back to article KitchenPad

The big problem when preparing the Christmas mega-feast is synchronising the timings for all the different dishes. My oven just has a single timer on it, so KitchenPad’s ability to create multiple timers is just what I need. The app has two main screens: the first provides a neat graphical display of the burners on your stove …


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  1. Gary Riches

    Very nice.

    My wife (and I) will love this at Christmas dinner time. Very useful app :)

  2. Wombling_Free


    Alphabetti Spaghetti!


    1. Steve Ives

      Alphabetti spagetti...

      I spilt some next to my laptop once. It almost spelt disaster.

  3. a well wisher

    point missed

    "perhaps setting a primary timer for the six-hour turkey roast, which then triggers secondary timers that tell you when to put the roast potatoes and other items into the oven as well."

    Certainly missing a trick there - When I first saw it I thought that was the very point of it -i.e. to set a target time for the dinner to be ready and prompt accordingly

    Still maybe on the next version ?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My sister is an event planner

    One Christmas I came back home to find MS Project plan for Christmas Day, complete with critical path analysis, allocated tasks and timings. Fearsome.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You Brits and your strange dishes

    "Yorkshire Puds"


    Pud: A human male's penis

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Funny, in the UK 'Yorkshire Puds' is slang for your balls.

      Plus urbandictionary is hardly canonical.

  6. Blubster

    If worst comes to the worst

    You could always use the iPad as a chopping board.

  7. AdamWill


    Nice to see you upholding the proud British stereotype and boiling your 'veggies' into submission. 7:15 for 'veggies' and 9:46 for 'carrots and sprouts'? Well, at least they'll be nice and chewable, I guess...

  8. Telecide

    Not quite what most cooks need

    The turkey will be ready in 4hrs 57mins but the veggies in 7mins? As 'a well wisher' correctly stated, they missed the chance of making a bang-on app here. Hold my calls and sack my cook......

  9. Some Beggar
    Thumb Up

    This looks like a solution to a problem that nobody realised they had*

    but the entire review was worth it for the Clarkson/Yorkshire Pudding Alert. Lovely work.

    (* like at least 95% of smartphone apps)

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