back to article BSkyB seeks 100s of Geordies to deal with broadband customer growth

BSkyB is looking to fill 550 job vacancies to meet what it described as "strong demand" for its TV and broadband services. The move comes after the British broadcaster confirmed that it had completed its takeover of O2 and BE's home broadband networks on Wednesday. BSkyB, which is 39 per cent-owned by Rupert Murdoch's News …


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  1. exexpat

    Best Products, Best services...

    But massively overpriced and a horrible company.

    1. ukgnome

      Great customer support

      I had cause to phone them yesterday - they recovered my HD boxes functionality within 5 mins. That was an excellent service.

      If they could ditch a shareholder then it would be an excellent company

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Only if....

    They can train their Geordie Employees to speak "proper" Queen's English?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Only if....

      when you've mown the grarse and had a barth will you have a glarse of shandy?

      1. El Presidente

        Re: Only if....

        Northerner here, living in the south, getting corrected by my Son who insists the green stuff in the garden is graaas.

        It's grass. It'll always be grass.

        Look, that's a cat. It's not caaat, is it?

        Case closed.

        1. Locky

          Re: Only if....

          Black and white woodland animal, friend of Toad and Rattie

          That's right, it's at barger

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh joy, sales and CS jobs!

    I can almost feel my sanity fleeing at the sight of those jobs. They might be ok for some people but when you're unemployed and have social phobia issues (yes it's a real thing) the thought of being forced to apply for such jobs is terrifying.

    AC - while I doubt many would ridicule my issues I still don't want to allow the few that might to know who I am.

    1. Rampant Spaniel

      Re: Oh joy, sales and CS jobs!

      Can they force you if you have a phobia? I can imagine it would be one of the worst jobs for someone with that condition!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Oh joy, sales and CS jobs!

        Given the always fun WCA decided I'm fit to work despite still getting help for my issues I would say they won't care. Sanctions are the order of the day aren't they? Do as we say or it's no benefits for you!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Oh joy, sales and CS jobs!

          The objective isn't to force anyone into a non-existent job, that would be impossible. They just want to either bully you into giving up benefits, or push you over the edge to suicide.

          Just go 'self employed' and they'll leave you alone. Self employed is the new incapacity benefit.

          (self employed AC)

  4. Rampant Spaniel

    At least they are on shore jobs and up in the 'grim north'. Nice to see a bit of good news on the job front, and for a decent number of jobs.

    As for the arpu, lets see your acpu then we can see if you are really adding to shareholder value.

  5. Mostly_Harmless Silver badge

    good luck to them

    Having spent the last week trying to get a problem with my parents' Sky broadband fixed, I hope any new recruits are better than the absolute shower of s**t I've had to deal with thus far.

    Even if they man the phones while off their faces on Newkie Broon, they can't do a worse job than the muppets who have been taking me round in frustrating circles over the last few days.

  6. Flakey

    Bit optimistic

    of Sky thinking its gonna need hundreds of extra workers because of the influx of O2/Be customers. Im on O2 and beleive me, a lot of people currently with O2/Be arent sticking around when the changeover occurs (me for one) The usual sentiment on the O2/Be forums is "F*** Murdoch"

    1. dotdan

      Re: Bit optimistic

      Never looked at the forum, but I switched the connections I'm responsible for away from BE as soon as the announcement was made.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Bit optimistic

      When Murdoch's name was mentioned that was it for me. After many years service with BE, they lost two customers.

      As already mentioned, the BE forums were awash with upset, anti-murdoch customers.

      1. Lil Pete

        Re: Bit optimistic

        Same here, I switched a few days ago. Such a pity.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    will I never escape them??


    I have only just cancelled my Sky TV, now they've bought my ISP!

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