back to article Citadel, FirePay asset seizures pay out for the DOJ

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) continued its orgy of online gambling asset seizures this week, issuing seizure warrants for $9.25 mil from Citadel Commerce and $4.2 mil from FirePay. Both companies are Canadian, and neither is currently taking money from American gamblers. The fact that both companies have already withdrawn …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hooray for busting FirePay

    FirePay should have been busted years ago, for laundering money. A few years back, my credit card number got skimmed and the thieves used FirePay to steal $3000 from my card.

  2. Greg Nelson

    Golden Rain

    When will the rest of the world get tired of being soaked in elephant piss? Britain seems intent on being America's bum boy and the rest of Europe seems acts like WWII just ended and the Marshall Plan bailiff is at the door demanding payment. In Canada we're painfully aware of the true intent of, IIRC, J.P. Morgan's statement, "Canada is a very nice country and we intend to see that it stays that way."

    Jumping from gambling legislation to world politics and governance may seem a bit of a rant, but, as a Canadian, living under the huge legs of a colossal elephant and being incessantly pissed on is growing old. Historically the people who ran America weren't nice guys. 'The business of America is business' pretty much sums it up. America, as a nation, raped half a continent, then pimped it to turn a buck. When the whore began to grow old they turned to the protection racket and built up a military industrial complex that we're told is there to keep 'us' safe from the 'evil' axis of the day. I'm sure when Arthur Miller penned 'Death of a Salesman', even he, was unaware he had created in Willy Lomax the quintessential American President.

    The American, oligopolistic, capitalist system is decidedly adversarial. May the best man win is fine and well on a refereed, level playing field but in the real world the adversarial system is prejudiced in favour of those who can afford the most resources. Politically the situation translates into a dynamic wherein the politically elected strive to win the popular vote to effect the wishes of Corporate Lobbyists while the judiciary struggle to do some stuff I don't get that's intended to uphold the law, protect the constitution but not actually write legislation while maybe guiding it. Overall it seems to beg Churchill's adage that Democracy is the absolute worst form of government except for all the others.

    America's winner take all with god on their side manipulation of internal and international law is dangerously juvenile. Living a piss soaked existence under the elephant's huge legs while peeping about to find ourselves dishonourable graves in ground unconsecrated by evangelical America is a disservice to world governance. The thing about being a pygmy trying to bring down an elephant is that you've got to dart in and out making every small cut count. That is the more so true in areas like gambling where the American Right grabs for the cash with one hand while disavowing the evils of gambling with the other.

    OTOH apparently I've too time on mine.

  3. Ishkandar

    Suitable Canadian response

    Just turn off the taps and shutdown the power substations along the border until they see sense. Well. they tried invading Canada once before, in 1812, and the Canadians saw them off. Now, with all their troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, they'll be hard pressed to do much more than make rude noises.

  4. Guy


    I might be missing something here, but why are they freezing funds and arresting people for a law that hasn't even started yet? More to the point where do they get the idea from that their jurisdiction covers any company anywhere in world. Put this on top of the fact that the WTO say their actions regarding to gambling are not lawful. Can the rest of the world please grow up and tell them where to get off and hopefully help them to do it

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