back to article Boris 'games rot brains' Johnson hosts game art expo

City Hall - home of the London Mayor - plays host to a games-related art exhibition this week as the London Games Festival draws to a close. Batman: Arkham City art Curiously, the exhibition is "supported" by Mayor Boris Johnson, who in December 2006 wrote on his blog and in the Daily Telegraph that "computer games rot the …


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  1. NightFox

    I'm not sure that Boris's statements are contradictory, I don't think he's ever had an issue with computer games per se, just the results of excessive consumption, q.v. alcohol.

  2. frank ly
    Big Brother

    "the originals have been expunged"

    We have always been in favour of computer games. From tomorrow, the daily ration of Telegraph articles will be increased to four.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Re: "the originals have been expunged"

      Blair Bless! I was barely getting by on my daily allowance of six.

  3. toadwarrior

    Computer games do indeed rot the brain. They'll lead to such behaviour as sitting in first class when you only have a standard ticket.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    He also thinks games are linked to knife crime..

    Really. Said it in 2008, soon after being elected.

    Imagine - a hypocritical Tory!

    1. SkippyBing

      Re: He also thinks games are linked to knife crime..

      'Imagine - a hypocritical politician!'

      There, fixed that for you.

      1. Bernard M. Orwell

        Re: He also thinks games are linked to knife crime..

        'Imagine - a hypocritical, uninformed politician spouting nonsense scripted by other thats don't have a clue either!'

        Proper fixed. :)

  5. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Does the exhibition site need/set cookies?

    I just arrive at the home page and then nothing...

    At least nothing that is distinguishable from stuff you can find in any good comic book shop.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Depends on the game, modern games are pretty dumb and hardly taxing.

    Many will help memory and hand eye coordination, but there's very little in terms of problem solving compared to games of old. Adventure games and RPGs are more taxing than your typical FPS or sports SIM.

    Plus modern online games can take over your life and doing one thing repetitively isn't good. You need a varied life, not just sitting down all the time.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Grandma is that you?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Yes. Now get your homework finished!!

    2. toxicdragon

      I don't know, Minecraft has brought out some pretty creative people, there are some great ideas out there.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Kaching that's Friday sorted. Hopefully. Why don't you advertise interesting upcoming events all the time?

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Me brainz is rotted

    Yes, indeed Boris.

    I've played said brain rotting games for 36 years and am now a competent web developer earning a reasonable tithe.

    Clearly the brain rot must've set in, as otherwise I would surely be a politician by now.

    There's nothing so bad as a complex puzzle based game, or an insanely complicated RPG that demands exceptional attention to detail and careful planning, when it comes to brain rot.

    Perhaps we should all be out on the rugby field, or running around the countryside scaring pheasants out of bushes for toffs to shoot. Or maybe we should be perched on the sofa in front of the telly watching Boris the Buffoon.

  9. CmdrX3

    i play puter games all da time

    An ders nuffing rong wit my litracy skillz at all an my brainz deffo aint rotted.

  10. Anonymous C0ward

    If Pacman had affected us as children


  11. PsychoHippy

    You sure about that?

    "Konami's 25th Metal Gear Solid anniversary "

    Surely that should be 15th, or did MGS really come out in 1988?

    Still, it's nice to see game art get some recognition - there are some tremendously talented artists out there.

    talented artists out there.

    1. PsychoHippy

      Re: You sure about that?

      Hmmm, I seem to have developed an echo!

  12. Sorry, "Sorry that handle is already taken" is already taken.

    If computer games really did influence behaviour...

    .....most facebook users would be farmers by now.

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