back to article Angels can't fly: Official

A UK academic has some very bad news for those who believe they'll one day be fluttering through the pearly gates, because unless they're carrying some form of heavenly jet pack, their appointment with Saint Peter is definitely cancelled. The reason? Angels can't actually fly, according to University College London's Roger …


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  1. Nick G


    They're helped by Bumble Bees?

  2. Irp


    Look, Angels is the Vorlons. Do not mock them, as they is magicians and are easily upset

    If he doesn't get that he needs to be watching more B5. It will give him something useful to do.

    That is all, and no less sensical than his musings on the subject.

  3. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    Here be dragons ( and cover-ups )

    Put aside Fayries and Angels, I don't see much in his report to actually discredit the flying abilities of dragons and to be absolutely honest I'm more worried about those, seeing as they are packed full of sulphur or such like and breath fire, not to mention they are considerably larger and have on the whole a worse temperament than Fayries or Angels.

    I suspect there is a hidden motive here; to discredit flying abilities of Fayries and Angels and by association discredit that of dragons, simply because they are considered equally part of myth. I don't believe one follows from the other even if Fayries and Angels cannot fly ( and I am not convinced by that ).

    Now why would Wotton have such a motive ? Could it be he is seeking to lull us into a false sense of security on the very real dangers of flying, fire-breathing dragons ? Just what does Wotton have in his basement and what are his plans for world domination ? This work could be the final nail in the coffin for the 'Dragon Defence Shield' I had proposed building. It will certainly make my efforts to secure funding from the Home Office more difficult. Being locked up 23 hours a day and on forced medication is making progress difficult enough as it is.

    Be very afraid.

    Mine's the one with the 'Dragon Spotter's Handbook' and a double-bastard sword attached.

  4. Spudders

    We all Know....

    Fairy dust and happy thoughts is used - for fairies to fly

    Angels will have their own form of "dust" as God is all powerful after all

    Ps - santa is real

  5. Jeff Deacon

    In previous years

    In previous years he would have been part of the research team that proved flight was impossible for the Bumble Bee. Its a good job that Bumble Bees never read research papers. I doubt angels do either, unless its to have a good giraffe at the pomposity of the fool. Good bit of self publicity though!

    Have a beer to celebrate!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Angels can't fly

    So they levitate.

    Either way, who cares?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    re:re: Dragon flight was explained...

    Well, I'm just some poor computer hack and know nothing about chemistry. I just take the higher knowledge of a cartoon reference work and run with it :-D

  8. Richard 102

    Well good

    It's nice to know that all of the questions and the problems of the world have been solved to such a degree that crap like this gets research funding.

  9. Oninoshiko


    Maybe they just trip and miss the ground...

    (apologies to the late Mr. Adams)

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Halo

    Take a closer look at that Halo...

    ...clearly a scramjet intake.

    Angels don't have genitals, because the inital jump to Mach 4.5 (required for scramjet initiation) would / have ripped 'em right off.

    Other entities (e.g. baby jesus, saints and the pope) who may need to pop between earth and Heaven, also have scramjets / halos - which are required to cover the vast distance in a reasonable time.

    The reason that angels have wings is because they sometimes need to navigate around the earth, so that they can worry sheep in Judea one day, rant about recidivism in Mecca the next, then drop acid with L Ron Hubbard to relax at the weekend.

    Do I win a PhD?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not a haiku

    When Christmas comes

    The thoughts of some academics

    Turn to self-publicity...

  12. Anonymous Coward

    One day

    Why is this man paid with public money? Methinks he has just signed his own P45.

    To all of those who don't believe in God or the power of prayer, then I say this to you. You will die, this is a certainty you cannot avoid, it is coming, the clock ticks and you will be judged for your actions and words on this realm . Best pray or hope for oblivion then.

    Have a very merry Christmas, or all you non believers can still work on as why celebrate something you don't believe in, hypocrites

    1. jake Silver badge

      @AC 21:26

      I celebrate Solstice, as has been celebrated for tens of thousands of years longer than your "Christianity". (I'm not a pagan, I just like the fact that the days are getting longer now!) Besides, Tax Time in the Roman Era was in the Spring, not Mid-Winter. Joseph and Mary would have been traveling in April or May. I crack up every time I see a nativity scene surrounded by snow ... Don't the idiots realize that a baby would freeze to death in such a scenario?

      Besides, which divinity should one pray to, pray tell? Mankind has had tens of thousands of them over the years, your chance of picking the right one out of the bunch is slim to nil. So go ahead and pray to your god ... but you'll feel a right silly bugger if there IS an afterlife and Ra wants to know why you've been praying to a false idol. Or worse, Kali ... or Woden. Surely the proverbial "thinking man" should say "I don't know", and then apologize when arriving on the other side (assuming, of course).

      It completely blows my mind that the various religions still manage to brainwash people into believing such absolute drivel in what is supposed to be a more modern, enlightened era.

      1. phoenix

        Never ceases to amaze me

        that Christianity and belief in God winds people up so much including Dawkins. If people want to believe in these thing so what it harms no one. BTW the reason Christmas is at this time was the early Christian church wanted to supplant the pagan beliefs and the easiest way to get a new religion off the ground as to use the current festivals hence all saints (all hallows even - Halloween) on 31 st Oct which is Samhain and Christmas which is some pagan winter festival.

        Angels only have wings because of renaissance painters painted them that way so the whole experiment was crap from the start even if one believed in them. Science is starting to full up with complete muppets bit like some other religions. May be it's time to decry them with as much fervour as they current squeak about other's "simple" beliefs. I wish I was as wise as they claim to be - claim as they should be wise enough to shut up sometimes.

    2. phoenix
      Thumb Down

      Harsh words

      Reading the bible would let you know that you to will be judged aswell and it is only by the belief in Christ that you shall have your sins covered by this shed blood, or if you are Muslim you need to get on with the 5 Piilars of Islam or Jew keeping to an inordinate number of rules, as for the other religions - heck knows. As for Christmas keeping one assumes you are not a Jehovas Witness as they frown upon celebrating a pagan festival.

    3. Anonymous Coward

      I have half a mind to write a strongly worded letter.

      I believe in your haste you missed the icon you wanted. Here you go.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Laden or unladen?

    That wasn't addressed at all in the research.

    1. mmiied


      african or european angle?

      1. phoenix

        Angel maybe

        and were any coconuts involved??

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The words of the reference...

    Watching the film now. Dwarf mines are robbed for gem stones. The dragons swallow the gem stones which sit in the craw and are used to pulverise the "white fire rock" (limestone) - like birds use grit to grind feed.

    Limestone is high in calcium - calcium mixed with stomach acids form hydrogen.

    Dragon lift ... according to the all knowing cartoon reference.

  15. heyrick Silver badge

    Dude, get a REAL job.

    Until a scientist can PROVE God, Angels, Jesus etc are real and an active part of the universe, it seems like something of a waste of time to be looking to see whether of not angels as depicted (for we have no actual photographs) can actually fly.

    So, please, go do some serious research. For example, the blood group preferences of vampires. Enquiring minds want to know...

  16. Big-nosed Pengie

    Angels fly on god power

    The wings are just for decoration.

  17. Steve Roper

    Man-sized creatures CAN fly

    I refer the good prof to the Linnet I and II, built by the Japanese back in the 60s that were solely human-powered aircraft. By pedalling furiously, a human pilot can fly the Linnet around 150 feet or so.

    Now if the muscles of a man can do this, albeit that the Linnet converts muscular energy to mechanical advantage, why can't a man-sized creature that flies exist? As to needing huge muscles to do so - no, increased muscular DENSITY would do as well. Compare for example the strength of a chimpanzee to the strength of a human - they're smaller, but a hell of a lot stronger.

    Also, pteranodons.

  18. Bounty


    I'm pretty sure Dragons can fly.

    Also, unless you've dissected an angel, I don't see how you can determine if they can fly. Are their bones hollow? How much does an angels digestive track weigh?

    Better headline " Scientists dissect angel! "

  19. Renato


    Angels drink Red Bull before flying.

    1. Rodrigo Rollan


      Red bull Gives you Wings !

  20. Tony Paulazzo
    Gates Halo

    God says...

    >To all of those who don't believe in God or the power of prayer, then I say this to you. You will die, this is a certainty you cannot avoid,<

    As will all those who do.

    As to the article, what is this guys stance on Vorlons?

    If we assume Earth is the gross material plane, then Heaven would be pure spiritual plane - along with its inhabitants, not bound by the laws of the physical universe, ergo his 'findings' are wrong. If he'd said, 'humans with working butterfly wings couldn't fly.' I'd have no problems with that. In conclusion - twat.

  21. Anonymous Coward

    So, what's next.

    I got a good laugh out of this.

    This be the same guy who will later meet his timely death trying to proof that black is white at the next zebra crossing??

    We need a Douglas Adams icon.

  22. Anonymous Coward

    No no no NO!!

    Load of rubbish. Of course Angels fly, it says so in the bible and a lot of people believe it so it must be true. What do they expect? The Angel of our Blessed Lord to abseil from a helicopter?? There were no helicopters then, idiots, and any way they'd have scared the shepherds flocks off and they're in the school nativity scenes, so it MUST be true. And what about the wise men - proves my point? Can you imagine Wise Men turning up to see a bloke with fake wings and a good line in FX abseiling from a Huey (which the Israelis would have shot down anyway claiming it was the Hamas air force)?

    Next they'll be saying Jesus wasn't the son of God and that's rubbish cos my mum says he was and so does the bible so it MUST be true.

    Mine's the one with "Jesus wants you as a sunbeam" lovingly hand embroidered on the back.

  23. pctechxp

    Who pays these tossers

    To research this shit, oh yeah we do along with students studying worthwhile Degrees (read: anything but media studies, psychology, arts or these craxy qualifications about a celebutard) to actually make a difference.

    Have they found a cure for:





    Carious other incurable conditions?

    What's that you say? No?

    So why are w**kers like this paid to research and write stuff like this?

    He really needs to be fired along with the moron that signed off the research.

    OK I'm not a Professor and I don't have a Degree but I'd really like some money to go to Canada for a couple of weeks to discover whether Bears do indeed shit in the woods as I really think the confirmation of this theory would benefit himanity.

    Where do I apply? About 150K should be enough.

  24. Jim Coleman


    Anyway, why didn't God put anything in the bible that the writers didn't already know? Like maybe E=mc2 or the fact the Earth revolves around the sun, or that matter is made of atoms? Would have helped his case immeasurably. As it happens, there is nothing, nada, zilch, in that book that wasn't already common knowledge. Talk about missing a trick! God speaks to his creations and reveals......nowt!

  25. John Stirling

    useless research haters

    To be sure this isn't what we are paying for, I think he does the real research the rest of the year - this is just a bit of seasonal frivolity - for a laugh.

    I'm sure those who dislike such rubbish research will say that he should not be allowed to have fun occasionally, and perhaps their own lives reflect this commitment to serious discourse.

    Oh, wait, they have posted here - that's pretty frivolous.

  26. Sceptical Bastard

    I suspect....

    ... some of you people aren't taking this very seriously. I reckon Michelle Knight has the right of it (above).

    Anyway (given that to any rational person a religion is simply a set of imaginings), surely a made-up god can have made-up acolytes exhibiting made-up powers and attributes without some dipstick academic going off on one?

    BTW, are angels strictly a phenomenon of Judao-Christian religions? Or do winged female humanoids feature in other world faiths? Just asking ...

    Happy Christmas, all

  27. Graham Bartlett

    Angels shmangels

    To quote the classic Rowan Atkinson sketch:-

    Satan: "OK, and the Christians over here please - yes, the Jews were right all along..."

    Hallelujah brother, I believe! Yes, I believe I'll have another pint...

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @darkmooink On the subject of Santa...

    It might help to understand how Santa exists ... I wrote a fan episode for Futurama that explains the whole thing. Enjoy ... ... not that there is anyone reading the comments on this thread any more now, of course.

  29. Martin

    Bah Humbug?

    Blimey - there are a bunch of old miseries on here. "He's being funded by taxpayer's money! Outrageous!" Ebenezer Scrooge is alive and well.

    It's Christmas. He's just done a bit of a calculation for the fun of it. A bit like the people who did all the calculations about what would happen if Santa were real.

    I thought it was quite funny.

  30. Martin Huizing
    Jobs Halo


    They use the halo for holding on to. They just let it go for a second for the photo to be taken (or picture being drawn ;) Massive athletes these Angels!

  31. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    To all those poking fun at the religeous.... and Santa.

    It is a sad comment on the state of Western civilisation that you are quite happy to ridicule Christians, but wouldn't dare do the same to other Middle Eastern religions.....

    And as for the Santa bashers, haven't you heard of his time-warping transporter? Sheesh, you guys are so barking up the wrong tree! Only real nooooooobs try arguing the flying-sleigh-would-burn-up angle nowadays.

  32. markp 1


    They're spiritual beings, by all accounts. Other references have them small enough to hold breakdance battles on pinheads. So maybe they're a form of Star Trekkian energy organism. Obviously their appearance to us as wingéd humanoids is just an illusion, a convenient social construct to allow them to communicate with us without things getting _too_ wierd.

    Also they're agents of God, they can probably do whatever they da.... er, blesséd well like.

    Got to hand the guy a "nice try" laurel, however. Never mind that it's been a staple of biology lessons (focussing on avians) for quite some time to point out that the average human would need drastic re-engineering (hollow bones, much improved lung mass, strengthened sternum and the like) to support active flight beyond just strapping a pair of wings (again, please ignore that this effectively makes them 6-limbed) to their back... a gold star 5/5 award from the university of obvious reseach :D


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