back to article Samsung offers cool green RAM for the same cold hard greenbacks

Samsung is promoting its green memory here at ISC 2012 in Hamburg, Germany, saying its 20nm-class DRAM uses less electricity than 50nm-class RAM and runs cooler too. Oh, and it costs the same. To set the scene, consider an HPC set-up with 400 compute nodes, each with 96GB of 50nm-class RAM. Going by a Samsung figures that …


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  1. g e

    You know what this is, right?

    Yep. Innovation (as in the real kind)

    1. Terry 13

      Re: You know what this is, right?

      Wait until the fanbois arrive, claiming all that Samsung can do is copy!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: You know what this is, right?

        Yes, I'm sure you'll find that the Samsung RAM's are rectangular .... blatant rip-off of the iPad

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      What innovation?

      This was simply going from 50nm to 20nm, i.e. making shit smaller.

      Hardly innovative, we've been doing that since the dawn of computing.

      1. clean_state

        Re: What innovation?

        You do not seem to be aware of the amount of science and engineering that does into each process shrink. The fact that the Moore law has been successfully followed for decades does not mean it was easy.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What innovation?

          By <<amount of science and engineering that does into each process shrink>> you mean all the stuff Samsung has been copying and regularly been sued for, right?

  2. Nick Kew

    This goes on the shopping list!

    Sounds like a really worthwhile improvement. It can go on the wishlist for my next 'puter, along with ARM processor, E-Ink screen et al.

  3. Anonymous Coward 101

    Presumably the memory will also last longer if it runs cooler?

  4. archengel46

    Is that actually... yes... nah...

    I cannot get my head around the subtitle and it is nagging me!

    "Confidentially admits" means that the Reg shouldn't be allowed to publish that they have admitted... while if the "Confidently admits" then it would be.. ?

    Someone let me know! The loop is driving me nuts!

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