back to article Dr Who scores new companion from Emmerdale

Former Emmerdale actress Jenna-Louise Coleman has been selected to play the latest assistant to Gallifreyan Time Lord Dr Who, beginning with the 50th anniversary Christmas special at the end of the year. Coleman is best known for her four-year stint as Jasmine Thomas, the recalcitrant school-girl turned journalist who battered …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Amy was introduced wearing a nice policewoman's uniform.

    As long as the new companion wears something of similar suitability, I'll be happy.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Amy was introduced wearing a nice policewoman's uniform.

      They'll have to go a long way to replace Amy's legs.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Amy was introduced wearing a nice policewoman's uniform.

        Nothing can go as long a way as Amy's legs...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Neb worth

    Back on-topic of the new bint. It's good to see Michael Jackson's nose is finally making its showbiz comeback.

  3. Belgarion

    I thought it was only the Doctors

    that aged in reverse. Shouldn't Ms(?) Coleman still be in high school?

  4. Charles Augustus Milverton

    Worst companion ever !

    Bonny Langford

    (now who has the mind bleach ? I feel dirty remembering that name).

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Worst companion ever !

      Poor old Bonnie. Actually a decent actress ever tarred with the Violet Elizabeth brush. The writing for her character in Doctor Who was awful as was the direction.

      Shame really as in the audio adventures she has recorded more recently Ms Langford really shines and shows what might have been possible with some decent writing and direction.

      1. h4rm0ny

        Re: Worst companion ever !

        Yep - she's really great on the audios. Particularly when pared with Seven in something like Bang-Bang-A-Boom. (One I thought I would hate but after endless positive comments actually tried). Six is another Doctor who comes across better on the audios in some ways than was given the opportunity to do on screen.

        For anyone who is interested in the Doctor Who audios by Big Finish - stand out ones to try would be Davros, Jubilee, and The Holy Terror.

  5. Some Beggar


    I love the sound of deskbound middle-aged virgins complaining about the actress they'll be masturbating over later in the year.

  6. Blubster

    Re: Ahhh

    I love the sound of deskbound middle-aged virgins complaining about the actress they'll be masturbating over later in the year.

    The Doctor's new cumpanion?

  7. Dave 125

    Welly rack?

    Made me lol (in the traditional sense) but I have no idea why. What's a welly rack?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    sticky end for Amy and Rory

    "that's it Doctor, if you thought you could disappear for years and then come back and make it up again with a bag of toffees(*) then you're wrong. Clear off, we never want to see you again"

    Now, that should do it.

    (*) by using a bag of toffees instead of jelly babies this does leave open an option for a later series where this Doctor is revealed to be a replicant Doctor that Amy and Rory need to defeat so that they can release the real Doctor and "save the universe"(tm) in case they producers decide they need to bring them back

  9. Big_Ted

    Your all wrong

    The best ever Doctor / Companion team was Sylvestor Mccoy and Ace in the final series they did. It was just getting interesting when they canceled it.

    And the worst team of all.........Colin Baker and Bonny Langford.........

    1. Dave Edge

      Re: Your all wrong

      I agree, if they'd been given another series they could have turned the show around if they'd have got chance to implement the Cartmel Masterplan

    2. Tom 13

      Re: Your all wrong

      McCoy and Ace were great, but I'll still give the edge to Baker and either Ramana v1 or Leela.

      It still pisses me off the Beeb were clearly intent on killing the show when McCoy had the role. I've heard better soundtracks on Hanna Barbara cartoons.

      And okay, maybe I am just a crazy 'Merkin, but I really liked the shows better when they had the feel of the monarchy back on Galifrey. It made them different, and therefore that much more enjoyable.

  10. James Micallef Silver badge


    "It's not often the Doctor meets someone who can talk even faster than he does, but it's about to happen"

    In the last couple of years I've had a feeling that some of the Doctor's rants are deliberately thrown out at super-speed simply because there's a hole in the plot that needs to be explained away by something unbelievably technical that only the Doctor can understand. It's ANNOYING. Slow down already, what's the point of writing dialogue if it can't be understood?

    1. Hooksie

      Re: Gibberish

      James, I would enquire as to what age you are and how long you've been watching Dr Who because it's been like that from day 1. Reverse the polarity, there's a kink in the whachametrusses etc etc. My wife doesn't get how much I love Dr Who when I pick plot holes all over the place in any other TV show; it's because Dr Who doesn't need to make sense. It's about a guy travelling through all of space and time in a blue box that's bigger on the inside. What part of that makes sense??

      It's just a laugh - let goooooooooooo.

  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. Doug Glass

    How is Doctor Who like Apple?

    No matter how you treat the faithful, they keep coming back for more. So it was in the beginning, so it shall be.

    47 comments on a geek site does not a successful anything make.

  13. Seanmon

    Dr Who = kids TV

    To summarise for the Dads: Karen has better legs, but the new one (forgotten already) appears to have bigger tits.

    That is all. You can go back to your proper Sci-Fi now.

  14. Stoneshop


    Even by the Doctor's standards, this isn't your usual boy meets girl," beneath a silvery moon, which then explodes for no adequately explored reason.

  15. Wupspups

    Dont care really as long as it isnt that awful Tate woman.

    1. h4rm0ny

      Donna Noble?

      How could you. Donna, Liz Shaw, Leela, Jaimie. Best companions evar!

    2. Fogcat

      I fully expected to hate Ms Tate in Doctor Who, i wasn't encouraged by the Christmas runaway bride episode, but in the end I though she was probably the best of the new series.

      1. Tom 13


        I won't go as far as the best of the new series, but yes, by the end of her run I was sad to see her go. She actually made a good foil for him.

  16. FreeTard

    Ze doktor

    I didn't think much of Matt at first, but he has found his character now and I like him equal to Tennant. Yer was is well fit, so it will be a pity to see her go, not a huge fan of the new one from Emmerdale but lets not pre-judge her eh?

  17. Hooksie

    whine whine moan moan

    It's not as good as it was in my day blah blah blah blah....wipe your chins and take off the rose tinted glasses. Any of you ACTUALLY gone back and watched any of the old Doctor Who stories? I've loved Dr Who since I was about 4 (30 years now) and EVERY SINGLE TIME it changes people whine and moan, some like it some don't, some claim they don't watch/won't watch anymore etc etc etc. Well guess what? It's the longest running Sci Fi show on TV EVER. For a good reason, it keeps evolving, keeps changing.

    I wasn't sure about Christopher Eccleston, then I watched him and although he was a bit wooden at times (Have you got that) I thought he brought somehting totally different to the role, I really thought David Tennant would be terrible but he wasn't and when Matt Smith was announced I thought "He's too young" until I saw him in the role and now I think he's probably the best doctor since Tom Baker.

    Quit your whining, make constructive comments where possible and if you really don't like it anymore, don't watch it, nobody is making you. Anyway, it's not supposed to be for you, it's supposed to be for kids so get a grip.

    PS, new girl looks hot, can't wait to see her in the TARDIS

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: whine whine moan moan

      Yes, I watched Tom Baker in The Genesis of the Daleks and it's still fantastic all these years later.

      Best parts are Davros interviewing the Dr and saying how he would be happy to release a virus that would destroy all life in the universe, and the Dr worrying about the ethics of destroying the Daleks who brought peace to warring planets by forcing them to work together. Some actual intelligence, and not much silliness. Also scientists getting slaughtered by the bucketload - these Daleks don't have designer colours, they look like armoured killing machines and show it.

      (OK, so Sarah Jane and Harry wonder around getting captured, and the killer clam is a bit dodgy).

      1. Hooksie

        Re: whine whine moan moan

        Now, Genesis of the Daleks I have to grant you is an excellent series of episodes. The reason I asked the question, though, is that I too had been watching some old episodes just out of nostalgia/curiosity and whilst there was the odd gem like that there were far too many incomprehensible stories and improbable aliens with so much bad RADA acting and terrible sets, as well the most tedious direction and timing that you simply lose interest.

        I would love to see some more high brow stories during a series but if you look at the Almost People what is that other than an investigation into what makes us people? That was a very creepy and clever duplex; The Doctor's wife, very clever and interesting adn, although some people didn't like it, the stories that carry across the arc of the Silence and the Question are fantastic. Remember that all of that was trailed in Matt Smith's very first episode "Silence, Doctor, Silence will fall". Oh, and even the mildly annoying Britain on a ship episode had an undertone of animal welfare and moral judgements.

    2. Some Beggar

      Re: whine whine moan moan

      Tom Baker had already left Doctor Who before you claim to have started watching it.

      Are you herp derping or just confused?

    3. Tom 13

      Re: Any of you ACTUALLY gone back and watched any of the old Doctor Who stories?

      Yes I have. Two nights ago as a matter of fact: The Three Doctors downloaded from Netflix.

      I'd buy DVDs of the old shows if the Beeb would just have the decency to repackage them in season sets and sell them at the same price as they sell the current ones. Right now I only have them on aging VHS tapes from when they use to run on PBS.

  18. earl grey

    you still wouldn't be happy

    If the part were played by Summer Glau.

    I doubt they have waited to start fapping, to tell the truth.

    1. Platelet

      Re: you still wouldn't be happy

      "If the part were played by Summer Glau."

      Who would be happy to see the show terminated?

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I vote for...

    ...Derpy Hooves for next assistant!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I vote for...

      I second the motion!



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