back to article Asia has fastest internet, launches most cyber-attacks

Not only is Asia home to the world's fastest internet connections, but it's also the source of the most internet attack traffic, according to new data from content delivery provider Akamai. The latest edition of the company's quarterly "State of the Internet" report once again crowns Hong Kong as home of the fastest broadband …


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  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    damn commies

    Here in free market capitalist Canada - foreign telecoms companies are banned

    And so I have a blistering 5Mb/s link which often achieves almost half that on a good day

  2. Scott Earle

    I live in Thailand (which, for our geographically-challenged American friends, is in Asia), and while I have a 16Mb/sec internet connection, this is considered fast. However, most people can get at least 4Mb for very little cash, or 10Mb for a not-outrageous outlay.

    Download speeds within the country are super-quick, but as soon as I connect to servers outside Thailand, the speed starts to suffer a little. Fortunately, companies like Akamai have a presence in most countries - and so downloading stuff from large companies (e.g. Microsoft, Apple) is always fast.

  3. Radiodoc

    High speed okay - if the ISP doesn't rip you off!

    I live in Hong Kong (which, for our geographically-challenged American fiends, is NOT in Japan).

    I started out - over 30 years ago with an Apple ][+ to use to decode RTTY. [Radio Teletype news services when I was in Oman]

    Later on, back in Hong Kong, I fired up a 300 Baud, phone line powered modem for connection to the local Bulletin Board Systems!

    Finally, I got to 9600 & then 14.4K Bauds, & thence to 28.8K & 56K.

    Finally, the big jump to 1.5Mbps down & 640K up.

    In the following years, to 3Mbps, 6Mbps, and then to 8Mbps so that Now-TV could hog most of the bandwidth.

    Finally to 100Mbps Up/Down with fibre to the computer in 2011 - I see that PCCW/Netvigator is pushing higher fibre connect speeds to the ill-informed.

    But with URLs such as showing that it can't even manage anything approaching 100Mbps data flows outside of Hong Kong - only fools & horses would go higher than the 100Mbps being offered right now. I pay HK$172 = US$22 = 12 Quid for UNLIMITED data flows 24/7. Oh the joys of "Far Cathay"!

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: High speed okay - if the ISP doesn't rip you off!

      What a rip-off, the ISP not providing an individual transpac cable for each subscriber for your 12quid.

      It's the same here with road tax, you pay it for your car and are expected to share the road with others!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As above...I've got the 100/100 fibre PCCW package....blisteringly fast on HK based sites, but you're at the mercy of the international links, which get pretty choked up in peak times.

    Can get 1000Mbps.....can't really see the point though!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We do need better underwater cables across the entire APAC area. Clearly demand is high here but the infrastructure investment just hasn't been able to catch up on cables to Hong Kong.

    We have tons of cables going to places regionally but not enough going direct to Europe, in particular the UK as well as the US, so peak hour traffic to those destinations are rubbish. Can hardly stream a video hosted in the UK during those hours.

  6. Joe Montana

    Is it really the chinese?

    While attacks may originate from china, who's to say that it is actually the chinese launching those attacks?

    It could very easily be compromised machines located in china, which are being operated by parties located elsewhere. If you are doing something illegal it makes a lot of sense to hide your activities by relaying them through systems located as far away from your true location as possible.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is it really the chinese?

      +1 for this.

      Common sense says if you were going to launch an attack then China, a country not disposed to handing information over to the west, would seem like a good starting point.

  7. piscator
    Big Brother

    "Not only ...."

    "Not only is Asia home to the world's fastest internet connections, but it's also ...." home to some of the world's slowest and unreliable !! 'packet-sniffing' ? more like 'packet-licking' or even packet-munching in some of these places .... Thank FSM for wget !

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