back to article Microsoft follows Apple into the dock over warranty terms in China

Hot on the heels of Apple’s well publicised run-in with the Chinese authorities over alleged deficiencies in its customer service, Microsoft is now being targeted by state-run media which claims its Surface Pro warranty terms do not comply with local laws. A China National Radio report on Monday claimed that Redmond is only …


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  1. graeme leggett Silver badge

    Genuine issue?

    Is the department putting its best foot forward to defend China's emergent consumer nation from the rapacious foreigner, or angling for some sort of quid pro quo to "make the problem go away".

    1. LarsG

      A great opportunity

      For a country, state, county or even a town to enact a national or local law which states an electrical device such as a laptop, tablet or even phone must come with a three year all parts and labour warranty.

      Without of course hiding the cost in the purchase price of the item.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @ LarsG Re: A great opportunity

        If you increase the cost of either support or manufacture, then prices must rise to maintain expected profits. That much is common sense, and should be expected. What, you wanted something for nothing?

        1. John Wilson

          Re: @ LarsG A great opportunity

          Or companies could make devices that don't break down after a year? A warranty, after all, is simply an expression of the confidence the manufacturer has that their product won't fall apart. Asking for a computer to actually not break within 2 years of purchase is hardly asking a lot.

  2. tempemeaty

    The Ballmerian push-back may get more in kind

    I think the Chinese are saying to Western business here that they are being allowed to be in the Chinese market and to prove they should continue to be allowed. Apple answered correctly and will likely be able to continue for now maybe, it seems they still are good strategists and have some wisdom here.

    The Ballmerian push-back response was not as wise at all...

  3. Dan 55 Silver badge

    One would think the Chinese who have bought a Surface Pro might be grateful for the opportunity not to be offered a replacement should they have persevered that long with it. There's no pleasing some people.

  4. hplasm

    I would lay odds-

    That there will be very few Surfaces about in two years, alive or dead.

  5. stragen001

    I would love it if ms or apple had the balls to just turn around to China and refuse to sell their products in China. It'll never happen of course, but it would be hilarious to see Chinas reaction(make bad copies)

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Microsoft has already saved them the trouble of making a bad copy of Windows. It's called Windows 8 and Windows RT.

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