  12. Chris G

    People train dogs

    To do all sorts of stupid tricks.

    Cats train people, to do useful things like feeding and looking after cats.

  13. DaiKiwi

    Once upon a time...

    ...Cats were worshipped as gods.

    They have never let humans forget this.

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