back to article Russian iTunes offers smut video links

Apple's iTunes music store launched in Russia this week, complete with links to video smut. Russian blog reports (through Google Translate) that when local users access the iTunes Store and seek out "More films in different languages" they see links to services such as “”. The blog speculates the links …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    At last

    Something stimulating from Apple.

    1. LarsG


      Nothing wrong with good healthy smut!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I should be called piTunes.

    1. dssf

      No, No, It should be called...

      THIGHtunes or THAItunes, hehehe....

  3. NorthernCoder

    In Soviet Russia...

    ...smut find you!

    Mine's the one with the Yakov Smirnoff VHS in the pocket.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Or does it...

    More likely than not the guy has some malware redirecting his DNS requests, or this is all just a marketing trick for the .xxx domain.

    Since the content doesn't mention Apple at all I'm surprised these options weren't considered.

  5. 45RPM Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Why is it that…

    …Russia gets a superior iTunes servicing?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't get it - Minnesota Strippers? ! I mean the Russkies are hardly what you would call a a trousorially repressed nation, it's not like they don't get enough of that kind of thing at home.... maybe it counts as "exotic" ? ;)

    My money's on a DNS/"spammy-marketing" problem of some sort as well :P

    What OS does the dude use? Arrr-me hearties+iTunes, I'll be bound. Linux bit of a hard sell there as there is no challenge in getting it for free..... MS clearly don't mind. Programmers there like FOSS though.

    Has he got the iTunes trojan fix yet? ;)

  7. yoinkster

    Since when has there been pornography on the internet?!

  8. Benebby

    A suggestion was that they were using as a holding / example url that "accidentally" went live.

    Sort of makes sense.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Oh shit...

      * goes into server to s/xxx\.xxxx/yyy\.yyy/g

      Nicely played .xxx registrar, nicely played...

    2. MechaNikos

      Which is exactly what happened, accidentally or not.

  9. Mayday

    Time to...

    ...get a Russian iTunes account!

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