back to article New NHS chieftains put docs' software bill on their tab

The NHS Commissioning Board will continue to pump cash into the GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) scheme, which funds approved clinical software for doctors - adding to the list of erstwhile National Programme for IT projects that it will maintain centrally. The board, which will take responsibility for running the NHS in England …


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  1. Dave 15

    Cable and wireless the well known...

    UK supplier? Oh no, of course not, couldn't spend UK tax payers money in the UK - just wouldn't be cricket.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cable and wireless the well known...

      Maybe not well known, but is a UK supplier and now owned by Vodafone.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Are we supposed to know what that is, or does the author not know either and is just hoping nobody notices?

  3. JohnMurray

    Information Management & Technology/Telecommunications.

    Anything to stop practices getting and using tech not compliant to gathering information to sell to drug companies.

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