back to article Information security breaches quadrupled in 2007

Personal information leaks reached unprecedented levels last year, according to a brace of studies out last week. Lost laptops, insecure systems and mislaid discs means problems posed by the exposure of customer records are unlikely to disappear anytime soon. As in other areas of information security organisations are often …


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  1. Walter Brown

    Its so simple...

    Most of these breaches are a result of network administrators being any combination of lazy, careless, retarded or ignorant. its not that hard to setup and maintain security policies that work, but most average users bitch and the admins bow to pressure...

    until they get raped and pillaged by hackers and have to respond, they'll never grow the balls to tell their users tough shit the policy stays, if its too difficult, maybe you should find a job thats more in tune with your intellectual stature....

  2. Steve Roper

    If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear...

    ... right?

  3. adnim


    or couldn't care less?

  4. Chris G

    Professionialism! What's that?

    Unfortunately it is not just IT that is suffering from a lack of professionalism it seems to be occurring in most industries. Try to get a decent response from almost anyone from your local fast food shop to the upper reaches of the civil service and you will get buck passing ( it's not my responsibility), excuses or just given the run around until you get fed up and sod off. Maybe it has something to do with education in schools or at home or both, or maybe it is the latest fashion to not give a shit.

    The few people that do give a damn are definitely in the minority and probably considered by their co-workers to be nonconformist and odd. It's a pity but I cant be bothered to to say anymore!

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