back to article World+Dog as likely to view vids on PC as TV

Folks, you're as likely to watch video content on your computer as your TV, if stats collated by asking tens of thousands of web-surfing consumers around the world is anything to go by. Nielsen, a US market research firm, asked 28,000 or so people in 56 countries how often they watch video content on a computer, on a TV or on …


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  1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov


    Watching a streaming clip of a cat playing piano on yutube should not count as "watching a video" at all.

    Watching a DVD on PC can only be equal to "watching a video on a *small* TV".

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Of course....

    .....this survey could just be telling us that people who watch video online are more likely to fill out those annoying "help us improve..." surveys, rather than telling the pain in the a**e things to f**k off.

  3. thesykes

    That's impressive...

    they actually found so many people to actually respond to those popups??

  4. Crisp

    Does anyone still have a TV?

    I hear that they are like PC's but less functional.

  5. Robert E A Harvey

    But viewing figures down

    I'll tell you why.

    Because the content is crap, that's why

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