back to article TV goes home, even when mobile

Mobile video consumption is far from mobile, if the latest US survey is to be believed, with three-quarters of video consumption taking place within the home. The survey comes from Nielsen, and was commissioned by the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) to see if portable video is driving viewers away …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Bandwidth clue... networks not up to scratch...

    This kind of research would be daft in the UK, the most popular video provider here prevents its own site from working on anything but wifi.. ( beeb we point our fingers at you! - stop this stupid restriction)

  2. Synonymous Howard
    Thumb Up


    Advertiser Fight Fight Fight Fight !!

  3. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    Wrong pricing model

    Until networks stop charging by the bit and get gouged by the mobile companies if they go over their allowance people will be very wary of doing too much of this.

    That said, the US mobile networks are in a death spiral (IMHO) The likes of AT&T are busy cutting the allowances of their customers in a vain attempt to stop their networks from going belly up.

    A friend of mine has seen his AT&T 'data plan' chopped from Unlimited to 256Mb in two years and the price for even that measly sum has doubled. Go over the limit and he would be charged $0.15 per Megabyte.

    One decent Video stream and bang, there goes your allowance for the month.

  4. Nuke

    Go to Hell CTAM

    F#ck the advertisers if they want to control my PC so that it simultaneously shows the same adverts as TV.

    FYI CTAM, the only notice I take of adverts is that some irritate me so much that I resolve never to buy that particular stuff. A "Quality Street" chocolate advert some years ago was so silly that the big tin I buy every Xmas is now Cadbury's Roses.

    A recurring theme at present is to depict an idiot, usually a white middle aged man, who is shown the 'error of his ways' (ie not using the crap they are trying to sell) by a woman or younger person. Do I really want to identify with this jerk by following suit?

    Anyway, at the very least I turn the sound off for adverts, or I have a book to hand that I pick up and read. It is suprising how much you can read this way - which goes to show how much of people's lives are wasted by adverts.

  5. HP Cynic

    Did people really watch ads before?

    I see most ads at most once, even though I don't have a PC in the lounge or Smartphone/ Tablet I still either switch channels, mute the TV or just leave the room during ads. When I do watch them I simply laugh or cry at their outrageous lies / claims.

    I can't remember the last time I saw an ad that even vaguely influenced me - on a concious level at least.

    My eyeballs were lost decades ago.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lot's of time available

    On the daily commute, for example, where there's no reason to reduce the at-home TV to make time for the mobile stuff.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mobile Video?

    When I think about my stingy data allowance and crap network coverage provided by O2 it makes me laugh to even contemplate video streaming on the go. Just sending an email or opening a web page on the daily commute is an excercise in slowness, stalls and frustration.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    I've noticed a trend lately

    Whereby hourly programming has perfectly synchronised ad breaks across channels, so that channel-hopping to avoid the adverts is no longer an option.

    But if broadcasters and advertisers between them are going to make ad breaks so long, loud and intrusive that you'd go out of your way to avoid them then they've only themselves to gun down. I mean, blame. Sorry, slip of the tongue.

  9. bygjohn

    Why would I need to watch mobile video in the ad breaks...

    ... when I can just ad skip through them? Had a DVR for yonks, hardly ever watch live TV these days, and if I do, I usually start watching late and chase play/ad skip so I've caught up roughly by the end of the programme. Adverts-schmadverts...

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