back to article Traffic-light plague sweeps UK: Safety culture strangles Blighty

A massive increase in the number of traffic lights – and an un-discussed 2005 increase in the priority given to pedestrians – is gradually causing the roads to grind to a halt, according to a new report. In London for instance, despite a large number of motorists having been permanently deterred from driving by congestion …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    A slight mistake

    "This might justifiably annoy motorists, as it is they who pay for the streets and roads."

    No, they don't. Councils pay for the roads, largely funded through council tax.

    1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge


      I think councils are about 20% funded by council tax, or council tax plus business rates, I forget. Anyway, most of a council's budget is a figure set by central government according to the council's local needs and whether the council isTory/Labour/Lib Dem, not that they admit it but it is.

      So that was misstated if "largely" means the same as "mostly", but I suppose it doesn't have to, and indeed would be redundant.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    You should see what they are doing to Weymouth...

    ...In preparation for the sodding Olympics yachting events. they have completely ripped up a massive chunk of the traffic infrastructure to put in a new road, which I have my doubts about, but not only that, they are replacing all the major roundabouts in and around the town with a series of lanes controlled by traffic lights. we suspect this is so they can Prioritize traffic to get all the dignitaries through town quickly, just for the couple of weeks that the events are on, and then after that, us locals will be left with the legacy of these lights.

    Already there have been quite a few near misses over the confusion with the lanes. But then, this is nothing new, This town has a history of ballsing up the roads around this town, check out our subway!

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Red in all directions

    It's not just that pedestrians are given more priority. Even more crazy than that I frequently find myself sat at a junction with the lights red to all directions, including pedestrians!

    Everyone is just sat there staring at each other twiddling their thumbs, while the pedestrians have to stand there assuming that a car will come along any second.


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