back to article I am NOT a PC repair man. I will NOT get your iPad working

“My nephew bought me one of those iPad things for my birthday.” My heart sinks – I can already tell where this is going. I’m at a neighbour’s house party, the time is last summer, and one of the older partygoers is about to tell me that some new-fangled technology is too much for him to cope with now that he has reached the …


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  1. The Jase

    scope creep

    "Oh you work in IT. Could you design our website/newsletter/whatever?"

    Sure, I could do it...badly. Get a specialist if you want it done properly.

  2. Chika

    Yes, I recognise all of the above with one notable addition.

    Actually, I rather enjoy getting old kit to work, but my biggest gripe is when somebody goes out and buys a nice, shiny new machine, gets it home, plugs it in then hasn't the slightest clue how to use it. One of the latest bugbears is where a user with only a slight grasp of how to use Windows XP suddenly goes out and buys a Mac of some sort because one of his friends or colleagues has one and it looks nice. BLOODY HELL! A computer is NOT a fashion accessory! But they do it all the same but expect the same degree of support from me that they get for whatever they used to use.

    To an extent, I'm lucky in that I've been exposed to many different systems over the years so I have a good idea where to look on any given bit of kit, but it still beggars the question; if you don't know how to use it, why buy it? Learn about it first, then you have a better idea about whether you should buy it. The shame is that, in every situation, the problem all comes back to a failure to ask the first, basic rules of IT procurement:-

    What do I need it for? If you can't answer that, go buy a pencil and a pad.

    Does this machine do what I want it to do? If not, what are you doing buying it?

    Do I know how to make it do what I want it to do? I refer you to the previous answers.

    If the system I have does what I want it to do, why do I need to change it? You buy new kit to resolve a legitimate problem, not just because it's shiny.

    Would that more folk would ask these questions, then this problem would not be so acute.

    1. Nick Pettefar

      New Mac

      My mother bought a Mac Book Pro to play Facebook Scrabble on while her partner watches the football.

      Then she persuaded the PC World tech guy to come to her house to find out why e she couldn't access Facebook. Of course she didn't have WiFi...


  3. Alistair Dabbs

    Nothing to say

    I really have nothing more to say on the matter. However, it would be nice to see the number of comments hit 300.

  4. CountZer0

    I blame google myself

    Try telling someone to go to a website by patiently giving them the URL. They type the www. in the bloody google search box, cos google is the internet innit? Address bar? what's an address bar?

  5. Magnus_Pym

    My laptop has slowed down...

    ... is usually the opening gambit. "Yes, that happens I say".

    "I think I need a new one" I ignore this but most persist. "What should I buy?"

    "Reconditioned Lenovo T series or a macbook." is my the stock answer (make of that what you will).

    ...Time passes...

    "I thought about what you said about Len.. thingy's and mac but I went to PC world and the had a sale on I got a much better deal on a (Insert shite of the day here) are they any good? Only it's started to do this thing where..." I feign death at this point.


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