back to article Support for RHEL 3 ends one year from … now!

Red Hat has let it be known that by this time next year it will wash its hands of the third version of its Enterprise Linux. In a notification sent to customers and CERTs, the company has pointed out that its product lifecycle for Red Hat Enterpise Linux 3 is about to run out of life. The product debuted in October 2003, …


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  1. jake Silver badge

    What idiots use RHEL, any version?

    And why?

    Third-party software is a security hole waiting to happen.

    If you have the money to purchase so-called "Enterprise" Linux, you're better-off hiring an actual un*x admin to put together a system made to order for the needs of the business in question ... Personally, I base my systems on Slackware. Your mileage may vary.

    1. foo_bar_baz

      Re: What idiots use RHEL, any version?

      You cannot find Slackware under officially supported OS's for Oracle, EMC or any other "enterprise" software or hardware vendor, while RHEL is always listed. Good luck with that support call to any of those 3rd parties with your in house Linux setup.

      In short, big enterprises buy RHEL.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What idiots use RHEL, any version?

      Or even better, upgrade to a current version of Windows Server with the associated lower TCO and lower security vulnerability counts and ditch your legacy UNIX estate....

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What idiots use RHEL, any version?

        "Or even better, upgrade to a current version of Windows Server with the associated lower TCO and lower security vulnerability counts and ditch your legacy UNIX estate...."

        Morning RICHTO

    3. Bill the Sys Admin

      Re: What idiots use RHEL, any version?

      Why would you not use RHEL? All the major enterprise applications are usually officially supported on SUSE/RHLE/Ubuntu after that your on your own.

      I really don’t see any point to this post actually? Enterprises want support, that is why they go for these distros if they want Linux. If your server in your basement runs Slackware fine, its probably very good. But not suited to the enterprise requirements.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What idiots use RHEL, any version?

      And people wonder why Linux uptake isn't greater?

      1st post reads to most normal mortals as being said through heavily adenoided voice as: Why would you use the most popular version of Enterprise grade linux, what you really need to use is monkey-spunk., anything else is for mornons?

  2. Nigel 11

    Idiots who pay for RHEL

    I've always assumed the idiots want a multi-billion dollar company to sue, when they can prove that it was a known long-standing fault in the operating system that wrecked their business.

    Yes, there are at least two huge holes in that argument, but the suits can't see them. And we should be thankful for these idiots, because they keep Red Hat in business.

    If you don't want to pay, check out Centos or Scientific Linux. Or if you like bleeding edge, use Fedora, and help make RHEL8 better than RHEL7 by doing so. Yes I know, RHEL 7 isn't out quite yet.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Idiots who pay for RHEL

      Or maybe they just want quality support? Like, having an actual person to talk to when they hit an issue, and preferably in their own language, rather than being forced to mailing lists in English?

      I don't feel like an idiot for calling RH support and getting fixes included in RHEL.

      1. Richard Lloyd

        Re: Idiots who pay for RHEL

        It should be noted here that you don't need an RHEL subscription to lodge bug reports with RHEL. Just register on and post up your bug. I've done it a few times myself, even though I run CentOS. Obviously, if it's not an RHEL issue but a CentOS one, you should post up to instead. And, yes, you can use the same Red Hat Bugzilla system to report bugs in Fedora too.

  3. Pet Peeve

    Stupid subhead

    "freetards" (a word that should have the same fate as "mobe") don't use RHEL, by definition.

    1. Pet Peeve

      Re: Stupid subhead

      Nice, he changed it! Freetard really needs to not be a thing anymore.

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