back to article From Dept of REALLY? Sueball lobbed at Apple over crap iOS Maps app

A fangurl has launched a class action suit on behalf of everyone who had thought the iPhone was an unfailingly accurate navigational tool and was accordingly disappointed with the quality of Apple's iOS Maps app. Nancy Romine Minkler has brought the ever-so-slightly ridiculous case against Apple for its failures during the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "If I spent £15k on a car with a 8 speed transmission"

    That would be a perfectly valid case as the transmission is essential for the operation of the car. But Maps OTOH is not essential for the operation of a phone (smart or otherwise).

    I wonder if there is an expectation that maps must be 100% accurate with 100% of their content here.

    In my opinion the only maps that come anywhere close to that are the OS maps in the UK - but only just after they have been updated - and then they may still only be 99% accurate with 99% of the content - because things are always changing. A new housing estate has been built where a pub used to be, a block of flats has appeared where a petrol station used to be or worse, a "village" has appeared in a former industrial estate.

    I may have a simplistic outlook on this, but our TomTom is now somewhat inaccurate in our part of west London.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Guessing it's a pretty sound case.

    There was no technical reason why Apple switched to vastly inferior Apple maps, purely commercial decision, and for that reason, this is going to work out badly for Apple.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Guessing it's a pretty sound case.

      "There was no technical reason why Apple switched to vastly inferior Apple maps"

      Google refused to provide the same functionality on the iOS app that they provide on Android. Google's position forced Apple's hand in this case.

  3. Mike Bell


    "People rely on these devices and for one to be so monumentally inaccurate is dangerous"

    People should never rely on this kind of device, especially when it might cause danger. Neither Apple nor Google make any warranty that their maps can be relied on with certainty.

    1. Jemma

      Neither do Garmin & they're selling sat navigation devices.

      How many times do I have to bloody say it? If its an advertised function you paid for & it doesn't bloody work there is a legal case to answer if the manufacturer can't/won't fix it.. under British law..

      all maps are inaccurate but there's inaccurate & theres telling you you've just arrived at Stonehenge when your sitting in a Vatican City McDonald's

      "Do try to keep up, thinking is SO important.."


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