back to article Internet Explorer 9 pulls on best pants for 14 March release

Microsoft is to release its forthcoming browser Internet Explorer 9 on 14 March. The company said in a blog post that the final HTML5-heavy IE 9 software code – which comes loaded with hardware-accelerated graphics as well as a new fast JavaScript engine, codenamed Chakra – will be pushed out to all comers next Monday. …


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  1. Mark C Casey

    Funny how little MS has changed IE

    I don't mean in the faster JS engine or anything like that, I mean in the UI department.

    The bookmarks manager hasn't changed to any real degree since IE4 when they switched from a HTML file containing the bookmarks to a file/folder hierachy. And anything beneath the front end of the gui is still the same as before, still the same awful "internet options" and the mess that is trying to change/find the settings.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I can't hardly wait.

    Also Firefox 4 RC "could arrive as early as this week." If, by early, youmean very late according to our previous storeys, then yes, you're right.

  3. Paul 139

    New faster Javascript engine!

    Why are all the latest releases accompanied by claims of new and faster Javascript engines? Is this really the performance bottleneck during the average persons web-surfing experience? Pretty much all of the websites I visit work well with NoScript active. Perhaps Javascript speed is simply an area in which marketing-friendly percentages are easy to generate whereas rendering speed/correctness, stability and security are too intangible to rave on about.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      The bottleneck is the sheer quantity of scripts, stylesheets, images, flash objects and other crap that loads with every damn page.

      And the awful non-semantic markup that slows any DOM parsing to a crawl.

      Can you say sprite map?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    'We want to make the interwebs a more beautiful place', say two grey MS men

    OK, here's how you can achieve that goal. Stay away and don't bother us with any more reiterations of your awful browser.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Gates Halo

      @ Craiggy

      If you dont like IE then fair enough but for the rest of us with a somewhat more real grasp on the browser war, please add something useful or save your keyboard from undue use..

      As much as a windows fan as i am, i tried the beta IE9 and was less than impressed. Torrents failed and youtube was having a problem. I assume they have now been fixed but i did taint my first experience. No torrent support and youtube support is a bit of a large beta ommision IMHO.

    2. GrahamT

      No problem

      As IE9 doesn't work with Windows XP, it's not going to make a great deal of difference to a lot of us.

      Firefox 4 does - and with Linux, and with that Maccie thing that some people are keen on.

  5. steve-C
    Gates Horns

    Oh can it be true

    As if the 14th being "steak and a blow job day" wasn't enough....I get a new version of the world's favourite form of self torture.....oh be still my beating heart.

  6. The BigYin

    IE9. Yawn.

    Microsoft welcomes you to 2005.

    Oh, and HTML5 isn't a standard yet, do you think MS will update the browser when the *actual* standard gets fixed? Will they cock.

    So it's welcome to 1998 and "This site works best in..."

    Meanwhile corporates are still running IE6 as their proprietary code on the proprietary platform is too critical, too brittle and too badly documented to be touched by anyone.

    We know who we have to that for that catastrophe don't we? So unless IE9 can run IE6 ActiveX controls and render non-standards IE6 pages perfectly, no one will upgrade to it.

    The most up-to-date browser I am aware of any enterprise using is IE7. If they had made the right decision a decade ago (i.e. follow the feckin' standards) they could have had a near-seamless upgrade path. but no. The consumed the MS Kool-aid and screwed themselves over.

    And they will do it again if they ever start using IE9.

    1. Anonymous Coward


      we are a large enterprise and run ie9. I also run FF & Opera all of them seem to f**k up on one webpage* or another.

      Some Opera stubornly refuse to log into, others Firefox renders like pants and others ie9 craps out on.

      *by webpage, this could easily mean web interfaces on hardware as well.

      1. Benny


        You are a large enterprise, running IE9 beta?


      2. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        "we are a large enterprise and run ie9"

        wow, before it is even released?

        thats totally radical dude.

      3. The BigYin

        @AC rolled out an unstable beta to the whole enterprise? Really? Really, really?

        Or do you mean that you and one or two other techies key to play with the shiny?

        Yes....I thought as much.

  7. MJI Silver badge

    Y-Fronts Boxers or Briefs

    Well you say it is pants!

  8. Mike Arthur

    I wonder

    If they've fixed the big memory leak that was requiring me to reboot every 3-4 hours or so.

    The betas were fine, the latest RC was anything but.

    8Gb RAM on a Win 7 install running at 90%+ utilisation after 3 hours of the machine sitting idle. remove IE 9 RC and the issue goes away.

    1. Matt_payne666

      you must be doing it wrong!!

      Maybe you need to look at the rest of your system... all the horse power in the world wont help if you have a poorly configured instal!!

      Ive had the Beta + RC's on my 3 machines - all low power win7 Pro and its been the least resource hungry browser so far... ULV core solo 1.33, ULV Centrino 1.6, Atom 1.6 dual core, each with 2gb of ram and minimal Win7 Installs...

      The 1.6 ULV centrino (on 915 chipset) even plays youtube which it would never do with ie7/8 or chrome. The machine is usually hibernated as opposed to shut down and is currently on 4% cpu with 2 sandboxed IE9 sessions runing 5 tabs and a non sandboxed single tab session...

  9. Psymon

    features in IE

    I used to religously use firefox as my faithful browserfor close to knocking on ten years. I'd tried Opera, and while it had some nice features (and some very gimmicky) I found it struggled to render some pages.

    I, like a great many reading/posting on this article, had settled into a comfortable groove. After all, if it ain't broke, why fix it? Then my 7yr old OS install started to crumble. I had literally hundreds of programs installed, and a mixed graphics card setup that made reinstalling nigh impossible.

    First Firefox stopped working, despite several hours trying to coax it back to life. Months later, Opera flaked out.

    I only give you the backstory because it took this much preassure to to force me to fire up the old blue e. Never been updated, it only took a few minutes of fighting with v6 before I downloaded 8.

    Yes, it was slow. Yes it was clunky. There was feature that immediately jumped out, though. The ease at which you could add your own custom search providers.

    With FF, you had to rely on the website providing a link. Most of which were more interested in installing yet another bloody toolbar full of spy/adware. I did have a search on how to manualy create one, but it involved writing some javascript, copying the file to the right location...


    I filed it away in my favourites with the intent of having another look when I had some genuine time to waste.

    IE changed all that. When you click the add search provider, there's a link at the bottom called "Create Your Own Search Provider". It's so easy to use, (search your target website with the word TEST, copy the resultant URL, paste in the box and give it a name) that I began to add websites which I wouldn't have originally considered worth the effort.

    The real game-changer though, is using them through the internet accelerator. Highlight a bit of text on any given website, click the accelerator icon, choose a search from the list, and it opens that website with the search results from the text you selected in a new tab.

    This sounds medicore, until you spend a few seconds creating a set of search providers customised to your browsing. Then you begin to realise your getting through the web faster and in fewer clicks than ever before.

    Obviously, Still being on V8s crappy javascript engine, the whole streamlined experience would grind to a halt. This pushed me to download the IE9 beta (admitedly a very late one). Suddenly, all the random halts were fixed, and it loads up on my old P4D faster than any other browser.

    I've no doubt FF4 will improve on things. They're claiming even better JS engine, and the tab management feature looks amazing. On the flipside, Mozilla update mechanism is nothing short of retarded. Not only does the self-update break every security rule of the WIndows OS set out since XP, but it does this on startup of the application?!?

    Either way, this is all healthy competition, and is spurring the market forwards

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