back to article Press Council slaps Rupert for Oz NBN coverage

It’s taken the best part of half a year, but Australia’s lame-duck press self-regulator, the Australian Press Council, has given News Limited outlet the Daily Telegraph a wet slap over aspects of its NBN coverage. The “Daily Terror” (not to be confused with the UK publication of the same name) had, the Press Council found, …


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  1. fjkeiwefjlkwefiowefkjl

    insetallation costs?

    What are "insetallation costs"? They sound scary!

  2. Stephen 10

    It's worth pointing out

    That FOX (NI) is in partnership with Telstra who stand to be the big losers in the NBN.

    But Rupert would never let a massive conflict of interests get in the way of the truth, now would he?

    Not to even bring up his staunch support for the more rabid-capitalist/corporate welfare end of politics.

  3. FlatEarther

    They haven't stopped, though.

    Even though they've lost the argument in the court of public opinion.

    It's not just news self interest, this is a labor party initiative, and news corp is against the Labor government. Anything they do, news is against it, irrespective of its merits (or otherwise).

  4. cs94njw

    Didn't think the truth was a major part of journalism.

  5. Winkypop Silver badge
    Big Brother

    "corrected by research"

    Someone may need to explain "research" to the Morlocks, in Murdoch's employ.

    1. John Angelico
      Thumb Down

      Someone may need to explain...

      "research" to the complainants.

      What ever happened to supplying the factual correction in a timely manner?

      And thus winning the argument when the debate is on, rather than six months later.

      Maybe the complainant/s couldn't...?

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