back to article It's true, the START MENU is coming BACK to Windows 8, hiss sources

Microsoft's forthcoming wave of Windows updates will streamline the OS and will even see the return of the much-missed Start menu, according to new reports. Rumors that Redmond is planning a new round of updates to the various forms of its OS first surfaced last week, with ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley reporting that Microsoft will …


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    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I'd agree with you … but command lines only work well for those who come from a programming background.

      I have coworkers who edit SQL tables by copying and pasting data to/from spreadsheets. If they have to, say, make a small programmatic change that can be done with a simple UPDATE query, they'll just do it by hand in a spreadsheet, because they don't understand the commands.

      I have one who maintains a cheatsheet of commands. Little tricks like how to grab a list of entries out of a YAML file using grep, pass it through cut to pluck out a column, then feed that into a while loop to pass to some in-house developed tool to update metering data, is beyond a lot of the people I work with.

      Yet that sort of thing is second nature to those of us who know how to code, because we can break up the problem into its constituent parts, code up each piece, and tie it all together with some flow control logic.

      I think there's room for both approaches. I tend to live in the command line too, but I recognise that this isn't for everyone.


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