back to article Cuba unrestricts mobile phone use

Cuba has announced that its citizens will within the next few days be able to avail themselves of unrestricted use of mobile phones - the latest liberalisation move by Raul Castro who recently lifted a ban on sales of a raft of consumer goodies including PCs and TVs. According to official party newspaper Granma, Cuban …


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  1. heystoopid
    Paris Hilton


    Raul is one very astute and very smart cookie and was always the brains behind the revolution , since he was always two steps ahead of the best and brightest in either Foggy Bottom or the children of Langley !

  2. J


    "sales of a raft of consumer goodies"

    A raft? Really? What a cheap shot... :-D

  3. Anonymous Coward


    So, now all the rich people in a communist country can have mobile phones...

  4. Fred


    Just wait til they start arguing about ADSL and the state of their copper network!

  5. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

    But ...

    ... still no toasters?

  6. trackSuit

    Two-Way HighWay for Cuba 2.0

    "Cuba has announced that its citizens will within the next few days be able to avail themselves of unrestricted use of mobile phones - the latest liberalisation move by Raul Castro who recently lifted a ban on sales of a raft of consumer goodies including PCs and TVs."

    Of these, the mobile phones and PCs are the most interesting, as they allow two-way Communication, which is always more interesting than looking at a boring TV, with its 'give the viwers what we think they want' approach -a fool's ear trumpet?! -oops! personal opinion there! -J'accuse!

    I am reminded of the fact that George Soros flooded Hungary with cheap photocopiers (2Way) during the 1980s, to counter (rather effectively) the Russian propaganda which was prevalent at the time.

    I wonder what effect this increase in Communication Abilities will have on the Cuban people. If the majority of their computers are not yet Connected to the internet, can we expect to see a flood of cheap USB sticks and a Sneaker Net emerge? Will USB sticks be dropped from planes, preloaded with propaganda or Virtual ViralVxxxines? Will they contain Edutainment Information to boost Cuban people up to a point where they can make Real Progress in Economics and Industry etc.?

    I wonder if Raul is AdAware of AIdDutch AIntel and its proponents ProvenPotential for C4 Strategy, which would benefit all?

    Ring Ring / Ping Ping! Is anybody there? / ACK?

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