back to article Muslim clerics issue fatwa banning the devout from Mars One 'suicide' mission

A religious row has broken out over Mars One's plans to send volunteers to the Red Planet on a one-way mission that will be televised for the world's entertainment. In April the Dutch group Mars One announced plans to send four people to a Martian habitat by 2023, with more settlers arriving every two years. The estimated $6bn …


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      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Be fairer - Christianity includes core concepts like turn the other cheek, the meek shall inherit the Earth, etc.. Not quite up there with thalt shall suicide bomb thy neighbour...

        Christanity is in general (with the possiblity exception of the beliefs of large parts of the USA) - a far more civilised and modern religeon....

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "Christianity includes core concepts like turn the other cheek, the meek shall inherit the Earth, etc.. Not quite up there with thalt shall suicide bomb thy neighbour..."

          You are clearly ignorant of what you speak. Islam (as it comes from the same root as Christianity) also says a lot about respecting others. In fact, most religions pay some kind of lip-service to living as a person within a greater community. That does not stop the organisational structure being used for hate and violence (including the rape of young children).

          Religion is evil. The are good people on the planet *DESPITE* religion, not because of it.

    1. Malik01

      Really? You want to compare body count?

  1. TheMole

    S*** happens.

    In ANY group of people there will be a number of total c***s. And if these c***s get their hand on levers of power (social, religious, political, cultural, whatever) very bad things will happen.

    If the weak-willed and the misguided fall in line behind the c***s then exceedingly bad things will happen. One of the main problems with religion is that it demands that the weak and misguided fall in line.

    1. BrownishMonstr

      Re: S*** happens.

      In ANY group of people there will be a number of total c***s.

      And the only one who can stop them is a d**k, because..err...

  2. Metal Marv


    Maybe Frank Herbert was wrong?

  3. Blatantly Obvious


    Anyone can see these days this entire article is just a ridiculous attempt to wrap up religious rubbish with a scientific mission. This mission has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion and stupid conflicts over beliefs. This was most likely stirred up by some idiot "concerned" that Muslims would "Miss out" on such a mission.

    The rest of the rational world would be more concerned that the most suited to the challenges of the mission were present. There will be no consideration for comforts and religious beliefs. As pioneers, living conditions will be harsh and basic at best. Stamping feet and branding religions around in protest will not change these bare facts. That sort of lunacy has been demonstrated often enough already. Why it's been allowed in the past simply attests to the weak will of those who rule. Practicality and all vestiges of common sense are so often disregarded in favor of so called political correctness, at the detriment of all progress and true equality.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Religion explained

    If it wasn't for the newspapers pointing out the differences, I would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a dictatorship and a religious state.

    Aha! I have it! One is "Do as I say because I am the master." and the other is "Do as I say because I am the only one privileged enough to hear the word of our invisible master so I am the conveyor of the word of the master.".

    "If you believe, I am the one that will direct your existence, if you don't believe, I will have you killed because my master decrees it." sounds much better that "Do as you are told or I will kill you.".

    I get it now... If you cannot be the Emperor of a continent or the King of a country, start a religion and be the Master of it, if you cannot be the Master of a religion, then go and start another religion and be the master of that instead, because it is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.

  5. myhandler

    Anyway apart from the launch , the landing and the few first steps, it's not going get a mass tv audience for months and months is it? Look how interest waned on the Apollo missions and the Moon is big in the sky.

    (Unless they maybe do it all in the studio and add some bug eyed monsters .. oh what ? really..? )

    The cleric is just another ego fattened twat getting himself publicity.

  6. Rebelyell

    These comments are as relevant a comment from a Witch Doctor. The clerics have too much time on their hand and are on their spiritual way to devolve into a lizard!

  7. Tex Arcana

    Don'cha get it?? Every body out of reach of the cult's brainwashing means less money for the ripoff artists' collective bank accounts!

  8. Ramon Zarat

    Irrational faith must be eradicated from the surface of this planet and every other planets...

  9. RJFlorida

    You don't say?

    "Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam,"

    Oh but throwing acid on little girls trying to go to school, WHILE WEARING A BURKA that's totally ok.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Da Faq

    "Protecting life against all possible dangers and keeping it safe is an issue agreed upon by all religions and is clearly stipulated in verse 4/29 of the Holy Quran: Do not kill yourselves or one another. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful," said the GAIAE's President Professor Dr Farooq Hamada.

    I assume that everyone else sees the irony in this.......

    Man organised religion needs to go fatwa itself.

    1. Caesarius

      Re: Da Faq

      Good Quran quote. Similar things in Christian faith: James 1v27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

      So if "man organised religion" is defined as religion not consistent with the faith, then I agree with you.

      My point: RELIGION != FAITH

      This explains "religious" violence.

  11. JustWondering

    No kidding

    "There is a possibility that an individual who travels to planet Mars may not be able to remain alive there, and is more vulnerable to death."

    Funny that this doesn't stop suicide bombers.

  12. Herby


    Please remember:

    "What is life but to live it!".

    Please keep religion to yourself, and I promise to as well.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program(me).

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Confused Islam

    "Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam".... right, 'cause blowing yourself up on a bus, flying planes into office towers and throwing acid in girls' faces is justified in Islam. Okie dokie then...

  14. rakeshkapila

    You mean Islam will never rule Mars? I thought all Muslims should make it a home and live there for greater peace and harmony on earth!

  15. bleepbleep1961


    Wow ... That is totally bizarre !!!

    And while being one who will observe that which may be stated ...

    "Perhaps it is a Good Thing". :-)

  16. stu 19

    The Problem with discussions about religion

    Is that whether you belive fervently in the existense of YOUR one true god, or think that any such belief is the domain of a total nut job.

    There appears to exist, some irresistable compulsion to comment.

    aww shit....................

  17. Master Rod

    What no Muslims?!

    "Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam,"

    Hmm, they plant bombs on themselves, wives, and kids, yet this is a risk? Why heck, I though it would get them closer to Alah, and off our planet. I think they are just chicken. but then, who are they to blow up over there? Just sayin.....

    Master Rod

  18. GX5000

    ""Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam,""

    I....I just can' writer's block just grew roots.


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