back to article Google TOO WHITE and MALE, says HR boss, looking in mirror

Google has published its first report on the diversity of its workforce, and the web giant admits it has a lot of work to do. The online ad-slinger revealed its findings on Wednesday, revealing how its employees break down along gender and ethnic lines for the first time. Predictably, perhaps, the report found that Google was …


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  1. Kumar2012

    Symbolism over substance...

    Not white, but a bloke, so I am half biased, but this kind of thinking is detrimental and stupid. You hire the best talent you can get whether they are black, white, or purple (though you might want to get some oxygen for the latter). After all look at the kind of president the American's got when they decided to vote based on 'affirmative action' instead of competence...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Symbolism over substance...

      "After all look at the kind of president the American's got when they decided to vote based on 'affirmative action' instead of competence..."

      George W. Bush? It's not his fault Barbara dropped him on his head as a baby, but I agree it was a step too far.

  2. Eddie12345

    Google Talent

    However, their employees are 100% the top talent in their skill sets.

  3. TinyLittleTimmy

    Google's Diversity Matches that of the our University Graduates

    If you look at higher education statistics by race and sex, Google is pretty much spot on, especially when you consider the fact that they have a ton of offices overseas in countries where there is pretty much little to no racial diversity at all. 75% to 80% of US graduates with degrees are considered white and 40% to 65% are female. The females employed there may be low, but that's because of the recent increase in female graduates which was previously at 45% (2009) and has been below 50% for years (I looked as far back as 1999). Google needs females with both an education and experience but new female graduates haven't got years of experience so they have a low hire rate. Also Asian's have a the highest completion rate, highest scores, and lowest dropouts of any other race in the US. It stands to reason that Google employees people based on education and experience, rather than being forced to hire and equal number of every race and sex, therefore their race & sex diversity figures match that of the widening diversity gaps that we see in education statistics. Employers that are forced to hire all races, even if the workers have zero experience, will have more diversity, but run into hurdles when in need of educated/experienced business decisions, most likely resulting in a failing business structure. It stands to reason that Google wants to be a successful business, therefore they tend to hire the best employees for the job without favoritism or discrimination.

  4. BrownCow

    Only Google? While Google has managed to fly under the radar all these years on this troubling issue in this country, one could discover that this practice is endemic in Silicon Valley and other High-Tech areas. This practice is indicative of an institutionalized attitude which prevails, and which was born eons ago and continues to fester to this day, that has to do with fairness and equality in the workplace. Google, indeed, but at least they were shamed into admitting their shortcomings. What now, brown cow?

  5. Mage Silver badge

    Self sustaining

    Google famously has process for hiring people.

    In general people will hire people like themselves.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Guys would be thrilled to have more women in IT and Engineering

    Unfortunately, my uni engineering course there was only 1 girl in the class of 65 guys. On that statistic alone forgive me for generalizing that girls are less interested (not less capable when it is their career of choice) in tech stuff than boys

    My sister became a sw developer. And 50% of my 2 interns starting next week will be female. So there is still hope.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. Wanderingone56ish

    I wonder .......

    How much time and money western corporations have spent trying to meet some unspecified 'diversity' target without diluting the talent pool within their company.

  8. Fun Fun

    is this a good or a bad thing?

    It is not easy to be a white male in the world of today.

    When young, they are ridiculed and shunned for being nerdy, spending their time on computers or on matters technical.

    When older, they are blamed for oppressing others by spending their time on computers and benefiting from being technical.

    Conclusion 1: Seems you cant win.

    Conclusion 2: Who are the ones who choose which one of the above mentioned is being used against white males, begs to be asked.

    I aim not to be pathetic, but seems I cant help myself :)

  9. adk081

    Sensationalist Healine - Whites are actually UNDER-Represented at Google America

    According to the 2010 US Census, Asians make up 4.8%% of the General Population. Asians compose 30% of the Google workforce.

    Whites (including Hispanic whites) accounted for 72.4% of the US population in the 2010 Census. Whites make up 61% of Google's workforce.

    So, Google doesn't have an over-representation of whites. In fact, Google is as pretty close to parity with the general US population it can get with respect to Whites. However, Google has a significantly notable over-representation of Asians.

    Why does this article focus on a "mainly" white workforce as if that is shocking in a country composed of mainly Whites?

    The male to female ratio complaint is valid, but the racial composition complaint--not-so-much.

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Sensationalist Healine - Whites are actually UNDER-Represented at Google America

      Thanks for the feedback.


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Sensationalist Healine - Whites are actually UNDER-Represented at Google America

        No, you can't conclude from those US census figures that "whites" are "under-represented" at Google unless you assume that Google in the USA is recruiting people from all over the USA and from just the USA. In reality you will find that for some posts people are recruited primarily from the local population (California, say) while for other posts people are recruited from all over the world. If you care about under-representation you need to get a rough idea of what the proportions are for the relevant populations, then take account of the influence of travel and visa restrictions. That's a difficult problem and you probably won't get people to agree on the answer. (Personally, I wouldn't even bother asking.)

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The real story

    Perhaps the real story here is that apparently fewer than 1% of Google employees in the US refused to ethnically categorise themselves.

    In the UK it's quite common for government departments to ask about "ethnicity" but forms nearly always makes it clear that the question is optional and usually there are multiple ways of opting out: OTHER; NONE; UNKNOWN; REFUSE TO PROVIDE; etc; sometimes it's hard to choose! The 2011 census didn't have an official opt-out option for "race" so I ticked OTHER and wrote "HUMAN" in the text field, which was quite polite of me, I thought.

    I don't remember ever being asked by my UK employer to ethnically categorise myself, and I note that Google's "ethnicity data are US only".

    It's less surprising, of course, that almost nobody refused to categorise themselves as male or female. However, I predict that in 20 years' time in will be unusual for people other than doctors and dating agencies to collect data on gender/sex. Lawyers already advise that in general it's best not to collect personal data if you don't have a good justification for it.

    1. John H Woods Silver badge

      Re: The real story

      I've said it before, but ...

      Ethnic Origin: "African"

      Margin comment: "Aren't we all?"

  11. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

    I can't hire you, Dave

    Your skin is the wrong colour, and your genitals are external. This doesn't meet our diversity quotient.

  12. theinformedman

    Its not too white!!

    USA has 70% whites. Google has 60%. Whites are under represented. Statistics 101.

    USA has 5% Asian Americans, Google has 30%. Here there is an over representation

  13. Simon B

    In a nutshell, the future is:

    Sorry, we can't hire you, you're white and we have a target to employ more black.

    THAT is racist.


    Knitting company gets fined cus no0t enouigh men are being hired.

    MAYBE, there are more men because it's m ore men that enjoy I.T. type stuff, same. It's just genetics, no not a fixed marker but boys do like their toys!

    STOP looking and saying ooooh not enough diuversity here, try looking WHY, just maybe it's jack to do with race/age/colour and more about certain jobs attract certain people!

  14. ChubbyNinja

    I don't understand how this is even news?

    Does this mean that for future interviews, in order to maintain diversity they are going to deliberately offer a position to females, or black males/females?

    Because to be honest that sounds a lot like discrimination.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cultural issues

    I don't know..... I can imagine an ordinary white bloke, who didn't necessarily get the very best grades, but who has an interest, an aptitude, and a sense of adventure (and prepared to work things out for themselves), being a better fit for Google than the hot housed (and perhaps neurotic) person who got the first class degree.

    Anon. Did I just write something a little bit controversial?

  16. Stretch

    Seems like their demographic is quite normal for an IT company based in the West.

  17. Daggersedge

    This is just another shot in the war against non-elite white men

    Those who run Google are hitting at the very people who built the company - white men - in order to assuage their own liberal guilt. What they are saying is that the people who built their company are worthless because they aren't black or women or Hispanics. They wish to humilate their own work force in order to demonstrate their politically-correct purity.

    They know very well that blacks, women and hispanics didn't build their company because they couldn't. Most women aren't interested in computing. With an average IQ of 85, blacks aren't smart enough to have done it. The type of Hispanics that immigrate, often illegally, to the US usually have low IQs.

    They know this very well. They know that average white IQ is 100 and that the average Asian IQ (far-east Asian, that is) is a bit higher than this. They know that they were the only people who could build the company. All that means nothing to their liberal friends who circle like vultures round the company. They want hand-outs. They want jobs with nice titles so they can go on talk shows and talk about being a 'black woman' (or whatever) working for Google. They want to stamp on the faces of white men.

    The only aim of these groups of women, blacks and Hispanics is to assert their own power. In their eyes, it's all about them and everyone must agree. Anyone who doesn't is racist and sexist. Any non-elite (and sometimes, elite) white man who has a job is racist and sexist by this definition. These groups have no shame and no honour. They want jobs that they know they can't do. They want credit for things that they know they haven't done.

    When will this end? When white men say 'enough' and do something about it. Will that ever happen?

    One thing is for certain, though, and that is that you can safely assume that any black, woman or Hispanic working for Google has been hired because of race or sex. You can assume that anyone that falls into one of these categories cannot do his job. You can assume that he is simply a parasite because that is what he is.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This is just another shot in the war against non-elite white men

      "With an average IQ of 85, blacks aren't smart enough to have done it. The type of Hispanics that immigrate, often illegally, to the US usually have low IQs."

      And on average lower education levels, which at least partially explains the result, even for culture-neutral testing.

      "They know that average white IQ is 100 and that the average Asian IQ (far-east Asian, that is) is a bit higher than this."

      Last time I saw it referenced it was 107 for westerners (we are better educated at a younger age than when the tests were originally defined). This is reflected in the average drifting to the right.

      As for the rest, well I mostly agree. "Positive discrimination" in the US, in my personal experience has resulted in more dunderheads occupying desks than is good for anyone. I have worked with some astoundingly good people in the past 30+ years, pretty much every race and both sexes, but I have also had the misfortune to work with people who were hired because they ticked the minority boxes. That situation was just as embarrassing and uncomfortable for those poor sods as it was for us single white males with degrees and ambition.

    2. NumptyScrub

      Re: This is just another shot in the war against non-elite white men

      quote: "With an average IQ of 85, blacks aren't smart enough to have done it."

      quote: "The only aim of these groups of women, blacks and Hispanics is to assert their own power. In their eyes, it's all about them and everyone must agree. Anyone who doesn't is racist and sexist."

      Nice try :)

      Your post is a quintessential case for Poe's Law, given the lack of obvious humour (or inline smiley faces). I'm going to choose to assume it is actually a parody (as per the Corollary to Poe's Law), because that is the kindest interpretation to give it :)

  18. The elephant in the room

    Google too white for you pimps & hos? Try this:

  19. Yugguy

    Revolutionary idea.

    Pick the person best suited to the job.

  20. phil8192

    Stop Worrying!

    The day a company starts worrying about hiring to meet ethnic and gender goals is the day it goes into decline. The best teams and companies where I've ever worked hired engineers and other staff strictly on ability to deliver the goods, with no regard to skin color or sex. The best thing technology companies like Google can do to assure their continued success is get rid of people like Laszlo Bock.

  21. flatrock19

    I work at a place where there are about as many women as men. Of those there is one white woman that I can think of, a couple Asian and a lot from India. I think there are more Indian women than Indian men here.

    Maybe there is some HR effort at gender equality, but if so it isn't obvious, because the women they have hired seem to be competent, some extremely so.

    However, unless you go to the trouble of hiring immigrants, or are in an area where a lot of immigrants are located, you are going to have trouble having a gender balanced workforce because there aren't as many white women going into such technical fields as white men.

    We have had decades of Affirmative Action, hiring preferences, and discrimination lawsuits. While things have gotten more diverse than they once the fact that to get a diverse technical workforce we need to import it from other countries tells me that those "solutions" aren't addressing the major problems.

    There is something seriously wrong with the fact that we live in such a technologically advanced society, yet we have to import so many technically trained people from other places. This is true for both men and women, but especially true for women.

    It's not that women don't make good engineers. I've worked with enough talented women engineers to know better.

    I think it is good for Google to acknowledge that there is a lack of diversity, but barring any evidence showing that they actively discriminate, I don't think that it is likely that the problem lies with Google.

    I also think that the problem goes back to our primary and secondary education systems, so there aren't going to be any quick fixes. However, that makes it more urgent that we find a way to improve things.

  22. Bluntly Obvious

    Diversity has become racism

    When did we stop hiring the most qualified people ... or is it that we see race as a qualification now?

    An HR manager stating that the company they represent is "too white and male" is racist and sex based discrimination. We are allowing our HR departments to convert companies into monuments to "diversity" in America. It is a disgusting euphemism for prejudice, plain and simple.

    There will never be equality until articles like these are seen as outrageous nonsense from anti-social anarchists. And yes, I am too white and male to get a fair shot at employment, funding for education or even admission into a top tier college.

    Google's HR department has done us a favor. We have been warned. If you're and male you are not welcome at Google. I feel sorry for all the people that worked hard to achieve Google's success for it has been confirmed too many are guilty of being white males -> the company they built is now considered "evil". Nonsense!

    When will America wake up and realize that if you need to identify a race or gender to say something then the message you are crafting is hate filled rubbish. America needs to stop getting even with it's white males. We are important contributors to the economy and marginalizing us won't help pay the bills.

    I amazed that there are not millions of other people who feel political correctness was a good idea but executed so poorly that the result is complete failure socially and economically. The economy is weak and racism is now rampant in American HR policy.



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