back to article Jeremy Corbyn: My part in his glorious socialist triumph

June 2015: The door to the modest Islington terraced house creaked open. From behind a black burqa, a pair of eyes gleamed with contempt. My Arabic was rusty but there was no mistaking the sentiment – I could discern the words “neoliberal” and possibly “analogue”, hissed at me in what sounded like a rasping West Country accent …


    1. D Moss Esq

      It lacks something of Bong's jovial and innocent desire to make money ...

      ... but you may also enjoy Nick Cohen's contribution today, 74 years after the Orwell essay quoted:

      We have a politician at the forefront of one of Europe’s great parties telling Poles that their country has no right to defend itself against an expansionist Russia. The man I suppose I now have to call the leader of the British Left is defending a classically reactionary power. Those who have kept their eyes open won’t be shocked. Opposition to the West is the first, last and only foreign policy priority of many on the Left. It accounts for its disorientating alliances with movements any 20th-century socialist would have no trouble in labelling as extreme right-wing.

      Not just Corbyn and his supporters but much of the liberal Left announce their political correctness and seize on the smallest sexist or racist “gaffe” of their opponents. Without pausing for breath, they move on to defend radical Islamist movements which believe in the subjugation of women and the murder of homosexuals. They will denounce the anti-Semitism of white neo-Nazis, but justify Islamist anti-Semites who actually murder Jews in Copenhagen and Paris. In a telling vignette ...

  1. Yugguy

    Three weeks is twice as long


  2. bigtimehustler

    I think he accused Cameron today of being a poverty denier right? Problem is, good! Because poverty doesn't exist in this country, it exists in many countries around the world, the ones you see video footage of with starving, malnourished children in. Unless your starving and becoming so thin it's not healthy, your not in poverty.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      That seems a tad low to set the bar in the UK - although if you're referring to the probable future state of the country after another 10 years of Tory/newLab rule then I can see where you're coming from.

  3. Zog_but_not_the_first

    And "in the interest of balance"...

    Could we have an article from Dave Spart next week?

    I did enjoy the Pam/Patti spoof though.

    1. Geoffrey W

      Re: And "in the interest of balance"...

      Give credit where its due: "Half Man Half Biscuit". This shamefully under appreciated band were responsible for that Horses parody, not The Reg, or that Bong fellow, whatever he is. I'm on a mission.

      1. PhilipN Silver badge

        Half Man Half Biscuit

        Thanks for the correction. Upward thumb (and I mean that in the NICEST possible way) to your good self and to HMHB.

        One of John Peel's favourite bands.

        The story goes they turned down being transported by helicopter to make an appearance on TV because Tranmere Rovers were playing that evening. That's unbeatable class.

  4. Tubz Silver badge

    Comrade Corbyn's election to glorious leader and then the mass resignations, has to be the biggest Labour implosion since, well Miliband stood as PM elect. The Tories must be p!ssing themselves laughing, LibDems see visions of them being the true shadow government and UKIP waiting in the wings for by-elections to pick off the dead and dying Labour MP's, as nobody will risk voting for them, just incase Corbyn gets in by the back door !

  5. Kubla Cant

    A rasping West Country accent

    I'm reasonably sure Pam Ayres' accent is Oxfordshire. Viewed from Shoreditch, I suppose that's West Country.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A rasping West Country accent

      To be fair, as a Scot, I'm quite aware of- and happy to slag off- the up-its-own-arse, everything-defined-in-relation-to-London attitude.

      But even I would have mistaken her accent for "West Country" until recently, when I found out she was actually from Berkshire, and that was a fairly typical accent there when she was growing up 60 years ago.

      In my defence (a) I suspect that accent has died out among the younger generation- or been diluted into bland "South East England-ness" and (b) Central Scotland *is* significantly further from the West Country than Shoreditch. ;-) (##)

      (##) Except it probably isn't if you view it from the weirdly-distorting effect of the Laahdaahn bubble where distances grow logarithmically less signifcant in importance as you move away from the sun that shines out of its arse. Thus, the West Country (far, far away) and Scotland (far, far, far away) are a comparable distance apart to that between the not-enough-room-to-swing-a-mouse newbuild apartment in Hammersmith you're paying an obscene rent on (the one that's "worth" £850,000) and the shop down the road you're going to visit buy the latest pair of sh***y overpriced "classic" trainers you saw on Sabotage Times.

  6. Camilla Smythe

    Pam Ayres

    Sucks Cock.

    Long fantasy story short.. just tell her to shut the fuck up with her poetry and go deep throat Z-Cars.

    Sent From My iPhone.

  7. Anomalous Cowturd
    Thumb Up

    Best Bong hit ever!

    Thanks Sir Steve.

    I too nearly choked on my Ginster's.

  8. smartypants

    The lingering whiff of Deficit versus Debt confusion strikes again

    No party since Labour lost office has stood on an election manifesto which promised to reduce debt, because they knew it was impossible, and that includes Labour.

    All of them stood on a platform to reduce the *deficit* - i.e. the annual percentage overspend which makes the debt go up further.

    Debt is a bit like the water in a bath. The deficit is the tap left on. The so called 'austerity' measures have been to slightly turn down the tap, with the pulling out of the plug being a distant goal for a future government.The bath is still filling up. The tap is turned up so high that nobody - not even the tories - dared promise to turn it off in the next term in parliament.

    Whether you like or hate the tories, to criticisise them for not reducing debt indicates you don't really understand - like most people it seems. Some people expected them to reduce the deficit further than they have, but when people call what we are living in today 'austerity', I think how stupid that must seem to people who lived through the post-war years when that word had real meaning.

  9. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Hope Springs Eternal External, Internal and Infernal. HyperRadioProActive IT Delivers ....

    .....its Derivatives in Futures ‽ .

    I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of GCHQ* going all novel and neoradical and practising effective virtual, and the much deeper sublime and darker hearts and minds capture web arts, with that Steve Bong excursion and incursion into Registered space.

    Somebody had to do it, so well played, El Reg. Finally, intelligence services acting intelligently for the greater good, rather than for the minor bad, GCHQ? Although one can easily see, especially in these sorts of odd and particularly peculiar cases, how simple it would be and therefore is, to deny any and all knowledge and involvement in such an obscure shielded information operation/phishing expedition/phorming mission.

    And probably most assuredly quite wise considering how revolutionary such proaction can be , and therefore most certainly is.

    Bravo. Let’s be having acres more of it in the fields of IT and Media Command and Control of Virtual Machinery in Human Terrain.

    * Hmmm? ….. And if not the likes of a GCHQ, who and/or what are leads operating systems with intelligence? Money, honey?


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