back to article Ubisoft forgets to ship activation codes for music game

Whoops. Ubisoft has shipped a number of European copies of Rocksmith for PC without activation codes. The omission was, of course, a blunder. However, gamers affected by the codes' absence have still been struck by Ubi's strict security and asked to provide a clear digital image of purchase receipts. Hordes of affected …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    oh the irony

    "Related stories

    Ubisoft: 'Vast majority of PC gamers are PIRATES' (22 August 2012)"

    It's no wonder when they manage to shaft legitimate users in such a manner...

    1. James O'Brien
      Thumb Down

      Re: oh the irony

      While I may sound like a twat for this one.....

      After reading the story you mention in your post I actually called Ubisoft and kept asking to be escalated as high as I could go (assuming they didnt bullshit me on this one) and ended up at some high up managers phone taking to him and expressed the fact that I (and many other gamers) dont appreciate being referred to as pirates or even that being insinuated, also mentioned the fact that this alone may make me say fuck Ubisoft and instead of actually buying their DRMed to shit games I may start pirating them instead because of comments like these. His response was a weak "Were sorry you feel that way but we do still value those who buy our games".

      Fuck Ubisoft at this rate they are just going to make me start pirating their games if they have any I actually want to play. AC2 pissed me off especially when their servers would go down for no fucking reason while I was in game and I was faced with the choice of leaving the game frozen on the screen while waiting for them to come back up or close it and lose progress. Twats.

      1. cs94njw

        Re: oh the irony

        That manager sounded quite nice.

  2. wowfood

    Shame really

    I quite liked Rocksmith at eurogamer. Seems like a fun (ish) way to learn guitar.

    Ah well, I'll pop down town on the weekend and see if I can purchase a copy for the PC. With any luck I won't get the activation code and I can get this 'free DLC' they speak of.

  3. signpost

    Tale of woe

    I waited for this game to come out in the UK, after being released in the US last year, so finally I might sit & learn on my somewhat dusty guitar.

    My copy duly arrived from Amazon last Friday, the release date, sans activation key.

    Ubisoft in fairness did get back to me by Saturday evening, with a useable key.

    Sadly I'm also afflicted with owning a crappy old laptop, which it turns out isn't up to spec. for the game, so I'm still not able to play it. In hindsight, maybe I should've asked on the Ubisoft forums, after failing to find the required specs. on the Ubisoft site.

    Oh well, at least it's an excuse to buy a new shiny machine.

  4. M Gale

    But.. but...

    I thought shipping a free copy of malware with every game was meant to mean you don't need CD keys!

    Ho hum. Guess not.

  5. DrXym

    Is this game any good?

    I'd be tempted to buy a cheap guitar and plug it into a PC if I thought I'd learn to play (albeit badly) using the game. If it's just some dumb strum-along-to-the-music thing, or laden down with DLC or just plain bad then I might not.

  6. Annihilator


    "Fortunately, the company said it will give affected customers free downloadable content, with instant access to all Rocksmith mini-games, by way of an apology."

    Cue people unaffected scratching off their activation codes, claiming they didn't get one, getting a fresh activation code to give to their friend AND a bonus of DLC and the mini-games. Result!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    LOL seems like a natural evolution of UBIsofts DRM strategy

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, it gets better...

    I'm one of those affected; I pre-order from Amazon, who got the thing to me in good time [yay!] - no key [boo!] - googled to UbiScoundrels [hiss!] to be told I had to register (for more spam?) before getting a support ticket [proper cross now!]. So I registered last night, took the picture they wanted [receipt in kitchen bin by now - YUK!] and sent everything through. Not an apologetic note from UbiSlugs, just "some people are experiencing difficulties with the install" - no acknowledgement that they are the cause! So here I am, all of aquiver, waiting for some help 24 hours later, only to discover two things;

    1) Amazon have pulled a blinder, have sent the apologetic note that UbiScum should have sent and included the key code. [HURRAH!]

    2) UbiSpanners have DELETED my support ticket AND my account WITHOUT A WORD!

    So, here's a question folks - how are they going to get the "free downloads and unlock codes" they promised to me?


    (PS posted anonymously in the vain hope I may yet get some satisfaction from the swine. On the plus side, I did email this into the Register and I'm hoping that this was what prompted the piece above. If so, I am a little mollified. "Little things" and all that... :o) )

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If you want a giggle...

    Go and check the Reviews on Amazon. Some people are Proper Cross on there! :o)

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Driver-SF DRM

    I bought their Driver San Francisco game. After playing it for 3 months to level 38 of 40, the game continuously crashes at the Multiplayer Lobby screen. I contacted them and spent weeks troubleshooting it but they say they can't do anything as its due to DRM and Corrupt GAMER Profiles on their Servers which are automated so can't be edited or cloned from a good profile! A $50 USD game that's now a useless lump of plastic! Thanks Ubisoft!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Me again...

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! So, I have my key now. I have my DVD. I have STeam pointing at the correct hard drive.


    For the love of God, SAVE ME from this INCOMPETANCE!!!!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Me again...


      Seriously! You keep buying them, they'll keep making them. You have only yourself to blame.

  12. Ilsa Loving

    Who now?

    Who is this Ubisoft company again? I vaguely recall a company by that name that treated their customers like criminals, and that the last game I bought from them on the Mac wouldn't even *launch* because they wrapped their game is some idiotic DRM that was incompatible with OSX Lion.

    So I don't buy anything from them anymore, just like I refuse to buy Sony for similar reasons.

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