back to article Margaret Thatcher celebrates 85 years

Those of you who are glued to live coverage of the Chilean mine rescue have probably not had time to raise a toast to Baroness Thatcher, who is today celebrating her 85th birthday. Indeed, the woman who did so much for the British coal industry will be returning to 10 Downing Street for a knees-up just as the 33 trapped miners …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    One of the few politicians

    who had bollocks back then.

    Stood up to the trade unions (steel strikes, no power remember THAT!) and nor did she piss around with the Argentinians.

    I wish her well, wrong or right she will go down as one the great figures from the 20th centuary.

    1. dave 151

      great figures of the 20th C...

      Great != Good

    2. Dave 15

      Bollocks... but no brains

      Bollocks are all very well and to be admired and respected, but not when they are a substitute for brains.... 'The ladies not for turning' was a classic line - lets not look at the evidence of the damage we are doing but continue brainlessly forward until we have destroyed everything in our path. She certainly did. Since her reign of terror we have become dependant on importing everything - from coal to army uniforms - from abroad, nothing is made here anymore. The huge deficit and massive balance of payments problems can be put down to the fact that now only 10% of the working age population actual make anything, everyone else lives off shuffling the money around.

      Even the fiasco with the Argies was poorly learnt from - we failed to listen when they rattled their sabres, withdrew a ship and didn't reinforce the troops there - the war could, and should have been prevented. We had to borrow a ship we had sold back - showing te defence cuts underway were obviously far too savage, we had to borrow many cruise liners and other ships to deliver troops and equipment, we couldn't protect the beech head and landing properly because our air defence (about to be cut again) was not good enough... We even failed to notice that the argies lost the war (rather than we won it) partly because they couldn't build the exocets that were sinking our ships. We are now even further into the position where we as a nation can't build the planes, ships, guns, missiles, even uniforms we need - if we fight a war we can only do it with permission of our suppliers, if they don't agree we are sunk well and truely. We need to spend much more on defence, we need to strategically keep industries open (lorry/van making, plane makers, ship building, munitions, tank building, even cotton mills and clothes manufacture) in order to be able to defend ourselves properly. The job of government is to defend us, and Thatcher and the later governments have ALL failed that basic test.

  2. Magnus_Pym

    How come...

    ... all the good stuff her supporters (apologists) say she did involved people dying? Falklands, Miners Strike, Pinochet etc.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      lest anyone remember (it seems) that there is no other believable explanation for the loss of that log book than making sure the war that got her popularity back enough to where she didn't get kicked out at the next election, began, just when it seemed like it might not. At the cost of several hundred lives.

      The chemist, i.e. who was capable of understanding about what addiction is and how very very bad nicotine is (and the additives) in that respect, who went from Downing Street to cheerleading for BAT.

      The word I'd describe her with, now, would probably get this comment rejected.

      1. Steven Jones

        Miner Deaths

        There is one very positive outcome of the loss of deep coal mining in this country, and that it has udoubtedly saved a lot of lives. That's for two reasons. Firstly deep mining is inherently dangerous. Whatever precautions are taken, there will inevitably be some accidents. However, even accidents could be eliminated, there are the health risks inherent in the industry itself. There are thousands of miners whose life has been cut short through working in the filthy atmosphere of coal mines.

        it is certainly possible to greatly reduce these two factors, but not eliminate it - at least not until completely automated deep-mining using machinery alone becomes possible.

        1. Phil Endecott

          Exporting death

          > deep mining is inherently dangerous. Whatever precautions are taken, there will

          > inevitably be some accidents

          Mining deaths have simply been exported to countries with worse safety standards than Britain.

          I do not value a British life any higher than a Venuzuelan one (despite not being able to spell the name of the country...). Do you?

    2. SImon Hobson Bronze badge

      RE: How come...

      >> ... all the good stuff her supporters (apologists) say she did involved people dying? Falklands, Miners Strike, Pinochet etc.

      Eh ?

      Falklands - are you suggesting that she forced the Argentinians to invade ? Are you suggesting that we should have just stood back and left them to it ? I assume the Argentinians were asked to leave through diplomatic channels, but they didn't - that meant we either let them keep the Falklands and reward aggression, or we had to go and physically kick them out.

      Miners Strike. Well I think you need to take a good look at Arthur Scargill for that - as I recall he wasn't known for his moderation ! OK, there was violence on both sides (yes I've heard first hand accounts of how people were mistreated by the police), but again - are you suggesting that the leader of a democratically elected government should let an unelected union leader dictate policy, and enforce it by violence without any response ?

      Pinochet. Have to agree there, it should forever be a point of shame that we have him safe haven.

      Economically, I seem to recall that when Blair and Brown moved into Downing Street, they'd been left a fairly healthy economy. Need I say more on their track record since ?

      1. Dave 15


        No, she didn't force the Argentinians to invade BUT it was known they were likely to and she pressed ahead with the withdrawal of Endurance and failed to add to the military presence on the islands. She COULD and SHOULD have prevented the war - a simple thing to do - send a decent sized ship or two and a decently equiped force with tanks. They would never have had to fight and the action would have saved lives. Instead she sold the navys ships (and later had to borrow one back) and left the few soldiers pitifully equiped and not reinforced. This was a failure of leadership and foresight. She should NOT be applauded for the slaughter that followed in putting her mistakes right.

        Arthur Scargill was partly to blame for the problems of the miners strike, he should have had the secret ballot demanded, he would have won, the strike would have been legal, the country might well have had some sympathy with the fact that thousands of profitable jobs were being lost (and yes the mines largely were profitable despite the often excessive wage claims reinforced by strikes). Thatcher didn't need to close the whole thing down in order to beat the unions, there were ways - yes it is possible to 'cure' toothache by killing the patient, but its not the only, or the best way.

        The economy hasn't been healthy in many many years. You CAN NOT build an economy based on shuffling wealth from one place to another. You NEED to mine, build and grow things. Banks are leaches on society taking money from individuals and companies and hording it as profits, insurance, estate agents, tax collectors, teachers, managers.... all the rest are not producers. Look at Germany and China to see what successful economies look like - they are still growing - massively in the case of China - based on making things. Blair/Brown didn't make the economy bad, it already was, the charge you can lay at their feat is that they didn't make it better because they were too stupid to notice it was badly broken and needed fixing.

        1. mmiied


          "The economy hasn't been healthy in many many years. You CAN NOT build an economy based on shuffling wealth from one place to another."

          you can that is what economy means it is how fast the mony moves round there is realy only a limited suply of mony when you dig stuff out of the ground you needto sell it to somomne

        2. Sir Runcible Spoon


          @David 15

          "You CAN NOT build an economy based on shuffling wealth from one place to another."

          I'm sorry, but that only holds true if the money starts and finishes in your own country and never leaves it's borders.

          As it is. money comes in to London from all over the world, and it goes out again. Every time it does someone makes a profit, even if it's only interest on loans for trades.

  3. Marcus Aurelius


    When Thatcher took over the country, it was swamped by strikes, had high taxes and economically in the toilet.

    She left it a much more prosperous, stronger and more confident country and handbagged anyone who opposed her to death. I'm sure she's not popular in mining communities and a few other sectors, but without her I shudder to think what the country would be like.

    1. Steen Hive


      "She left it a much more prosperous, stronger and more confident country"

      She left it a basket-case at the mercy of foreign money and asset-strippers.

      If you hadn't noticed, the biggest heist in human history has just been pulled off by Thatcher's cronies the financial services sector - the bill for which will be met by the taxpayer - a minute fraction of the cost of which could have easily given every coal-miner in Britain a shovel made of gold, and a Rolls Royce to get to his job-for-life in.

      1. Marcus Aurelius

        Biggest Heist

        ... has been pulled off under a Labour Government which had been in power for a number of years and was claiming that it knew all about finance and was ......what was that word.....ah yes....PRUDENT!

        There is absolutely no way that Thatcher could be blamed for that, especially as Labour set up the banking regulatory system under which it went so spectacularly tits-up.

        Incidentally, if you look at the decline in the numbers of miners, you'll find that the rate downwards actually *slowed* during the Thatcher years. Scargill was right about the death of the mining industry in the UK, but what he didn't say was that it had been dying on its feet for years before, and Thatcher probably gave it a couple more years before it fell off its perch...

        1. Steen Hive

          @Biggest Heist

          Mining output in the UK has been in steady decline for 97 years. Thatcher nonetheless still killed deep mining in the UK along with pretty much every other heavy industry, and every community these industries supported.

          As for the "Labour" government - these spiv yahoos are her vile spawn, pure and simple. She was the enabler and the root of the rot. A traitor by any other name.

    2. Tom 7

      If we're better off since Thatcher

      why is my Dad could work a 40 hour week, buy a house with an affordable 25 year mortgage and keep a wife at home with 3 kids who all got a decent education and got decent jobs in this country.

      While his grandchildren have shit schools, both parents have to work 50 hours+ to pay off debts and fund vanishing pensions and a mortgage on a house that's dropping in value. Those same kids will get into university with two O'levels and leave with a degree no-one wants and wont be able to think about buying a house until they've paid their university loans in their mid thirties.

      I had a better standard of living in the early eighties than I do now. And in real terms most of the things I need to keep me alive are about 30% less than they were then and IT products about 0.1% of the cost,

      You cant blame that on just labour - they just used failed Tory economic policies on advisement from the city and it was only when the crash started did the Tories stop screaming 'they've stolen our policies'. If the Tories had been in power instead of labour there wouldn't have been the £20 left to give the bankers to slow down the crash.

      We're not better off - we just stole our children's futures and pissed it up the wall.

      1. Marcus Aurelius


        I'm just coming to the last 5 years of my 25 year mortgage, my wife lives at home with 2 kids, and the education is reasonably decent.

        Labour did not really use failed Tory economic policies, which were to keep the public sector spending down to a minimum and work on substantially reducing the national debt. Brown stealth taxed everything where he could *cough* pensions *cough*, and massively increased the size of the public sector, giving us the financial headache we have now. He got handed a golden goose of an economy and by various policies caused it to lay itself to death,

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Tom 7

        "I had a better standard of living in the early eighties than I do now. "

        You do know when she was the PM don't you?

        She hasn't done a thing to hurt or enhance the economy for over 20 years, or 4/5 of your Dad's 25 year mortgage.

        If you are worse off now, it is hardly down to her. If you are worse off today it is more likely to be as a result of the failure of the last administration which has been in sole power and uninfluenced by her for 13 years but still didn't change anything. They even continued to sell the family silver.

        1. Marcus Aurelius

          On the subject of Margaret Thatcher

          Normally El Reg articles are subjected to a lot of analysis, some critical, but mostly reasoned in the comments.

          However on this subject, it seems that a lot of El Reg readers respond in the same knee jerk way as a Jeremy Kyle audience/mob when "those all important DNA tests" are revealed; they leave their brains and critical faculties at the door.

          Never in the field of human history has the downvote button been subjected to so much misuse.....

  4. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    The title is required but can no longer be bought from the Government

    Is there a troll icon for the whole article? I can't see why else this made it onto the front page (OK, only page) (apart from Lewis) of an IT website?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Jesus dies at 33...

    ... and this evil witch lives to 85.

    There's no natural justice.

    1. The Other Steve

      There's no such thing as justice

      And there's no such thing as Jesus, either

      1. Sir Runcible Spoon


        "And there's no such thing as Jesus, either"

        Yes, I'm bored of politics, so let's bring religion in and get the handbags out :)

        I think you'll find there is a lot of evidence to suggest this chap did, in fact, exist. It's his life story that's questionable.

        1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

          Re: Sir

          Oh God I cannot imagine the original commenter was serious. We are not having this discussion. Shush.

          1. Sir Runcible Spoon


            spoilsport :P

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Enough about Thatcher..

    Michael Bay to direct and Jerry Bruckheimer to produce this epic chilean mine tale???? Just think of the effects!!!!

  7. LPF

    Just a couple fo facts for the cretins posting..

    It was Labour who closed more mines than the conservatives FACT!

    Not a single union law passed by the conservatives has been resinded, and not one of the major parties has proposed that they do so FACT.

    Thatcher voted against the withdrawal of the milk , and it was labour who first withdrew it from secondary schools .. FACT

    Google any of them if you want to, but hey lets not let facts get in the way of hating the woman who did more to turn this country around fromt he shambles that labour had turned it into in the 70's than anyone else.

    Google "Sick man of Europe!"

    by the way anyone who was not even alive when she was in power , has no right to post about whether she was good or not, us who actually lived through the 70's and 80's know better. The only people who hate her are the lazy northerners who were forced to actually work for their living, oh and if you have or members of yoru family have not worked since, its not her, its because your useless wastes of DNA

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      All good points, but to be fair...

      After 13 years of Labout we got damn close to being in the same state we were in 1979...

    2. Dave 15


      mmm, Who closed the mines - Thatcher or Labour, I honestly don't know a quick look at google didn't for me bring up any new facts - I know as a boy we had coal mines in the UK which supplied (when not on strike) coal for British industry, I know that we produced twice as much coal as our nearest competitor at the turn of the 1900's, I know that many many people were employed mining the stuff and it was used all over the country. I also remember Thatcher being in charge as the coal mines were shut down and seeing us having to import it from South America and Germany.

      What is really indisputable is the mismanagement of the UK economy since the war - 30 yrs labour and 35 years conservative rule have wrecked the country. We might have been up against it following the destruction of the second world war when the USA (our 'friends') helped the Germans and Japanese and at the same time undermined us and forced us to dispose of our armed forces and empire - probably being saddled with a labour government at that crucial point where we needed more leadership and strength was the biggest problem.

    3. MJI Silver badge

      I remember the strikes as well

      The 70s were a bit of a disaster, bad management and militant unions.

      Like or loath her we did need to sort out the mess Britain was in.

    4. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Just a couple fo facts for the cretins posting..

      "by the way anyone who was not even alive when she was in power , has no right to post about whether she was good or not, us who actually lived through the 70's and 80's know better."

      You lived through the 70s and 80s, did you? From the way you write it looks like you haven't finished primary school yet.

      "The only people who hate her are the lazy northerners who were forced to actually work for their living, oh and if you have or members of yoru family have not worked since, its not her, its because your useless wastes of DNA"

      It's because your useless wastes of DNA what? By bringing DNA into it (and race as well, perhaps), you're sliding even further towards the extreme end of British conservatism. Are you Norman Tebbit?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    For sale: Tap Dancing Shoes

    also munchkin outfits to follow the cortege singing "Ding Dong the Witch is dead"

  9. John Savard

    What I Could Never Understand

    ...was why Margaret Thatcher, with her love for free enterprise, and hatred for socialism, hadn't done something popular while she was in office... and abolished the British television licence fee?

  10. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Somewhat off topic

    >Pinochet's brutal dictatorship combined with his laissez-faire economic style is certainly part of

    > the reason for the utter lack of safety which led to the collapse of this mineshaft.

    Chile's mines generally have excellent safety standards. Haven't been to this one but most are run by Brit/Canadian/Oz companies and have Brit/Canadian/Oz engineers, their safety standards are a lot better than the USA for example.

    Remember, they were found in the safety refuge on each level - ask where the safety refuge is in an American coal mine and they ask you if you're gay or just a commie (in slightly less polite terms)

  11. bill 36

    rumour would have it

    I've heard that she wants a trip in the next NASA space shuttle.

    She wants to know if a cow really can jump over the moon.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. Steven Jones


    "done something popular while she was in office... and abolished the British television licence fee?"

    Because it simply wouldn't have been popular. We would have ended up with a diet of advertising-funded cheap (in all senses of the word) TV supplemented by very expensive subscription financed TV also riddled with adverisment and made up of largely imported US TV and sports.

    Basically what you get now from ITV, C5 and C4 plus Murdochvision. News would follow the rubbish Sky-News or, worse, Fox model. Whatever the problems of the BBC, it is relatively cheap and it has sustained a level of home drama production which Murdoch's crew have singularly failed to do preferring the lazy and risk-averse way of simply buying into US productions plus major sports rights. In the days before advertising fragemented, C4 & ITV could make produce some good stuff. No longer. In that the UK TV business makes money intenationally it's from the selling of inane format TV. It makes people like Simon Cowell very rich, but is not exactly enriching culture.

    I would like to see more diversity in publicly-funded broadcasting, so I'm not one of those who think the licence fee (really a hypothecated and regressive tax) should all go to the BBC but, on balance, I think the great majority of the population would wish to retain public funding.

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge
      IT Angle


      But I could reach for the 'off' switch and not have to pay £100/yr TV tax, but .. back to mining

      Its actually nice to see that against the odds 33 men survived for 2 months 2000 feet down a hole, and its nice to see people around to world happy that the rescue engineers have managed to get 18 out so far.

      This is a far more important story than some old tory witch having a birthday party

      Even if the witch did a few things right like take down some union leaders who thought they should be telling the elected government what to do.

      Lets face it , if you want to complain about the damage the tories did to mining in this country, just think how much collusion Scargil gave them

      Calling for a region by region ballot for a national strike because he did'nt get the vote to strike when he did call a national ballot, starting the strike in spring with coal stocks at record levels, using mass picketing to shut down those regions who did'nt vote to strike

      Come on, those are the actions of a idiotic leadership who were just out to use the miners as weapons in their personal war on the elected government.

      But never think I'm a tory supporter, I worked in the MoD in Portsmouth in the 80's and always remember what some of us got from the tories for equipping the falklands fleet.

      A P45.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Yes

        >2000 feet down a hole

        A hole? Eee, those miners wer lucky, we used t'dream o' living down hole.

    2. Dave 3


      The BBC subsidy is £3+ billion a year.

  13. Tascam Holiday
    Dead Vulture

    State Funeral

    I'm all for an expensive state funeral for Thatch, as long as we don't have to wait for her to die first!

  14. bill 36

    what i don't get

    is how after 10 years of sustained growth in the UK with many people able to afford second homes and holiday homes, massive public building projects including new schools and hospitals etc, suddenly a fraud of biblical proportions was perpetrated by the American finance industry on an unsuspecting international banking fraternity, vaporising peoples pensions and investments over night and it was all Browns fault!!

    Then, come the election, the UK lurches towards the old Etonians and we start crying when the axe is brought out and we lose even more wealth and prosperity. WTF did people expect?

    The tories are responsible for looking after the top 10% of the population, always have been and always will be and how the average middle incomers can vote for them is beyond me.

    Thatcher was responsible for the biggest breakdown in community spirit of the 20th century because of the way she attacked the very people who sustained most of the economy. She should be burnt at the stake never mind buried by the state.


  15. The Other Steve

    Who closed the mines ?

    Scargill and his ill considered attempt to bring down the government of the day by means other than democracy. That's who closed the fucking mines.

    I don't have much love for old Maggie, to my mind she was the embodiment of the horrible pseudo Victorian morality and creeping authoritarianism of middle England. She had a lot of time for Mary Whitehouse*, for instance.

    But I'm afraid that the closure of the mines and various assorted industrial wastage can't be blamed on her. And lest we forget, she won three elections, so let's not pretend that was universally unpopular.

    *I knew MW when she was alive, she was a complete bitch, and she absolutely fucking hated children. True.

    1. Mickey Finn

      She had her faults

      For instance she did not like to be beaten, so attacks by Scargill, Galtieri, or the IRA were like an invitation for her to bare her teeth, however she frequently threw the baby out with the bathwater in her zeal to overcome.

      However, there were more subtle enemies, like the teacher training colleges that were infested with marxists just dying to get at the kiddies. From reading the majority of the above comments, they look like they have succeeded. Then there was her own back office... The civil service, which conspired against her throughout her eleven years in power. Oh and then there was/is our new anti-democratic and fascist government in Brussels.

      There just wasn't enough time.

      Anyway, I do not think that any of the so-called leaders since 1945 have been any good, they have too much power. Rather than live through the Thatcher regime, I would have much rather have had far less overbearing government throughout that time. Far lower taxes, far less interference from the EEC/EU and more power for the people of this country.

      What we really needed was the death of so-called representative politics, Margaret Thatcher did not represent the people of this country and neither did any of the other politicians or union leaders... They all had/have their own ideological agendas.

      My view is that the only way to stop this sort of crap is for the people of this country to campaign for a "Direct Democracy". This would effectively put the Thatchers, Attlees, Blairs and all the other superstars that bestride our benighted little island back in their unproductive boxes where they belong.

      The most prominent example of a direct democracy is Switzerland. This is a nation made up of a microcosm of European types. It has very little by way of natural resources and yet it is the richest per head nation in Europe and in the world is only surpassed by those that have immense natural resources. Watch them pick up the fallout from the EU's AIFM directives and further destroy the fabric of this country and the enrichment of theirs.

      I reckon that we should have the upper hand in the running of our homeland and politicians should be mere functionaries, there to do our bidding.

      So, to sum up, they are all f**king disasters but Thatcher was less of a disaster than most of the others.

  16. JaitcH

    It's ironic that Thatchers birthday falls on the same day as miners rescued

    Whilst Scargill was deserving of contempt, so was Thatcher, as her actions in using excessive government power reminded us 'Bloody Friday' Glasgow's General Strike of 1919 < >.

    She closed the mines and now the folly of her decision can be seen with the introduction of clean coal usage.

  17. Daniel von Asmuth

    Happy Birthday, Iron Lady!

    I'm sure British miners remember her reign with fondness of hearf. Maybe David Cameron could raise the poll tax to shrink his budget deficit.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      So what?

      The mines were closing anyway, the program was well under way, she just gave it a shove in the right direction. I'm sorry that lots of communities were ruined because of mass unemployment, but this was always going to happen when one industry/factory employs the whole town. People really couldn't see it coming? I mean at the time we all still had coal fires in our homes and travelled behind steam locomotives to work didn't we? No we bloody didn't.... Nostalgia is lovely but you have to move on every now and again. If you genuinely believe that the conservatives sole mission is to screw over the low paid then I'm happy for you to vote for someone else. You're conveniently ignoring the fact that every few years they have to come along and fix the bankrupt state left by successive labour governments. Is telling people the fantasy land they are daydreaming through is unsustainable popular? No it isn't, neither is reducing benefits or increasing the retirement age. Should she be burnt alive as some kind of hate figure, no. Grow up.

      1. The Other Steve

        Slight bit of pedantry

        "I mean at the time we all still had coal fires in our homes "

        Maybe not all, but certainly quite a lot of people did, in fact, still have coal fires in their houses.

        Notably those living in council houses in mining villages, tis true. And miners of course, who got free/subsidised coal. I well remember the NCB lorry coming around the estates to fill the bunkers. Ah, the nostalgia.

        Just sayin'

  18. Alfred 2
    Dead Vulture

    Lost my job ....

    ... and almost lost my home when she was in power directly due to the high interest rate fiasco Lawson pursued.

    I think she did some good things for the country, but the bad - lack of investment in the railways, destroying industry etc etc - outweigh them all.

    Britain could have been so much better ...

  19. Monty Burns

    I find it ironic

    when union leaders talk about management bullying in the press....

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