back to article Just trolling: It's OK to poke fun at Christians, says ASA

The fact that trolls can smell Christian blood is well-known, the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) has ruled, and a reference to it in a fake job advert used to promote a film was unlikely to cause widespread offence, it said today. After receiving two complaints about the advert "Troll Hunters Required" listed in The …


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      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Count your s/blessings/extremely fortunate set of circumstances/g

        Well, it's a bit like your comment peppered with outdated terminology and language that has been handed down from previous generations and extrapolated from their original meanings faith-based or otherwise.

        I am glad to see, at least, you use the word "lesson" in context, but what word do you use when you want to spread eduction other than the bible?

      2. John Sanders

        "Leaving aside the CE/BCE error there, why should a non-aligned organisation be expected to continue to use a description that is effectively aligned with one specific faith?"

        Just because it has been part of the culture of the western world is a good reason alone to leave the BC/AC as it is.

        Following your logic I suggest we all stop using the Gregorian Calendar which is also a Christian invention.

    1. Hollerith 1

      Baiting? Or not privileging?

      BC is a very specific time reference, and CE and BCE are thoughtful substitutes to be used in a world that is not 100% Christian. It acknowledges the dominance of the European world on our historical understanding without using a word that not all people use with comfort.

      Surely a true Christian would not insist that a non-Christian use his or her faith-words. It would be unloving, prideful. Surely no true Christian can be baited. Their Saviour taught them to be meek, gentle, and to turn the other cheek. Paul urged them to glory in the opportunity to share the bruising He endured for them. But then, true Christians are thin on the ground...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Turn the other cheek?? I always thought it's 'an-eye-for-an-eye'!

        or is it both at the same time, a complete contradiction, like most things in religion?

    2. Duncanmhor

      That false witness you're bearing

      Isn't it heavy?

      1. Steven Roper

        I still use

        BC and AD when such references are required. The reason is because, although I am not a Christian, the year is 2011 years after the *putative* birth of Christ. What else is it supposed to be 2011 years after? I maintain that if people don't want to use the Christian calendar, then instead of burying such use under a mantle of political correctness such the BCE/CE bullshit, that they adopt another calendar altogether.

        My vote is for a calendar with the year 0 being the birth year of Nicholaus Copernicus - the first scientist to challenge the Church's Earth-centric universe, thus starting the rise of science in the face of religion. Since Copernicus was born in 1473 AD, that would make this the year 538 ANC, so dates would then be listed as BNC/ANC. Something like that, I'd rather use than a religious calendar thinly veiled in political correctness.

        1. John Sanders

          Political Correctness

          Is the live legacy of Marxism, it is pouring everywhere in the western world seeding its demise.

          I like to call it "Cultural Marxism"

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      See, that's what you get if you go around believing ludicrous old myths...

      ... like the kind you get in the Daily Mail. The BBC did not "change BC to BCE" at all, that was complete nonsense: see for example

      "Whilst the BBC uses BC and AD like most people as standard terminology, it is possible to use different terminology, particularly as it is now commonly used in historical research. The BBC has issued no editorial guidance on date systems, and the decision rests with the individual editorial and production teams."


      " * The BBC does not have a policy in place forcing programmes to use BCE and CE in place of BC and AD

      * There is a policy on the BBC Religion web site to use BCE and CE on that site[1].

      * The Religion web site policy has been in place for at least four years

      [ . . . ]

      [1] However, it’s worth noting that every page on that site which talks about Christianity seems to break that policy and uses BC and AD. "

      Of course, someone who is in the frame of mind that they have to believe what they're told by a book, regardless of evidence or logic, is at risk of carrying over the same attitude to what they read in the newspapers, but really, how many times are you going to fall for the same trick before you learn to stop trusting the tabloids? Pretty much every supposed "political correctness" scandal they've reported has been fabricated; nobody's banned christmas, that school a couple of years back didn't ban the kids from giving christmas cards, the EU didn't rule that bananas had to be straight, etc., etc., etc., the list goes on. People believe these stories not because they're true, but because they want them to be true and are willing to suspend their critical faculties when presented with something that appears to confirm their preconceived notions. Much like the way they pick and choose those bits of the bible that agree with their political-moral agenda.

      Here endeth the lesson.

  1. Anonymous Coward

    So given all religion should be respected equaly...

    There was I thinking under EU `lawl's`(sic) that religion of no matter what faith should be treated equaly and fairly. Would if not be fair to now have adverts making fun of starwars figures and other lesser faiths? Standards have been laid down, would be wrong not to follow them fully :-).

  2. leon stok


    So trolls can find christians, but the christians did not spot the troll.

  3. nemo20000

    Eee when I were a lad...

    When I was a kid and someone didn’t get the joke, everyone else laughed and they felt bad.

    These days when someone doesn’t get the joke it has to be reworded and everyone else has to feel bad.

  4. TimeMaster T


    Has anyone mentioned the tittle of the movie yet? or did I just miss it?

    1. Alan B

      WTF is a "tittle"?

      I've never heard of a "tittle", but it sounds like something from a pr0n movie. If you actually mean "title", the movie is called Trollhunter.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        FYI: WTF a "tittle" is.

        It's the thing that goes along with a jot.

    2. 100113.1537


      - at least that is the title in Norwegian. Direct translation is "The Trollhunters", but that's not necessarily a good bet as titles seem to interpreted rather than translated by film people.

      1. Arctic fox

        The title is "Trolljegeren".

        "The Trollhunter". singular form with the definite article baked in to the end of the word. I.e Trollhunter is "Trolljeger" contra The Trollhunter, "Trolljegeren". The Trollhunter*s* would in fact be "Trolljegerne" being the way you spell a word which ends in "r" anyway when you wish to express plural form with a definite article, otherwise the ending would be "ene".

        There, I am sure absolutely everybody was dying to know that.

    3. MacGyver


      This is the movie where I guy runs around talking about "bearn" (bjørn).

      It is used so many times, that when I see a bear on TV, all I hear in my head now is "Bearn".

      Also, why is this coming out now, that movie is kind of old now by movie standards isn't it. Much like my comment on this thread.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Which reminds me, do you know what a Swedish lightsabre sounds like?


        (joke nicked from / credit due to Sluggy Freelance:

  5. Graham Marsden

    The advert is discriminatory...

    ... to goats because none of them were offered the position!

    I'll just trit-trot along now...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Beware the man of one book

    Having skimmed through the comments, it is obvious that many are missing the point. The real story here is that there are still a handful of morons out there who insist on whining about everything.

    "I read something about (insert deity/religion), I was offended.

    Signed X"

    Thankfully someone at the ASA found the rarest of commodities, common sense. Hurrah!

    If you want to believe in a God, I couldn't care less. As the great William Melvin Hicks once said,

    "beliefs are neat, cherish them, just don't go around sharing them like they're the truth", and he was raised Southern Baptist.

    We all need to accept everything is fair game to have a laugh at and you can't be punished for doing so, true democracies promote freedom of speech.

    Of course, if you cross the line into hateful and offensive remarks you will be ridiculed and ignored by the sane majority - see Nick Griffin.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Leviticus 19.29

    Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, so that the land may not become prostituted and full of depravity.

    Genesis 19.8

    Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Leviticus

      >Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please.

      But did he charge any takers for the privilege?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Well done...

      You've managed to pull two totally unrelated passages from a book, completely out of context and shown that they are contradictory.

      Why not also use the bit (I can't remember where they are) that talk about beating swords into ploughshares and then the other bit that talks about beating ploughshares into swords.

      Or you could talk about eye-for-an-eye and then about Love thy Neighbour or Turn the other cheek.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Space-time is discrete.

        Space-time is continuous.

        Cue ridiculous, emotional battles between proponents of string theories, brane theories, etc.

        And don't get me started on holding fast to unprovable assertions about the world, eg the principles of universality and parsimony.

        Something about motes and beams springs to mind ...

        1. MacGyver
          Paris Hilton

          If we're posting silly things in the bible..

          ..let me include the fact that god thought the world was flat in Isaiah 11:12.

          "...gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." -- God

          "Such as maps." -- Miss America contestant

  8. Anonymous Coward

    In the future....

    We will be able to make fun of any religion like we do with other people's football teams and no one will care. On this day, the world will be a much better place to live. It is sad to see that religion is still considered something to have any respect for.

  9. Sam Therapy

    Every religion should be mocked...


    Mine's the one with "A Brief History of Time" in the pocket.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      But I bet you haven't read it, you just leave it hanging around to make you look smart, like everyone else.

      1. Sam Therapy


        Read it twice. Once, when it was first published and last year when I received all my father's books after he died.


    2. Peter Simpson 1


      Good for those who are too serious about religion.

      //Life of Brian in one pocket and Meaning of Life in the other

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Muslims and Jews

    Bet the ruling would have been quite different if it had been Islam or Judaism that was the target.

    It seems that Britain's so-called multiculturalism demands tolerance of every culture except our own.

  11. Winkypop Silver badge

    "The fact that trolls can smell Christian blood is well-known"

    Umm, which part of that statement is considered true?

    1. That Trolls (of the Scandinavian kind) exist

    2. That christian blood has a particular smell

    3. That god exists

    4. That these facts, together, are well known.

    Fail on all 4 methinks. With maybe a pass for those who enjoy myths.

  12. Mos Eisley Spaceport
    Thumb Down

    Personally, I find the Bible offensive







    And they let kids read it too....

    1. Sam Therapy

      Sounds like a typical night out...

      in Rotherham.

  13. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    The ASA are a complete waste of space who make up the rules as they go along and are completely unable to apply those rules evenly across the board. Now regardless of what you think in this particular case I think any reasonable person would surely think it's long sice time the ASA was abolished and replaced with something that could do the job properly.

  14. aelfheld

    Oh no, not the same thing at all

    I wonder what the ASA would have come up with if the line had been "TROLLS CAN SMELL GOD-FEARING BLOOD – MOHAMMEDANS NEED NOT APPLY."?

    Not that The Grauniad would have even thought of doing anything like that.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Last laugh....

    The issue isn't the contravention of any old blasphemy laws still hanging around, its a result of the anti-christian multiculturalist oversensitivity which holds that all religions are equally valid and that a pseudo-governmental committee is the best way to determine what you are allowed to laugh at.

    The real news item: censorship hasn't been applied *in this case.*

    How is that, "as long as you don't hurt anyone you can do what you like," philosophy working out?

    1. david wilson

      >>"...its a result of the anti-christian multiculturalist oversensitivity which holds that all religions are equally valid.."

      What a /classic/ example of bias and 'oversensitivity' - 'even-handedness' == 'anti-Christian'.

      If the best evidence someone can find for being persecuted is that people aren't giving them the special treatment they think you deserve, maybe they'd be best advised to keep their mouth shut if they don't want to look like an idiot.


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