back to article Samsung wins not-so-final 'final' pinch-to-zoom patent decision

Samsung has rushed to inform the courts of another "final" decision from the US Patent Office on Apple's pinch-to-zoom patent that is not, in fact, final at all. In the wake of its recent similar ruling on the bounce-back patent in April, the USPTO has said that it also rejects the claims made in the pinch-to-zoom patent - aka …


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  1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

    As ever

    The only winners here are the lawyers. On both sides.

  2. FlingoBingo
    Paris Hilton

    Tom Cruise invented this.

    I watched The Minority Report last night. Not seen it before, despite it being released way back in 2002. Plenty of pinch to zoom on show in it, and a couple of years before the patent in question was applied for.

    Paris, because she could make anything bigger with a twidddle of her fingers.

  3. frank ly

    "... with each side alternating its time on top with each ruling."

    That's exactly what you'd expect with bounce-back decisions.

  4. gerryg

    You couldn't make it up

    Apparently the US Courts are getting overwhelmed by these patent cases caused by overly broad claims and too much prior art.

    One might have thought the solution was to look at the USPTO and the way it issues patents but no, the Courts propose instead to limit the ability to asset claims (possibly good) and limit the ability to raise defences (definitely bad)

  5. silent_count

    No mas

    Ok, This was amusing at first but now I've had enough. Its time to lock Mr Samsung and Mr Apple in a room together. And they only get fed on days when neither of them calls a lawyer. They are allowed to leave when they've demonstrated they can behave like grown-ups or, since that will never happen, in body bags.

    1. Paul Shirley

      Re: No mas

      You were asleep when judge Koh tried that. She repeatedly ordered them to take part in settlement talks and somehow thought, if she kept on doing it something would change. Another sign of how little she understood what and why Apple were using the courts.

      In fact Koh seems to have had little interest in anything but getting the case out of her court as quickly as possible. Her post trial comments strongly suggest seeking actual justice wasn't a big concern, less important than following the legal process, where ever it led - just as long as it looked like getting there quickly. The only good thing she managed was making public statements that should guarantee a new trial, with a different judge. A trial that won't happen because by then there won't be any claims surviving the PTO's real final decisions.

    2. DJO Silver badge

      Re: No mas

      Lock 'em in a room, no that wouldn't work, however removing all Apple and Samsung products from the market until they sort it out themselves would probably get a result in under a day.

    3. Captain DaFt

      Re: No mas

      Better idea: lock the lawyers from both sides in a small room... and forget'em.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    patents shmatents

    Star Trek DS9 heavily features tablet computers, in the classroom and everywhere.

    As for bounceback and pinch to zoom it's like Ford patenting WING MIRRORS FFS.

    don't pinch to zoom, just use your index fingers together and move them apart - technically, not a pinch...

  7. EddieD

    Bloody hell

    Pinch to zoom - or rather, make a gesture involving moving two fingers, or in my arguement, hands, apart or together were being used in VR implementations in the mid 90s for goodness sake.

    I think the judge should put one hand behind the head of hte Apple brief, one hand behind the head of the samsung brief, and make a short, sharp zooming guesture

    1. Tom 13

      Re: Bloody hell

      I think the judge probably would like to, but knowing the law and the number of reliable witnesses at hand preferred to remain outside the general population of the local prison.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You can't patent ideas

    You can't patent ideas and gestures.

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