back to article Yahoo! chairman! falls! on! his! sword!

Yahoo!'s chairman and three other board members are stepping down as the once-mighty web firm continues its drawn-out internal shake-up. Chairman Roy Bostock announced the purge in a letter to shareholders, saying the directors had chosen not to stand for re-election to the board "in order to accelerate the company's …


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  1. Gordon 10


    We're finally admitting that Yahoo is doomed and activating our golden parachute clauses whilst our share options are still useful for something more than toilet paper

  2. Dibbles

    Funny thing...

    Facebook's profit for 2011, as announced in their IPO filing, was $1bn. Yahoo!'s profit is currently running at about $1bn a year, as best I can make out.

    One is allegedly worth $100bn, the other... isn't.

    1. Gordon 10


      Farcebook is riding an inflating bubble.

      Yahoo is covered in the gunge of the previous bubble.

  3. Mr Young

    "accelerate the company's transformation"?

    Why does the phrase "polish a turd" spring to mind? It's probably just me - as you were.

  4. Nunyabiznes
    Thumb Up


    1. Golden Parachute out of spiraling ball of fail.

    2. Sell stock on uptick.

    3. Profit!

  5. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

    They need leadership stability

    I hear Kim Kardashian is available.

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