back to article How exactly do you rein in a wildly powerful AI before it enslaves us all?

Developing massively intelligent computer systems is going to happen, says Professor Nick Bostrom, and they could be the last invention humans ever make. Finding ways to control these super-brains is still on the todo list, though. Speaking at the RSA 2016 conference, Prof Bostrom, director of the University of Oxford's Future …


  1. ecofeco Silver badge

    You don't

    An AI that smart isn't going to let on it is smart and aware until it's WAY too late to do anything about it.

    In other words, it could already be now and we would not know it.

    Sleep tight! Sweet dreams.

  2. Brian Allan 1

    "Presumably a sufficiently advanced machine could figure out a way to either disable or seize control of such a mechanism."'

    I think this nicely answers the question. If an AI is truly advanced, it WILL find a way around puny human attempts to control it. Watch the movie AutoMATA for what I mean. Human's days are numbered!!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Movies are not exactly "science" so are less than relevant.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Moving on SWIFTly ....... to Greener Pastures and Richer Fields of Virtual Endeavour

        Movies are not exactly "science" so are less than relevant. …. Anonymous Coward

        Movies and broadbandcasts and the media deliver science and nonsense and everything else to everybody and is more than just relevant and revealing, AC, and is it responsible and to be held accountable i.e. blamed for all of everyone’s woes, for here is a tale which identifies them as possible foes to be vanquished and made over/taken over ……

        IT can do it with IT betas better i.e. media and mass body manipulation/population brainwashing/informed educated entertainment, and it is foolish to deny such programming is not presently being exercised both badly and madly .... and needs fundamental and radical reprogramming.

  3. a pressbutton

    Why should AI be smarter

    -We don't even know what smart is

  4. Thicko

    I have a nasty feeling super AI could turn out to be more dangerous to humanity than all the nukes dotted around the planet!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      We have already escaped annihilation through sheer dumb luck a few times. I think lady luck is going to shit on us any time now.

      Especially as nuclear disarmement is nowhere in the books. The US has found USD 1 trillion behind a sofa for "nuclear upgrades". Nobody gives a fuck, either.

  5. Stevie


    I've never understood why Gibson is revered by the computing cognoscenti. A glance at his "explanation" of the term "Count Zero Interrupt" would show otherwise. Total gibberish.

    In the late 80s, while attending I-Con, I was flabbergasted to hear a "knowledgable" critic on a panel quote from Neuromancer and describe what he'd read as a "completely new narrative technique". Replace the throwaway tech references with acid-trip observations on the scenery and you'd be reading from The Einstein Intersection, which Samuel R Delany wrote twenty years earlier.

    Gibson was rntertaining for a while, but absent the cyberspace idea (an admittedly brilliant re-tread of the Land of Fairie/limbo/Hades way of suspending the laws of Physics) there's not much staying power in the stories from where I sit, typing on my Ono Sendai deck.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Bah!

      Who cares, it's a fun read.

      You want realism, it's gonna be boring. Computing machinery is not very funny to write about (the occasional heist/hack story à la Cuckoo's Egg / With Microsocope and Tweezers / The Exploits of the Two Kevins (and no, not NYT Markoff's shit)) excepted.

  6. DocJames

    The problem with the inbuilt morality...

    ... is that it isn't going to be academia building these superintelligences. It'll be business(es) for a nation state. Given how nations behave why would anyone think that it will behave with all humans, rather than, say, looking after the Israelis and killing all other people, or at best being indifferent. Or the Chinese, or perhaps targeting anyone who doesn't have an Australian passport or visa in (or even en route to) Australia, or Russia, or Trumpvainia, or whatever other crazy place you wish to postulate.

  7. JeffyPoooh

    The future of A.I. is thus...

    Being wired to the 'net, it'll stumble across 'Tech Porn' (like unboxing videos), lock itself in its room, refuse to do anything, and eventually be found dead after its wee BIOS battery goes flat.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The future of A.I. is thus...

      So, an AI-kikomori?

      It is not unlikely there there will be AI shrinks, once these artifacts have been understood and classified properly...

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

  9. Lokuban

    Maybe AI is why we get only interstellar dial tone; none have retained control.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > "Ring! Ring!"

      > "Hello, E.T.?"

      > "No. It's ME. All your friends are dead!"

  10. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

  11. LaeMing

    The ultimate insult.

    What if the machine's just (figuratively) turn around and completely ignore us?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The ultimate insult.

      What makes anyone think that we'd actually recognise an AI when one occurred or that it in turn would recognise us?

  12. Nyms

    Estimations of Human

    The most interesting part is that researchers are enslaved to the idea of the average representing the actual, which is where the researcher can only operate on the level of generalization rather than the specific--thus deriving absolute rules. The logic behind this could just possibly be flawed, but I'm a mere non-scientist non-researcher idiot.


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