back to article Video services chug half of US net capacity

Video services Netflix and YouTube consume nearly half of US internet capacity at peak times, demonstrating the massive scale of Amazon and Google's infrastructure clouds, but causing us to ask 'whither Microsoft?' As of the first half of 2013, Netflix accounted for almost a third (32.5 per cent) of downstream traffic on US …


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  1. ilmari


    Couldn't agree more on the availability comment. What's the point of having netflix or other services, when all they have is movies you've already seen... on VHS.

    1. LarsG

      Re: Availability

      Couldn't agree more but that's why the service is so cheap.

      1. Another Justin

        Re: Availability

        Its just as cheap for unlimited streaming in the USA ($7.99 I believe)

        In fact with the current exchange rate that makes it cheaper than the UK (£5.99)

  2. Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge


    Yeah, the windows updates are pretty big but not compared to streaming movies. One reason Netflix is so high up the list is they will stream content up to about 5mbps, which is probably a higher mbps than I would wish to download similar content at.

  3. I think so I am?
    Thumb Up

    Just replace Netflix

    with iPlayer

  4. Nate Amsden


    where do people get the idea that netflix streams direct from amazon? the vast vast VAST bulk of that streaming data comes from CDN (whether limelight or netflix's own custom cdn stuff), not from the amazon cloud.

    Youtube is similar though you could perhaps argue the CDNs that google manages is part of their cloud since they are the owner and operator of everything end to end. --

    1. Crazy Operations Guy

      Re: eh?

      Amazon rents out CDN services as part of AWS, that is where people are getting that idea...

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