back to article Microsoft tightens the scroos in search battle

Microsoft's Bing unit has published a web site attacking Google Shopping's product, insisting the ad giant's search results as driven entirely by profit. The attack comes in the form of, which proclaims “Simply put, all of their shopping results are now paid ads”. On Bing, by contrast, Microsoft promises “an …


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  1. Androgynous Crackwhore


    Why innovate and excel when you can envy and implode?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Libellous?

      …because making an attack site is such a mature thing to do!

      At least they're not dragging people through the law courts over "patent infringements".

      1. Androgynous Crackwhore

        Re: Libellous?

        ...but you couldn't go dragging people through the law courts over "patent infringements".

        ...when you haven't invented any of the stuff which was there long before you pulled your head out from your arse, noticed it, and thought "I want that"...

        Oh... wait a min...

        1. dewee

          Re: Libellous?

          let's try counting the patents, facts

    2. toadwarrior
      Thumb Down

      Re: Libellous?

      It is only libellous if it isn't true yet you have not proof it isn't. No need to get butt hurt over more evidence that google is going deep down the path of evil

  2. Richard Steiner


    You say, "...insisting the ad giant's search results as driven entirely by profit."

    Aside from marveling at the grammar used in the above sentence fragment, I'm inclined to wonder what else would motivate a corporate entity's actions? Is Bing generating results for purely altruistic reasons?

    1. Daniel Johnson

      Re: Interesting...

      If you're using a price comparison site to find the best price, and instead of the best price, the site shows the links it is being compensated for, then the site does not fulfill the function of a price comparison site.

      It is rather an advertising site masquerading as a price comparison site.

      1. P. Lee

        Re: Interesting...

        Who buys stuff off google?

        That's what amazon is for.

        gg://thingIWant amazon

        I assume all price comparison sites are dodgy. Amazon is just a starting point.

        "Oh I'm sorry sir, you would like that ebook but you life in australia - we can't send those particular electrons to you if you live in australia!"

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft promises “an honest search result.”

    The day I start relying on Microsoft for anything "honest" is the day hell freezes over.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Microsoft promises “an honest search result.”

      As opposed to Google?!?!?!?!

      The epitome of "underhanded"....

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    .... is this what the mighty beast of Redmond is reduced to... pathetic puerile childish name calling?

    Hardly the sort of company you should consider doing business with.

  5. James O'Brien


    Too bad the former website of a similar name couldn't sue and get some money to get back in operation.....i miss them.

    1. Paul Webb

      Re: Scroogled?

      Yes, especially as the article keeps referring to scroogle and not scroogled (even in the sub-head).

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Re: Scroogled?

        It is a good pairing for the word trough, MS cast aspersions over how good Google's results are, whereas just stole them.

        1. The Equestrian

          Re: Scroogled?

          NSFW alert!

          Don't visit scroogle.COM if you are at work (and its still around), it was scroogle.ORG that ripped off Google search

  6. toadwarrior

    Google shopping does suck

    Not a fan of Bing but google shopping deserves to be attacked. It's rubbish. Despite being signed into google and not having any US info tied to the account it still loves pushing prices in dollars but more importantly, the results are mostly crud. Those results have to be paid for because half the time the results look like they're scam sites. I much rather go anywhere else.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    avoid google shopping

    Surely what is needed is an operating system that recommends products on Amazon instead. That's surely what reputable vendors would be doing.

    Microsoft? Are you listening?

  8. 4xd6

    scroogled is microsoft


    Domain Administrator

    Microsoft Corporation

    One Microsoft Way

    Redmond WA 98052

    US +1.4258828080 Fax: +1.4259367329

    Domain Name:

    Registrar Name:

    Registrar Whois:

    Registrar Homepage:

    Administrative Contact:

    Domain Administrator

    Microsoft Corporation

    One Microsoft Way

    Redmond WA 98052

    US +1.4258828080 Fax: +1.4259367329

    Technical Contact, Zone Contact:

    MSN Hostmaster

    Microsoft Corporation

    One Microsoft Way

    Redmond WA 98052

    US +1.4258828080 Fax: +1.4259367329

    Created on..............: 2011-12-27.

    Expires on..............: 2014-12-27.

    Record last updated on..: 2012-11-27.

    Domain servers in listed order:

    1. AceRimmer

      Re: scroogled is microsoft

      You could have just read the article instead

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Re: scroogled is microsoft

        Yes but he wanted to show off he knew how to look up a domain registration,

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Invisible Hand

    Take a look at the invisible hand add-on/extension for Firefox, Chrome or Safari. I've had it installed for over a year and its pretty good for comparing online shopping and flights.

    The FAQs say it's funded by commission so given they publish the list of partner sites that seems reasonably transparent. It has a pretty good range of major online names but bad luck if you're into cheap iPads from

  10. Keep Refrigerated

    I've been... Microshafted?

    Windows 8 Pro (at time of commenting):

    $69.99 -

    $66.99 -

    $64.99 - Google Shopping Results (

  11. James Gosling

    All we need now are....

    Photos of Steve Balmer kissing babies!

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